View Full Version : Think Tank - Do You Think VOD Hurts Sales...?

08-15-2006, 10:48 PM
There are some people that think by placing your videos on a Video On Demand system will erode the sales of DVDs as well as negate the joins on a membership site.

Im curious to hear everyones concerns, thoughts and positions on this subject.

08-16-2006, 09:37 AM
This argument can go on for years.

Before I was in the porn business I ran a record label, which is run basically the same way, just with a different commodity. Back then, everyone thought the business was doomed due to mp3's and online music. Shit, alot of people still do think music is doomed because of those things. The truth, however, is that we found out that even if you put mp3's of all your songs on the market for free, people still bought your CD if it was good. The only people who really suffered from having music online was people who could no longer convince the public to buy a collection of 17 songs just because one of them is decent. Now it's becoming more imoportant for artists to make sure the entire collection is good. Basically, there's alot less 'filler' on CD's nowadays.

I think the porn business works the same way. Digital delivery can never replace the benefits and quality of hard DVD product. Not to mention the fact that the VOD crowd and the DVD crowd are really two different demographics. However, if your product sucks, being on the VOD networks will expose that and then could possibly have a determintal effect on your sales, but don't blame the VOD - blame the fact that the product sucks ;)

08-16-2006, 12:51 PM
as is with all things in life ......

I think TIMING is everything

it is all in how you do the releases

Hell Puppy
08-19-2006, 03:31 AM
There are some people that think by placing your videos on a Video On Demand system will erode the sales of DVDs as well as negate the joins on a membership site.

Im curious to hear everyones concerns, thoughts and positions on this subject.

All distribution is good distribution so long as you're getting paid fairly.

08-23-2006, 04:01 PM
Different customers want to receive their porn in different formats for different reasons. Some people like to hold on to DVDs that they own forever and watch on their television, some people like to watch content online and either pay by the month, view, minute, depending on their circumstances. Often the same person will want their porn in a different format depending on their situation at the time.

Does the guy want to wait a couple days for his DVD to arrive and jerk off then? Does the guy want to just jerk off every once in a while to a few minutes of porn when the wife is out of town?
Does the guy look at online porn every day and want fresh content daily?

Why should we lose out on a sale simply because we didn't have the preferred format at the time our surfer was ready to pay?

At the end of the day, I think that the more viewing formats we can offer our customers, the greater our sales will be.