View Full Version : Part time, long term, well paid work available

09-05-2006, 10:40 AM
I am finalizing the sale of mashups.com and the new owner wants the site to be maintained the way it has been, but I have other projects I want to work on so he's asked me to see if any other webmasters may be interested.

So there's an EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to make good, regular income here...

Basically the job consists of using Google and Yahoo news each day to find two top stories. One about music mashups and one about software mashups. Then extract about 50 words for each. The stories then go here: http://mashups.com/index.htm

The previous top stories are moved to http://mashups.com/software.htm and http://mashups.music.htm - having done that any other stories of interest are placed above them. Generally there are few extra music ones and 2-3 good software ones.

Lastly two links are required. One software mashup of the day (use google and a few other URLs I can provide) and put a software mashup link at http://mashups.com/softmotd.htm - then find a good site about music mashups (plenty of them - again I can supply URLs too) and link to it at http://mashups.com/lotd.htm

This takes me about 2 hours every day - so that's about 14 hours per week. The pay is negotiable with the new owner but I would recommend you try to end up at $250 per week. That would get you $35 per day for about 2 hours work - nice and steady, regular work.

The new owner is a domain speculator and I believe plans to keep the site running and build it up to sell it on. So there would be opportunity to suggest improvements to increase the pay.

But I must stress you will need to commit to uploading every day. No point taking it on if you can't do that.

Please email me at robin at mashups dot com in the first instance and I'll put you in touch.

- Robin.

09-05-2006, 12:04 PM
Email sent!

09-05-2006, 01:36 PM
Shouldn't be hard to write a script that would do the whole thing and he wouldn't need to pay someone.

09-07-2006, 08:41 PM
Shouldn't be hard to write a script that would do the whole thing and he wouldn't need to pay someone.

Unfortunately it's not that easy...

Although it's possible to script adult sites as all you have to do is have a pile of porn pics and links and assemble them differently each day - it's not easy when you are trying to represent the very best in an area of the web your surfers probably know more than you about :)

Every news item is hand selected for being newsworthy out of the 100s of news stories and press releases each week. Then sites have to be reviewed and a screen grab made of the relevant parts.

In the case of something like this, trying to script it would completely kill it. There would be boring press releases making it because of keyword richness - general screen grabs rather than grabs of the right places - awful mashups would be chosen instead of good ones and so on.

There's nothing like crafting a website and seeing the visitor numbers grow because of it. Hard work, but rewarding.