View Full Version : Mike South On Steve Irwin

09-05-2006, 05:06 PM
Fucking With Animals:
I am rather appalled at the outpouring of concern over this Steve Irwin character, yes he was likeable but truth is he was a moron who was doing a disservice to the world and I am amazed he lived as long as he did.
You see I am a true nature lover, an outdoorsman and someone who understands animals.

In nature, and that includes underwater as well as on land you are one of three things at any given moment. You are predator, or you are prey or you are irrelevant. Many larger animals like stingrays, manatees, porpoises and the like have few if any natural predators, to them a human is just another animal so long as it isnt acting in a threatening manner. They simply prefer to just keep a safe distance.

A few animals will intentionally stalk and kill a human, crocodiles, some sharks under the right circumstances and polar bears.

Animals dont have feelings, they don't have compassion and they don't want to be cuddled or loved or ridden. Outside of domesticated animals all animals see any attempt at contact as an immediate threat.

They do understand sex, hunger and fear and they will kill in response to the last two, mother nature has given them a myriad of way to protect themselves and every single one will do so when it feels fear.

Mr Irwin was guilty of being a threat and he got what was long overdue. But moreso than that he was guilty of being stupid and of projecting human qualities onto animals and in doing so to lure idiots all over the world into believing that most of the world around them is filled with animals that are perfectly fine with human contact. A sort of world filled with stuffed animals that you can touch and ride and cuddle with.

That ain't how it works.

Your dog or cat only tolerates your contact because in years of domestication it now fully depends on you, it is no longer a part of nature but is your slave. It cannot live without you.

As a lifelong outdoorsman and avid sportsman I grew up understanding these things and as a predator I never take what I do not use and everything else, I leave alone. If you go into the woods or the water remember your place. Look, don't touch.

If you need to feel superior to an animal by riding it or touching it go home to your horse or your dog, otherwise just observe and learn and leave only your footprints.

If you hug a crocodile, or a stingray or shark or whatever and you end up dead...don't expect me to feel sorry for you, had I been that stingray I'd have killed the dumb mother fucker too.


09-05-2006, 06:20 PM
You've got to hand it to him, he's hit the nail on the head... Irwin was lucky to make it this far in life.


09-05-2006, 06:23 PM
apparently most of the people on the lesser webmaster board do not share your opinion that I hit the nail on the head


09-05-2006, 06:36 PM
apparently most of the people on the lesser webmaster board do not share your opinion that I hit the nail on the head


he made a living out of tempting fate. you can only do that for so long. i dont think anyone that juggles knives for a living deserves sympathy for killing themselves while doing it. i dont think the inevitable occuring is "a tragedy". but... what do i know? i have been accused of being cynical before.

09-05-2006, 06:39 PM
apparently most of the people on the lesser webmaster board do not share your opinion that I hit the nail on the head

I heard on the tv in the background yesterday that he'd been killed, I turned and said to Toni (my wife) that it's been 20+ years of lucky escapes, she agreed...

Fuck with the wild and you will die...

09-05-2006, 06:40 PM
he made a living out of tempting fate. you can only do that for so long. i dont think anyone that juggles knives for a living deserves sympathy for killing themselves while doing it. i dont think the inevitable occuring is "a tragedy". but... what do i know? i have been accused of being cynical before.
No, I think you are yet again - right!

09-05-2006, 06:53 PM
So Mike, why don't you give his widow and his two small children a call and tell them that their husband and father was a fool and got what he deserved, asshole.

09-05-2006, 08:44 PM
Fuck with the wild and you will die...It's not as if Irwin was bringing harm to these animals. The man was one of the greatest conservationalists EVER and his objective was to teach us all about the beauty and danger of the wildlife he interacted with.

09-05-2006, 08:45 PM
apparently most of the people on the lesser webmaster board do not share your opinion that I hit the nail on the head
They must be smarter than they look.

