View Full Version : Rape Down Becasue Porn Use is UP!!!

09-24-2006, 03:41 AM
Everyone keep doing your part!
A recent study by Anthony D’Amato, a Leighton Professor of Law at Northwestern University, argued that the increase of pornography has lead to a decline in rape across the United States.

D’Amato compiled data from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for a research paper series he called “Porn Up Rape Down.” In a recent interview, D’Amato told alternative news website, The Raw Story, “Critics argue that exposure to depictions of violence causes violent behavior. They say that rape is just a subcategory of this principle. They couldn’t be more mistaken.

“Exposure to violent movies, TV programs, or video games has NOT produced more social violence. It has produced the opposite. The amount of social violence per capita in the year 1900 when street gangs attacked pedestrians and murders were common far exceeds the incidence of violence today. Sure, there is violent behavior, but when it happens it makes headlines. Back then it happened so often that it wasn’t newsworthy.”