View Full Version : Gonzo made me do it.

08-15-2006, 10:56 AM
It's always good to take a second when you're new to a forum, introduce yourself, and say hi..

Soooo, with that being said, I hereby introduce me. Hi.

My name is Rex Mundi... I direct videos for HellHouse Media/HellHouse Video (as well as some others, on occasion) and I also happen to be a co-owner of the company. I focus way too much on girl-girl content. It's my bias. I'm ok with that.

I suck, I rock, and I'm everything in between. The truth is, I'm only posting this because Gonzo is sitting behind me with a 12 guage pointed at my head (he's trying to get that hit count up, I think).

Oh yea and I live in Seattle and we have quite an expanding scene up here :-P

Any questions?

08-15-2006, 11:12 AM
Nice to see you made it to the board. Hope to see you posting regularly.

08-15-2006, 12:45 PM
when doing your girl /girl films, I am available as a fluffer if you ever need my services .

08-15-2006, 12:58 PM
when doing your girl /girl films, I am available as a fluffer if you ever need my services .
Dont forget to tell him about your Nothern curve.

08-15-2006, 03:10 PM
Well I suppose I should do the same..I am Terri..Baically a no body..But some of you met me at the show in Hollywood with Jim Manley promoting the RAY GUHN DEFENSE FUND..I was his business card holder/fluffer/body guard when needed ;). I was there to keep all the screaming fans at bay and hand out business cards and educate on our rights regarding the first amendment..I will leave the fluffer part to your imagination..As she mentioned earlier..Gonzo made me do it..He is the reason I am here..At least that is what I tell him..Makes him feel good..:rolleyes:

http://www.oprano.com/phpAdsNew/adview.php?what=zone:19&target=_blank&n=abf60129 (http://www.oprano.com/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?n=abf60129)

08-15-2006, 03:20 PM
Hi Terri, it was a pleasure meeting you.

08-15-2006, 03:23 PM
I suck, I rock, and I'm everything in between.
Welcome to Oprano, but just exactly what is it you suck?

08-15-2006, 03:44 PM
Thanks Hammer..it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Actually everyone I met was incredibly nice..I had a great time!

http://www.oprano.com/banners/rayguhn/728x90_2.gif (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/www.rayguhndefensefund.com)

08-15-2006, 04:14 PM
hipchick, you can set your signature in the control panel to add that banner to your posts automatically every time you post...just put it in your signature ;)

08-15-2006, 06:53 PM
welcome to the board both of you and you're not alone.. turns out gonzo makes a lot of people post here... he is the one that got me to make my first post awhile ago and I am glad he did.

It is a pleasure meeting you both and I hope I can get to know you both better in the future :)


08-15-2006, 08:15 PM
Gonzo is a good man .:okthumb:

08-16-2006, 09:39 AM
As she mentioned earlier..Gonzo made me do it.

She? Apparantly I have transforming genitals now. ;)

08-16-2006, 10:02 AM
ummmm.. yeah...sorry about that...

08-16-2006, 10:07 AM
Welcome to you both. There is actually a good deal of intelligence and information on this board. You don't have to fear the loss of IQ points when participating.