09-05-2006, 09:13 PM
So Mike, why don't you give his widow and his two small children a call and tell them that their husband and father was a fool and got what he deserved, asshole.

how about we send his widow a message saying "at least now he wont be able to dangle your child in front of a hungry crocodile again"?

09-05-2006, 11:50 PM
So Mike, why don't you give his widow and his two small children a call and tell them that their husband and father was a fool and got what he deserved, asshole.
:okthumb: :okthumb:

and to add this little note... Steve Irwin did not 'dangle his child' over a croc. I saw the footage, he held 'baby Bob' in his arms, close to his chest while he feed an old croc who had already eaten several chickens prior to Bob being brought out into the pen. There was a large number of people there specifically in case they were needed and while I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Steve Irwin when he was fucking with venomous snakes. I would trust his judgment when it came to safety around crocs any day. Arguably he was the most experienced person on the planet when it came to large reptiles.


09-06-2006, 12:36 AM
:okthumb: :okthumb:

and to add this little note... Steve Irwin did not 'dangle his child' over a croc. I saw the footage, he held 'baby Bob' in his arms, close to his chest while he feed an old croc who had already eaten several chickens prior to Bob being brought out into the pen. There was a large number of people there specifically in case they were needed and while I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Steve Irwin when he was fucking with venomous snakes. I would trust his judgment when it came to safety around crocs any day. Arguably he was the most experienced person on the planet when it came to large reptiles.


your right. what normal parent wouldn't jump at the chance to take their infant child into an enclosed area with meat eating predators and toss them meat while they lunge at you?

normal. totally normal parental behavior.

HELLO!! experience? huh?
thats one of the dumbest things anyone could say about things to do with a baby.

i am an experienced motorcyclist with an 06' hayabusa (worlds fastest production bike) - wanna know why don't i take infants along for rides? well... hate to point out the obvious, but shit happens. plain and simple. shit happens. the second i do it, i put that infant at risk. unnecessary risk. unnecessary risk with lethal consequences. and what normal person would willingly do that?

please feel free to trust your kids wiht the worlds most experienced heroin addicts. i'm sure they'll be fine. as for myself, i would opt for a little descretion and concern for the safety and wellbeing of the child. thats what any parent would do. hell.. its ingrained in your own genetic programming.

09-06-2006, 12:40 AM
here's some animal trivia:

which one of these world reknown experts on tigers is missing 1/2 a face?

another trivia question:

how many "cute, cuddly monkeys" did it take to kill world reknown primate specialist Jane Goodall?

Remember "Born Free" - the show about the woman who devoted her life to studying the lions... the lions that eventually attacked her one day and ate her... because... BECAUSE THATS WHAT FUCKING ANIMALS DO

09-06-2006, 02:20 AM
One thing for sure this topic has proven way more entertaining to me than Steve Irwin ever was...go figure...

09-06-2006, 07:31 AM
I'm tempting fate more than Irwin did everytime I get in my car and drive (especially on 2 lane twisty back roads) but I still want people to be sad and mourn me and say WONDERFUL things (even if they're lies) about me when I'm gone :(

Just an FYI, I have a living will, but if I'm a veggie, someone PLEASE make sure my family pulls the plug!!! :okthumb:

09-06-2006, 09:14 AM
People like Steve Irwin do a great service to the animals of the world.

When I take my daughter's to the zoo, I feel bad for the animals in the cages, but when I get home and my girls get on the computer and start to learn about the animals they saw and want to raise money to protect endangered species, it all makes sense to me.

By the way, anyone that would say that his wrestling a croc is animal cruelty is nuts.

p.s. A woman was attacked and killed by a gator here in Central Florida a couple of months ago. She was jogging on a path near a river. She didn't poke the gator in the eye or try to wrestle it, it attacked her. Not for food either, just for fun.

09-06-2006, 09:16 AM
My apologies to Mike for the 'asshole' comment, it was out of line. I got steamed when I read the post and lost my usual professional cool.

