View Full Version : Tom Hymes Quits FSC

09-11-2006, 02:46 AM
CHATSWORTH, Calif. - The Free Speech Coalition announced today that Communications Director Tom Hymes has stepped down to pursue other opportunities. He will continue to assist FSC in various ways, but until a replacement is found all official Communications Department responsibilities will be carried out by Executive Director Michelle Freridge and the department heads, Legislative Affairs Director Kat Sunlove and Director of Membership and Services, Scott Lowther.
Wonder what the fuck is going on over there? Thats #2 resignation.


09-11-2006, 08:08 AM
There' no money in defending free speech.

09-11-2006, 08:20 AM
There' no money in defending free speech.

I think thats the bottom line on both resignations.

09-12-2006, 12:25 AM
After a decade or so in the corporate world here is what I read whenever I see these type announcements:

The Free Speech Coalition announced today that Communications Director Tom Hymes has stepped down to pursue other opportunities.
DECODED: He is SOO fuckin fired!

He will continue to assist FSC in various ways, but until a replacement is found all official Communications Department responsibilities will be carried out by Executive Director Michelle Freridge and the department heads, Legislative Affairs Director Kat Sunlove and Director of Membership and Services, Scott Lowther.
DECODED: We paid him a lot of money to keep his mouth shut about being fired.

“It has been an absolute privilege to work for FSC for the past year,” said Hymes. “I am so proud of what we have accomplished during this tumultuous time for the industry. I have nothing but respect for my colleagues at FSC, and for the many members of the adult community who have stepped up to assist us.
DECODED: I hate these motherfuckers so much but I have to keep my mouth shut or the villa in Costa Rica is gone.

"I remain 100% dedicated to the mission of FSC, and have made clear to Michelle and the Board that I will continue to help in any way I can, for as long as I can."
DECODED: I will remain quiet. ... until I find a new job.

"Tom's insight into the online segment of the industry helped FSC reach out to and improve our services for webmasters and many other online members," Freridge said. "After only 14 months of hard work, Tom leaves FSC with a legacy of industry respect and confidence in this trade association that is well deserved."
DECODED: Tom will be blamed for all of the ill will and bad PR from the past 14 months directed at the FSC. Stay tuned the next few weeks for our next fundraiser asking yet again for lots of money while providing so little in return to our members.


09-12-2006, 12:42 AM
After a decade or so in the corporate world here is what I read whenever I see these type announcements:

DECODED: He is SOO fuckin fired!

DECODED: We paid him a lot of money to keep his mouth shut about being fired.

DECODED: I hate these motherfuckers so much but I have to keep my mouth shut or the villa in Costa Rica is gone.

DECODED: I will remain quiet. ... until I find a new job.

DECODED: Tom will be blamed for all of the ill will and bad PR from the past 14 months directed at the FSC. Stay tuned the next few weeks for our next fundraiser asking yet again for lots of money while providing so little in return to our members.


You know they flat out lied about the 2nd party content producer and being protected.

09-12-2006, 08:31 AM
Venturi may be right and even if he isn't, it was a funny post.

Gonzo, I agree, they sure did a good job of making it hard to find anyway.

I still know some attorneys that don't believe that the FSC's injunction only protects FSC members. I remember when Eric Bernstein used to say the same thing but I noticed he changed his tune at Cybernet.

09-12-2006, 10:03 AM
Venturi may be right and even if he isn't, it was a funny post.

Gonzo, I agree, they sure did a good job of making it hard to find anyway.

I still know some attorneys that don't believe that the FSC's injunction only protects FSC members. I remember when Eric Bernstein used to say the same thing but I noticed he changed his tune at Cybernet.

My guess is that the surplus money has run out.

It certainly didnt help with the lies and misinformation they spread during the begining of the 2257 scare.

Honestly. I havent seen very much out of them. A newsletter here and there ... they are very visable at the shows which is pretty much a membership drive. I will say that the panels I have attended over the last 2 years have been interesting but still ... misinformation prevailed to their benefit.

And whats with all these parties on the west coast advertising golf and drinks with the stars? I dont know what that has to do with fighting for free speech... oh thats right.... fundraising.

I would invite anyone from the FSC to give their input here but I fear they are pandering to the sig whore at the Zoo.

Hammer you were there when we were talking to Jim Manley and I know you were supposed to talk to him further.

What has the FSC done to help him out?

I know he and Ray have retained Larry Walters and are raising funds themselves. I dont think Ive seen the organization do much for either of them.

Have you?

09-12-2006, 10:22 AM
Hey Gonzo, im working on the new rayguhndefensefund site as we speak hopefully will have it up and running this week. As far as the FSC they have not contacted me personally to discuss my case or any of the particulars, not sure what they plan on doing to help me or ray or the case. I guess Larry who is representing Ray might have more information.


09-12-2006, 10:30 AM
Hey Gonzo, im working on the new rayguhndefensefund site as we speak hopefully will have it up and running this week. As far as the FSC they have not contacted me personally to discuss my case or any of the particulars, not sure what they plan on doing to help me or ray or the case. I guess Larry who is representing Ray might have more information.

Thats not worth shit then.

If they dont protect secondary producers nor do they aid a primary producer... Im curious what they are doing with the money.

I guess I will take the money they keep soliciting me for to renew my membership and put it directly in your defense fund. I know you wont be sponsoring any celebrity parties or golfing events.

I encourage everyone that was considering joining or renwing with the FSC to do the same.

At least we know what Jim will be doing with the money.

The result from this case will impact all of us that shoot content outside of California.

For best or worse!

09-12-2006, 12:24 PM
I'm thinking that since Jim was only the affiliate manager and not a producer that he should be considered a secondary producer by the FSC. :whistling

Now that 4472 has lumped us all together and there is no longer such a thing as a 'secondary producer' what is the FSC's criteria. They protect webmasters that did not actually produce the content but not webmasters that did produce their own content? And what if you produce some of your own content but also use purchased content. Are you protected for the purchased stuff but not the stuff you produced?

09-18-2006, 10:15 AM
Mike South (http://www.mikesouth.com/index.htm) says the FSC isnt to happy with us ... Venturi they are especially displeased with YOU!

A Few Porners Were Unhappy With My Tom Hymes Bit Yesterday:
First of all I didn't write it, I cut and pasted it from Oprano because its FUNNY
I think the author wrote it at least partially tongue in cheek but this does beg the question Why is the FSC so concerned over this bit...maybe it hits a bit too close to home? And if you think that was bad read the rest of the thread (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=48114)...The FSC isnt highly thought of in the webmaster community....whose fault is THAT?
FSC get a clue!