View Full Version : Jordan Capri Hoax or Not

10-01-2006, 11:35 PM
Hey Yo --

Its survey time again.

Reading all they hype poor little Jordan Carpi who this time last year had found God seems to have lost her honeymoon tape .

Dont worry though --- its easily found on the net.

So what do you think?

10-02-2006, 12:59 AM
he fucked up with all the pretend shock and outrage, explaining and defending her etc. anyone that deals with models day in and day out, knows how flaky they are. he has commented continually in the past on their flakiness, has had this particular model flake out and find god and leave the biz (also probably a planned event since he often boasted about how much unreleased content he had of each model - so it would have been nothing for her to "leave" for 6 mo's) and THEN claimes to be shocked at the behavior of an already proven to be flaky model either is losing their mind, or are not being totally honest.

all he had to do was say "its her, we are trying to stop the circulation of the video" - once he kept explaining, posting her explanations etc... he pretty much made it clear that its not real and some poorly executed marketing ploy.

10-02-2006, 08:16 AM
The thing I never really understood about companies relationships with single models is why any model would agree to allow the company to complile 2 years of content so that when at some point that model didn't want to continue in the business anymore (finding religion, getting married, family finding out), she couldn't just quit. Hopefully they're all smart enough to realize that any content that is already on the net is there forever, but continuing to be promoted actively for 2 years after they decide to quit must suck.

10-02-2006, 08:40 AM
Hammer, the answer is simple. Most of these girls don't have the life or business experience to see beyond the $$$ and consider the "what if's".

I doubt they really understand that a backlog of content is being built up. They just show up for shoots, answer fan email, write in their journal, do their live shows, etc.

It's only when something in their life changes that they start thinking beyond next week.

10-02-2006, 09:14 AM
I agree with you Toby, but for a company to not disclose that they are stockpiling content so they have enough for 2 years of updates after the model quits supporting the site is pretty underhanded. Of course, that sort of describes most of the companies in this business anyway, I guess.

Frankly, I think any man that exploits teenage girls like Steve does, knowing that they're hardly old enough or experienced in life enough to realize what they're doing, is pretty low.

10-02-2006, 09:52 AM
I agree with you Toby, but for a company to not disclose that they are stockpiling content so they have enough for 2 years of updates after the model quits supporting the site is pretty underhanded. Of course, that sort of describes most of the companies in this business anyway, I guess.

Frankly, I think any man that exploits teenage girls like Steve does, knowing that they're hardly old enough or experienced in life enough to realize what they're doing, is pretty low.

So heres the deal ....

At least looking at it from the other side of the table.

Every model that Ive personally tried to shoot over an extended period of time ends up flaking out.

They got a "real job", they dont want their sorority sisters to see it or even in some cases they think they know how to do it better than you do.

Investment in any solo girl site is expensive unless you are just hiring her out for a few weeks and shooting all day/every day.

You have to pay for the location [in some cases], you have to buy outfits, you have to pay for meals and refreshments, etc etc. It does add up.

Then you have to spend time [which in my case is even more expensive] on capturing and editing video, selecting photos to be made webready, developing a character/personality that goes behind a site, planning the rollout of each set and video.

Time and money.

And in its a roll of a dice if a solo girl site with no hardcore will sell at all in a time when excess and extreme rules.

Anyone attempting to do a solo girl site should be stockpliing content if they have any business sense.

That being said.

If your going to flip the site from softcore to hardcore I dont think its very effective when your model claims to have quit the year before becasue she found God.... then her housesitter was rummaging thru her computer, found a honeymoon video, [who shot it?] , and knew enough to copy it and then turn around and post it on Youtube.

I call bullshit.

Punctuate that with a statement from Steve Lightspeed saying now they are considering releasing it for profit.

Just admit you wanted to flip the site hardcore and be done.

10-02-2006, 09:56 AM
I smell bullshit too and I fully agree with the stockpiling part and have recommended many times that anyone starting a single model site would be smart to do so, because sooner or later that model is probably going to flake out and if the site has become successful at that point and you don't have enough content to keep updating for a while, you just got screwed. However, not disclosing that to the model seems unethical to me somehow.

10-02-2006, 10:03 AM
I smell bullshit too and I fully agree with the stockpiling part and have recommended many times that anyone starting a single model site would be smart to do so, because sooner or later that model is probably going to flake out and if the site has become successful at that point and you don't have enough content to keep updating for a while, you just got screwed. However, not disclosing that to the model seems unethical to me somehow.

Sounds like a topic for Hammer Uncut to me!