09-06-2006, 10:13 AM
I don't usually post, I lurk and then express my opinion to my husband but this really got next to me for some reason.

No one deserves to die for swimming in the ocean. Ted Bundy deserved to die. Tim McVeigh deserved to die. Steve Irwin wasn't a terrible human being, he was doing something that he loved and was trying to educate the world. Right, wrong, crazy it makes no difference. To say he got what he deserved is just cruel and insensitive. That is like saying-You deserved to get hit by that speeding car, you work for DOT. Ridiculous.

The family is the first thing that came to my mind, now 2 children have no dad. A little compassion for them would have been nice, you don't have to mourn Steve Irwins passing but don't say he deserved what he got.

09-06-2006, 11:38 AM
I don't usually post, I lurk and then express my opinion to my husband but this really got next to me for some reason.

No one deserves to die for swimming in the ocean. Ted Bundy deserved to die. Tim McVeigh deserved to die. Steve Irwin wasn't a terrible human being, he was doing something that he loved and was trying to educate the world. Right, wrong, crazy it makes no difference. To say he got what he deserved is just cruel and insensitive. That is like saying-You deserved to get hit by that speeding car, you work for DOT. Ridiculous.

The family is the first thing that came to my mind, now 2 children have no dad. A little compassion for them would have been nice, you don't have to mourn Steve Irwins passing but don't say he deserved what he got.
much better said then my attempt Carly :) Thank you for posting it


09-06-2006, 12:01 PM
I don't usually post, I lurk and then express my opinion to my husband but this really got next to me for some reason.

No one deserves to die for swimming in the ocean.

no one thinks he "deserved" to die.

most seem to think that it was enevitable.

he wasn't "just swimming in the ocean" - he was standing in the middle of 10 poisonous rays, made a move for the biggest one and it killed him.

shouldn't come as a shocker to ANYONE.

if it was anyone else doing something similar, they would get a Darwin Award.

a $5.00 crack whore with a heroin needle broke off in her arm, has just as good a chance at predicting the behavior of a dangerous fish as he does. thats why common sense, instinct and everyones innate general sense of self preservation tells you to stay away.

09-06-2006, 01:04 PM
What's funny is the way peeps always "fight" about their opinions about other people who they really don't know and even funnier is how these other people you're arguing over don't know you or what you think. They get paid to do what they do...in Steve's case, he got paid well to tempt fate....it's simply a numbers game. His family will miss him for sure, but I bet they would never had said, "no Steve, don;t go swim with the fishes ;-)...anyway....

09-06-2006, 01:10 PM
he wasn't "just swimming in the ocean" - he was standing in the middle of 10 poisonous rays, made a move for the biggest one and it killed him.

shouldn't come as a shocker to ANYONE.
17 people have been killed by stingrays in recorded history. 21 people died this weekend on the roads of GA. Yes, it IS a shocker that he was killed by a stingray, IMO.

09-06-2006, 01:14 PM
Tempting fate:

According to you guys, only idiots would become loggers, cops, firemen, racecar drivers, soldiers....especially if one has kids.

Do you smoke?

tempting fate.....yeah, that's it.....bad Mr. Irwin. :blink:

09-06-2006, 01:58 PM
Tempting fate:

According to you guys, only idiots would become loggers, cops, firemen, racecar drivers, soldiers....especially if one has kids.

Do you smoke?

tempting fate.....yeah, that's it.....bad Mr. Irwin. :blink:

no.... we live in a free world where you are free to tempt fate and do dangerous shit all day long. however, only an idiot would be in complete and total shock that a race car driver got killed doing 200 mph, surrounded by other cars doing 200 mph.

big difference.

do what you want to do. if you want to juggle chainsaws,... please do so. its your right. just don't expect me to break down and cry when you fuck up and get killed doing it.

