View Full Version : No Nick3131 dinner

08-16-2006, 12:16 PM
I had hoped to attend a Nick 3131 dinner at Prime since SIC cash flew him to the show and WEG Cory hooked him up with a show pass. Damn considerate to help a guy get a new job!

Hellpuppy and I let the word be known that we would each contribute $100 toward drinks and desert since Peaches stepped up to pay for his dinner.

He sure did look hungry when I saw him crashng in the lobby in lieu of a room with his dog in tow.But the 3131 dinner wasnt to be.

So instead I have to share this video with you that found its way into my big bag.

My apologies to Afroman ... (http://www.evildesires.com/3131vid.wmv)
wait FUCK Afroman for that lame ass party in Vegas!

08-16-2006, 12:20 PM
Seems some people were singing Nick's praises until it came down to actually be with him :(

08-16-2006, 12:22 PM
Seems some people were singing Nick's praises until it came down to actually be with him :(

I didnt make the video but it doesnt look too flattering.

08-16-2006, 12:28 PM
hahahahahaha I love it.. lol

Lawrence Connor
08-16-2006, 03:47 PM
:scratchin and people regard me like shit in "speculating" whether someone else paid my way

let's see, I wasn't in the cheapest room and stayed 4 nights...

I was buying expensive drinks and eating at restaraunts, etc...

I had several changes of clothes some were nice dress clothes...

and oh that little I gave away $1000 worth of my site's custom T shirts (50)

....someone pays LC's way like that? who? for what? to promote my site? HA!

I saw Nick and said hi to him, and even tried to give him a T shirt
so then he was like trying to act as if he was better than me LOL


08-16-2006, 04:20 PM
:scratchin and people regard me like shit in "speculating" whether someone else paid my way

let's see, I wasn't in the cheapest room and stayed 4 nights...

I was buying expensive drinks and eating at restaraunts, etc...

I had several changes of clothes some were nice dress clothes...

and oh that little I gave away $1000 worth of my site's custom T shirts (50)

....someone pays LC's way like that? who? for what? to promote my site? HA!

I saw Nick and said hi to him, and even tried to give him a T shirt
so then he was like trying to act as if he was better than me LOL


I figured hed take one. Bring his wardrobe up to 3.

08-16-2006, 04:25 PM
Lawrence if there is anything you ever need to promote my sites, just let me know I will gladly recognize you in this industry , and if you send me sales I will make it widely known that you are the real deal. :okthumb:

08-16-2006, 07:03 PM
So, Gonzo, my precious, I have a question and I don't understand. Please don't take this the wrong way, but....

You and Hellpuppy offered to buy 'the 3131' drinks and dessert. Peaches generously offered to buy him dinner.

You saw he was hungry in the lobby... but you didn't take him to dinner either?

That could have ended the speculation that his table manners are less that polite.

08-16-2006, 08:43 PM
I smoked a joint with nick3131 in somebodys room but I forget who it was LOL

I did not know him or of him until that moment in time that he introduced himself to me .

he said he recognized me ass the board asshole from many boards. :)

08-16-2006, 08:56 PM
So, Gonzo, my precious, I have a question and I don't understand. Please don't take this the wrong way, but....

You and Hellpuppy offered to buy 'the 3131' drinks and dessert. Peaches generously offered to buy him dinner.

You saw he was hungry in the lobby... but you didn't take him to dinner either?

That could have ended the speculation that his table manners are less that polite.

Kathi... no I didnt take him to dinner.

As many people have said he was an arrogant asshole in dirty clothes with no room and a starving dog in a carrier.

You know damn good and well that he would have went for my desert and that would have been his ass.

I am guilty as charged ... I didnt want to be seen with him either. However I was willing to spend $100 to watch others deal with the mess.

08-16-2006, 09:38 PM
Gonzo, no harm...no foul and nothing personal intended. You weren't the only one I have asked this of.

I still love ya and "I" now better than to touch a FFN's dessert.