10-02-2006, 10:56 AM

10-02-2006, 11:08 AM
The thing I never really understood about companies relationships with single models is why any model would agree to allow the company to complile 2 years of content so that when at some point that model didn't want to continue in the business anymore (finding religion, getting married, family finding out), she couldn't just quit. Hopefully they're all smart enough to realize that any content that is already on the net is there forever, but continuing to be promoted actively for 2 years after they decide to quit must suck.

its not hard to understand.... try to follow this. its really simple. they do a job, they get paid for it... and get paid well. for most of them their alternatives are flipping burgers, sucking cock or pole dancing so lets not pretend we are talking about future Nobel Prize winners who might one day cure cancer.

we are talking about painfully irresponsible girls who live from hand to mouth and can't imagine what next week will bring... much less 2 years. its their characters and personality traits that put them where they are, doing what they do... not financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances. if you think thats going to somehow magically change at 20 years old, then you should finally admit that you don't get it and quit life.

saying that Steve takes advantage of them is pure idiocy. taking someone with average looks, average or below average IQ and the general earning potential of a dead racoon and paying them 7500-12,500 a month is hardly "exploitation". thats like saying you are exploiting homeless people by giving them food and a high paying job. idiot.

its like you wake up everyday and try to be dumber than the day before. at first i just thought you just simply weren't that bright, now i am beginning to wonder how you do it. it has to be tough. especially since you run the risk of accidentally saying something thats not competely idiotic on accident... yet never do.

10-02-2006, 11:22 AM
Once you're 18 the hard truth is you are able to enter into contratcs and when you do so you need to know what's in them. Period.

10-02-2006, 03:59 PM
saying that Steve takes advantage of them is pure idiocy. taking someone with average looks, average or below average IQ and the general earning potential of a dead racoon and paying them 7500-12,500 a month is hardly "exploitation". thats like saying you are exploiting homeless people by giving them food and a high paying job. idiot.
I'm thinking it's possible to disagree with me without calling me an idiot, but maybe you're such good buddies with Steve that you became incensed when you read my opinion and momentarily lost your mind.

Frankly, if an idiotic statement was made so far in this thread, it was comparing young girls that should be in college or looking for Mr. Right, to homeless people. D'oh! And none of his girls are as dumb as a racoon. They're pretty dumb, because they fell for his schtick, but certainly further along the IQ ladder than a racoon.

He exploits young impressionable, immature and inexperienced girls and that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

And yes, Gonzo, you're right, it just got added to the list.

10-02-2006, 04:38 PM
He exploits young impressionable, immature and inexperienced girls and that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Um, that's the porn business in a nutshell.

Do you REALLY think all of these youg girls are stripping down and sucking off a bunch of old guys because they think sex is wonderful and healthy and really enjoy doing it? They are doing it for the money. Period. I know there are those out there that think all of these 18-21 year old girls just love getting naked for crusty old jerk off porn surfers. If they were doing it just for the sexual thrill, they would be doing it for free.

10-02-2006, 05:23 PM
Um, that's the porn business in a nutshell.
ummmm.... no, it's the teen porn business in a nutshell.

10-02-2006, 05:25 PM
I agree with you Toby, but for a company to not disclose that they are stockpiling content so they have enough for 2 years of updates after the model quits supporting the site is pretty underhanded. Of course, that sort of describes most of the companies in this business anyway, I guess.

Frankly, I think any man that exploits teenage girls like Steve does, knowing that they're hardly old enough or experienced in life enough to realize what they're doing, is pretty low.

You completely proved with this post that you know nothing about Steve Lightspeed, the way he treats his models, or the way he does business. All Steve's girls are extremely well taken care of, well provided for and not exploited in any way. In fact, I don't think I've ever met someone more protective of his girls than Steve. Of course he would stockpile content, any person with half a brain and a solo girl site would do the same. It's called planning for contingencies and it's good business. Imagine not having an update because a model had a period, or had to have surgery, or had any number of things happen? It only makes sense.

Not to mention, most of Steve's girls have been with him for YEARS, they are his friends and he has a strong sense of loyalty. I've seen lots of solo girl site owners who have eventually forced their models to hardcore, Steve has NEVER forced his girls to do anything they didn't want, even when he would have made ridiculous amounts of money if he did.

10-02-2006, 05:36 PM
Actually Lady Mischief, you don't have a clue what I know.

What you proved is that you have a comprehension problem because I said I understand the need to stockpile. I also said it seemed the ethical thing to do in that case was to inform the model before they entered into an agreement with you.

If I enter into an agreement with a model knowing full well that there's a possibility she may have remorse later, get married to a guy that doesn't want his wife on a porn site, find religion, or whatever, it would be ethical of me to inform her that I intended to stockpile content so that in the event she did decide to pull out before the end of the contract, I would keep the website running for another two years.

10-02-2006, 05:56 PM
I love the smell of debate!

10-02-2006, 06:27 PM
Actually Lady Mischief, you don't have a clue what I know.

