View Full Version : Fucking politicans try and kill online poker in the USA

10-02-2006, 11:17 AM

Bush to sign bill to prevent Internet gambling
Oct 02 9:27 AM US/Eastern

US President George W. Bush this week is expected to sign a bill making it harder to place bets on the Internet, a practice which already is illegal in the United States.
Bush was expected to act quickly after Congress approved the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act making it illegal for financial institutions and credit card companies to process payments to settle Internet bets. It also created stiff penalties for online wagers.

Billions of dollars are wagered online each year and the United States is considered the biggest market.

"It is extraordinary how many American families have been touched by large losses from Internet gambling," said US Representative Jim Leach, the bill's main sponsor in the House, in a statement after its passage early Saturday.

The bill's chief Senate sponsor was conservative Republican Jon Kyl, who, like Leach, has said he believed Internet gambling was a moral threat. He has called online betting as the Internet version of crack cocaine.

10-03-2006, 07:29 PM
The real reason for this law? So that the pages are not too busy playing poker to answer the congressmen's IMs. :)

10-03-2006, 07:45 PM
In a couple years when the Steve Wynns and Donald Trumps decide they want to get their fingers in the online gambling pie, you can bet online betting will be legalized, heavily taxed and online casino licenses will be really expensive.

There've been grumblings of a crackdown on online gaming for a couple years now and legislation finally got through.

10-03-2006, 10:28 PM
In a couple years when the Steve Wynns and Donald Trumps decide they want to get their fingers in the online gambling pie, you can bet online betting will be legalized, heavily taxed and online casino licenses will be really expensive.

There've been grumblings of a crackdown on online gaming for a couple years now and legislation finally got through.

The bastards had to attach it to an unrelated defense bill.

10-03-2006, 10:51 PM
Well until it does im still gonna promote it thennnnn when it comes time to find a new host then ill promote more pornnn :okthumb:

10-04-2006, 12:08 PM
The bastards had to attach it to an unrelated defense bill.

yeah, it's dirty the way they got it through
it's not much different than other thigns they wanted to get rid of...do it slowly and use a domino effect...kind of what they've done with smoking laws

10-04-2006, 09:51 PM
Well its offical fellas!! i gotta give up my gambleing domain......well the brightside being i can promote more porn.da bad side is the goverment unjustly won!!!....againnn:( :(