08-17-2006, 08:08 AM
I still love ya and "I" now better than to touch a FFN's dessert.
You're older, you learn faster :whistling

Hell Puppy
08-19-2006, 03:29 AM
Here's my take...

The guy is/was like the JBM mascot. People started picking up things for him to get to Florida to look for a job after he was liberated from SIC.

I dont know for sure, and this is only my opinion, but it looked from where I was sitting that some people were trying to get themselves over and look good. I wont use double talk here, I'm talking about WEG Cory in particular (if you need my contact info to have a lawyer "put me on notice", let me know).

Cory got someone from another company to get Nick a badge and then made a show of it. I'm willing to be wrong about my perception here and Cory's intentions, but I haven't seen him really clarify it himself, so I'm assuming I'm right.

So Peaches offers to buy the guy dinner. Immediately everyone in the thread starts saying "what about drinks?". Ok, fine, I'll kick in $100 for drinks. My offer was sincere. But I did ask for pictures as I admit that I suspected putting the guy in a nice restaurant with drinks was likely to create some entertainment. Big deal, he's been providing his life as entertainment for 2 years.

GonZo is onsite and when I fill him in, he's willing to front the money and kick in another $100 of his own. He had no interest in going to dinner with him, but hey he hasn't been pretending to be the guy's pal either.

Bottom line, of the guys like Cory who want to help or be good to the guy when it makes them look good on the board, none of them would actually step up and spend a couple of hours with the guy at dinner. And FWIW, MFM even offered to pick up the tab of whoever took Nick to the dinner.

08-19-2006, 11:44 AM
i ate at prime one night, and would have covered his bill untill you folks paid me back, but i couldnt find dude once we went

i honestly looked for him.

good fuckin steaks, killer fuckin mushrooms.. but the salt crusted spuds... not so hot

08-19-2006, 01:04 PM
i ate at prime one night, and would have covered his bill untill you folks paid me back, but i couldnt find dude once we went

i honestly looked for him.

good fuckin steaks, killer fuckin mushrooms.. but the salt crusted spuds... not so hot

Joe said where you could find him earlier in this thread.

08-19-2006, 01:19 PM
Joe said where you could find him earlier in this thread.
the room to room weed/3131 hunt... or go enjoy a good steak.

have you seen me?

walking.. vs sitting and eating..


08-19-2006, 01:32 PM
the room to room weed/3131 hunt... or go enjoy a good steak.

have you seen me?

walking.. vs sitting and eating..


yeah the Steaks at prime were much better than the weed being smoked that day anyway man !

08-19-2006, 01:41 PM
the room to room weed/3131 hunt... or go enjoy a good steak.

have you seen me?

walking.. vs sitting and eating..


I saw you for less than 5 minutes. Apparently you wre doing biz too!
But I did notice you had taken my advice.
"Ya gotta eat more to score."

08-19-2006, 04:51 PM
yeah the Steaks at prime were much better than the weed being smoked that day anyway man !

You are making me hungry. Im going to have to organize a

at Prime in Atlanta.

Anyone game?

08-19-2006, 08:12 PM
You are making me hungry. Im going to have to organize a

at Prime in Atlanta.

Anyone game?
you buying?

08-19-2006, 10:26 PM
you buying?

I'll join this party and buy a round of drinks...


Hell Puppy
08-20-2006, 12:22 AM
I'll join this party and buy a round of drinks...


I've never tried Prime in Atlanta (I'm only aware of the one at Lenox?).

But I'm down.

08-20-2006, 12:49 AM
*perk up*

Food? :okthumb:

08-20-2006, 12:51 AM
*perk up*

Food? :okthumb:
You are kidding, right?

08-20-2006, 01:01 AM
You are kidding, right?
You're an idiot, right?

08-20-2006, 01:28 AM
Nothing like a good ole Atlanta eating frenzy, man I wish I had more reasons to come down there more often !!!!

you all are some good people ! Most of you !

( and peaches is even OK in person as long as she is not posting on a board )

06-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Dont worry about being on hold. Worry about making money.


06-06-2008, 02:58 PM