What you proved is that you have a comprehension problem because I said I understand the need to stockpile. I also said it seemed the ethical thing to do in that case was to inform the model before they entered into an agreement with you.

If I enter into an agreement with a model knowing full well that there's a possibility she may have remorse later, get married to a guy that doesn't want his wife on a porn site, find religion, or whatever, it would be ethical of me to inform her that I intended to stockpile content so that in the event she did decide to pull out before the end of the contract, I would keep the website running for another two years.

My bad, but I still strongly disagree that Steve takes advantage of his girls.. He put more than one of them through college, facilitated them owning their own homes and whatnot... He has been more than generous to them over the years.

10-02-2006, 11:53 PM
I'm thinking it's possible to disagree with me without calling me an idiot, but maybe you're such good buddies with Steve that you became incensed when you read my opinion and momentarily lost your mind.

Frankly, if an idiotic statement was made so far in this thread, it was comparing young girls that should be in college or looking for Mr. Right, to homeless people. D'oh! And none of his girls are as dumb as a racoon. They're pretty dumb, because they fell for his schtick, but certainly further along the IQ ladder than a racoon.

He exploits young impressionable, immature and inexperienced girls and that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

And yes, Gonzo, you're right, it just got added to the list.

dude... whats wrong with you? now you are saying all the girls are dumb? are you fucking high? tawnie and others made more than you ever made in your life without even taking their panties off.




10-03-2006, 03:46 PM
Anyone accusing Steve of unfairly treating his girls doesn't know Steve. Anyone paying the least attention to that program knows there is no one else in this biz who has had more success in managing solo girl sites than he has, and there's a reason for that.

Lady M nailed it dead nuts on.

Mike AI
10-03-2006, 04:59 PM
Anyone accusing Steve of unfairly treating his girls doesn't know Steve. Anyone paying the least attention to that program knows there is no one else in this biz who has had more success in managing solo girl sites than he has, and there's a reason for that.

Lady M nailed it dead nuts on.

No one eh?

10-03-2006, 05:01 PM
No one eh?

Newbies these days... they forget history.

10-03-2006, 05:52 PM
No one eh?
Some have had as much success.... but more?

When I say "success" I'm not talking income in this instance.... I'm referring to success rate as far as management and handling of girls goes, and not having a high % of girls crapping out on you, quitting, going their own way etc.

Newbies these days

1998 not 0lde skewl enuff 4 u? :-pearl:

10-03-2006, 06:01 PM
1998 not 0lde skewl enuff 4 u? :-pearl:

5 years later....
Class of '93

10-03-2006, 06:03 PM
5 years later....
Class of '93
You just da man, man.

Newsflash: it's almost 2007. It's okay to let the pre-2000 guys off the newb hook. :yowsa:

10-03-2006, 06:07 PM
You just da man, man.

Newsflash: it's almost 2007. It's okay to let the pre-2000 guys off the newb hook. :yowsa:

Thanks for the news flash.

I do remember you over here pissing on my head when you thought it was cool and I was a newbie.

Funny how it turned out to be neither.

10-03-2006, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the news flash.

I do remember you over here pissing on my head when you thought it was cool and I was a newbie.

Funny how it turned out to be neither.
Funny, I have a pretty good memory and I can't recall "pissing on your head" at all.

Show me.

I think your old sk00l head has me confused with someone else, dude. As a matter of fact I wasn't aware you and i had issues at all.

Obviously I need to rethink that, or is there more you'd like to add? I'm all ears.

10-03-2006, 08:06 PM
Funny, I have a pretty good memory and I can't recall "pissing on your head" at all.

Show me.

I think your old sk00l head has me confused with someone else, dude. As a matter of fact I wasn't aware you and i had issues at all.

Obviously I need to rethink that, or is there more you'd like to add? I'm all ears.

Use this thread as an appetizer.

10-03-2006, 08:42 PM
Use this thread as an appetizer.
Yeah, so? What's wrong with that thread?

Other than that rhetorical person having a stick up his ass I'd say that was all in good fun, wouldn't you?

Where did I take a piss at you Gonzo?

I may as well add here that I have never taken a serious piss shot at anyone who didn't have it coming in spades. But for me that is a rare thing, I'd say over 90% of my overall posts are done in my brand of light humor.

Not everyone gets it though.

10-03-2006, 09:23 PM
Not everyone gets it though.

I must be low on Geritol.

But Im certain I get what your all about now.:bulb2:

10-03-2006, 09:39 PM
I must be low on Geritol.

But Im certain I get what your all about now.:bulb2:
One can only hope so.

Shoot me an ICQ anytime if you again have, you know... thoughts. :yowsa:

Or if you need a good link to a Geritol broker.