View Full Version : Submit your site in my directory

08-17-2006, 09:18 PM

This is my first post and i hope my message is in the good category.
I have a directory on my new site. Some categories will be added but the categories and urls created now will never changed, so you can add your sites !

The last site added appears on the 4 main pages, the main categories page, and the category page !

My site : http://www.incrediblegalleries.com
My directory : http://www.incrediblegalleries.com/pornsites.htm (http://www.incrediblegalleries.com/pornsites.htm)

Thanks http://boards.xbiz.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

08-17-2006, 09:25 PM
Shades of Am. Index!!!

08-18-2006, 07:40 AM
PR0 and an Alexa of 2.5 million plus. Not a lot of incentive for webmasters to submit.

08-18-2006, 07:54 AM
PR0 because my site is new.
If you know how to have a PR6 at the begining, tell me.
Of course for site with PR6, it's not incentive, but for new sites, for sites with low pr, webmasters can submit. The site will be popular.

08-18-2006, 08:39 AM
I realize it's new and that's why it has a PR0. My point was, what incentive does a webmaster have to sign up for a new linklist with no traffic? You say it will be popular. No offense, but everyone that starts a website hopes it will be popular but 95% of them fail. So, how about telling us what you're doing to generate traffic and make the site popular? Wishing it so, won't work.

08-18-2006, 09:21 AM
well... you know im a new webmaster in US business, but not in X business, i earn money with french sites. This is just a first version and lots of modifications are going to improve the site, so traffic is not the most important today.
Today, my site is new, my pr=0, no traffic. Webmasters who have sites with bad pr can submit their site in my directory.
In few months, if my site is popular, i wont accept sites with bad pr. That's the reason why webmasters who have sites with bad pr have to submit today, and we will increase our pr together.

08-18-2006, 09:36 AM
I never heard of a directory that refused listings based on a site's PR. Surfers that use your site want to see good content and don't care about a site's PR.

08-18-2006, 10:08 AM
Yes it's true, but i dont make a directory just for pleasure. And webmasters don't sumbit sites for pleasure.
I wanted to say that if my site is popular is few months, i will have more restrictions. Small sites wont be accepted, sites with bad pr will be often refused because they are often small sites, but the great new sites with bad pr will be accepted, of course.