View Full Version : Search Engine Weeds Out Porn

08-28-2006, 12:02 AM
Google, Yahoo! and AOL may be the major players. But now RedZee Search hopes to make its mark by offering a family-friendly search engine.

RedZee Search (http://www.redzee.com/), is a new search engine that filters out pornographic results while delivering accurate relevant searches.
"We are filling the desperate need for a quality search engine that offers clean, yet still accurate results," says John Stewart of ISE Corporation based in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Searches for explicit or pornographic-related words don't have results.
The major search engines allow kids and teens to find anything. That has also created a new avenue for kids and teens to access pornography.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (http://www.missingkids.com/)says every year one out of every five children is sexually solicited online.
One of the more common incidents on the Internet involves children searching for explicit topics that send kids to pornographic web sites.

Pornography is one of the most searched for items.

08-28-2006, 08:23 AM
No one would need this new 'family friendly' search engine if Google was smart enough to put 'parental control' link on their main page that linked to an explanation of how to set the filter. I set the control to max on my daughters' computer and I've tried testing it and can't get a single porn site to come up in the results.

08-28-2006, 12:40 PM
This is scare-tactic bullshit and our industry needs to stop putting up with it.

Do you guys see how they try to link these 2 "factoids" together, as if they are related?

1. The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children says every year one out of every five children is sexually solicited online.

2. One of the more common incidents on the Internet involves children searching for explicit topics that send kids to pornographic web sites.

This article is insinuating that children being sent to pornographic websites increases their chances of being solicited online, somehow. This is another bullshit link between legitimate adult porn and child solicitation.

There's so many special interest groups intent on proving a link there. They dump money into these studies constantly and the more they keep repeating themselves in different ways, the more people will believe them. If you keep scaring the parents, they will keep buying your newspaper.

Our industry needs more trade groups and organizations to team up and conduct our own studies to prove these bullshit links wrong. They have their studies, we need to do ours. If we don't, we're going to keep seeing them promoting these links to the general population.

08-28-2006, 02:36 PM
oh my this is funny!

lets see... i dont have the current % of the searches that are specifically for porn... but it always seems to be the majority of people doing searches are looking to get off on some nastiness...
I welcome this boring ass SE, I applaud it!
this doesnt attack us it arms us.

think about it, now we can say 'hey, if you dont want to see porn on your home computer you can use RedZee Search'

now its up to them, but in reality Dad strokes to the hot teen sites, Mom likes the gang bang interracial sites and junior McHormones there loves to rub one out to the hot MILF action on his 18th birthday. LOL

PORN.. it's good for you :)


08-28-2006, 04:46 PM
It is not the first case of search engine censorship and it will not be the last.

09-06-2006, 08:14 PM
No one would need this new 'family friendly' search engine if Google was smart enough to put 'parental control' link on their main page that linked to an explanation of how to set the filter. I set the control to max on my daughters' computer and I've tried testing it and can't get a single porn site to come up in the results.

It's not that hard to do. If you're accessing the site from within an .edu domain it is automatically put onto SafeSearch (it took me a confused while to figure that out when I was living on campus), and it can be toggled from "advanced search preferences" on the front page.

It's bullshit, I agree, but it's not my bullshit. People that would actually use this SE aren't people who are going to be signing up to my site anyway.

09-06-2006, 10:16 PM
This article is insinuating that children being sent to pornographic websites increases their chances of being solicited online, somehow. This is another bullshit link between legitimate adult porn and child solicitation.

that is how the majority of the outside world sees us

if you are a pornographer you love children to see your sex, you always try and pick them up online when they visit your sites, and you want to take pictures of children having sex


09-07-2006, 12:31 AM
internet business 101 (the short course).

come up with a "noble", "its gonna be the next big thing" idea.
come up with a business plan... but more importantly, a great sales pitch "we're gonna protect the kids" is as good as any
seek venture capital dollars - and sell the "great idea" to people who have no clue about the internet and how it works, much less where traffic comes from and how to monetonize it. this is the perfect place to quote tons of politicians who equate "porn" to "cp" to "exploitation of children" to prove the problem is huge... and the demand for a "solution" is unprecedented.
prompty recieve and burn through $10,000,000.00 in 6 months of someone else's money.
domain is on the dropped list and later gets picked up by some kid for 2.95 because it has a ton of backlinks.

09-07-2006, 12:46 AM
internet business 101 (the short course).

come up with a "noble", "its gonna be the next big thing" idea.
come up with a business plan... but more importantly, a great sales pitch "we're gonna protect the kids" is as good as any
seek venture capital dollars - and sell the "great idea" to people who have no clue about the internet and how it works, much less where traffic comes from and how to monetonize it. this is the perfect place to quote tons of politicians who equate "porn" to "cp" to "exploitation of children" to prove the problem is huge... and the demand for a "solution" is unprecedented.
prompty recieve and burn through $10,000,000.00 in 6 months of someone else's money.
domain is on the dropped list and later gets picked up by some kid for 2.95 because it has a ton of backlinks.


Reformed Porn Lord has found God and seeks to right all previous wrongs