09-06-2006, 02:01 PM
17 people have been killed by stingrays in recorded history. 21 people died this weekend on the roads of GA. Yes, it IS a shocker that he was killed by a stingray, IMO.

i dont think its a shocker that a guy famous for doing over the top stuff with dangerous animals, finally got killed by doing over the top stuff with dangerous animals.

stats are irrelevant since a safe guess is that 16 of those people (and most people in general for that matter) didn't seek them out, proudly stand in the middle of them, enthusiastically jumping around, yelling out cute Aussi catch phrases, talking about how dangerous they are as they try to get close to the biggest one.


09-06-2006, 02:11 PM
My apologies to Mike for the 'asshole' comment, it was out of line. I got steamed when I read the post and lost my usual professional cool.

No worries Hammer...I been called a lot worse and in truth I can be an asshole and maybe I am on this one. It's OK I can cop to that.

I like to write or speak and make people think about things...or get them passionate.

The funny thing is that what I wrote wasn't incorrect and I suspect few would disagree that emulating Steve in the wild is asking for trouble. Remember the line about leaving only your footprints?

The thing everyone got upset with was because I referred to a dead guy as a dumbass, a dumb motherfucker and a moron and said he deserved what he got.

OK lets toss the incendiary labels. I have seen the mans show I have seen and read interviews with him and he has been bitten, stung, attacked, kicked and everything else many times and he always said he deserved it, so I doubt even Steve would disagree that he deserved what he got...I don't claim to speak for the man but he has generally done enough of it on his own.

09-06-2006, 02:20 PM
17 people have been killed by stingrays in recorded history. 21 people died this weekend on the roads of GA. Yes, it IS a shocker that he was killed by a stingray, IMO.
This brings something to mind isn't it funny how numb we are to auto deaths. When some big holiday weekend comes up,the news will say this weekend an estimated 200 people will die in auto accidents and most people instead of being shocked will say thats about right.
Also Mike likes to stir the pot so I wouldn't get to worked about what he says. Steve Irwin lived his life on his terms and for filled his dreams. How many people can say that?
They had on the news someone from the discovery channel and he said viewers want highly interactive animal programs. No one wants to watch animals from a distance. Its just like porn we all know condoms are best for safety but thats not what the viewers want.So we let unsafe practices happen.Are we really any different from Steve?

09-07-2006, 03:59 PM
Animals dont have feelings, they don't have compassion

While I have very little argument with MS's post I feel that I have to point out that the quote I pasted abve is quite beyond arrogant.

To say that animals have no feelings and then in the next paragraph say that they act out of fear is an oxymoron.

Anger, fear, happiness, sadness and even compassion are all emotions that many animals display.

I have observed wild animals using logic (not instinct, logic) to solve problems. To claim that they do not have feelings and that seeing feelings in animals is "humanizing" them is a misnomer.

We are animals. To expect that we experience things differently than other animals is to place us in some higher order and is the basis of most religion and most of the illogical, cruel things that are done to other species by our own.

09-07-2006, 04:06 PM
While I have very little argument with MS's post I feel that I have to point out that the quote I pasted abve is quite beyond arrogant.

To say that animals have no feelings and then in the next paragraph say that they act out of fear is an oxymoron.

Anger, fear, happiness, sadness and even compassion are all emotions that many animals display.

I have observed wild animals using logic (not instinct, logic) to solve problems. To claim that they do not have feelings and that seeing feelings in animals is "humanizing" them is a misnomer.

We are animals. To expect that we experience things differently than other animals is to place us in some higher order and is the basis of most religion and most of the illogical, cruel things that are done to other species by our own.

When my dog is in a happy mood I invite anyone to try convincing him he's really NOT in a happy mood. He'll tear you to shreds. If that ain't a bonified mood swing I don't know what is.

09-07-2006, 04:16 PM
I have observed wild animals using logic (not instinct, logic) to solve problems. To claim that they do not have feelings and that seeing feelings in animals is "humanizing" them is a misnomer.
I was reading in the Smithsonian today about monkeys taking unripe fruit and putting it out in the sun and checking it later. If it hadn't ripened, they didn't eat it. Seems logical to me :)