View Full Version : Rape Porn Spammer goes to jail

08-07-2006, 11:38 PM
Gartman and McDowell sentenced to federal prison

Rape porn spammer Tom Gartman (http://www.rahul.net/falk/Tg/) was sentenced on obscenity charges July 27, along with his brother-in-law former Houston cop Brent Alan McDowell.

Gartman first surfaced on my radar in 1998 when he was spamming usenet with advertisements for rape and torture porn videos. Alt.sexual.abuse.recovery was one of the newsgroups he spammed.

Gartman advertised a web site hosted by Psi.net (http://www.rahul.net/falk/P/) which PSI allowed to operated unfettered until at least June-November 1998 when UDP (http://www.rahul.net/falk/glossary#udp) discussions begain. At that time, PSI moved Gartman to another block of IP addresses but took no other action. Finally, in early November, on the eve of a full UDP, PSI began to remove spammers, including allegedly, Gartman. In late November of 1998, Gartman posted to usenet (http://groups.google.com/group/news.admin.net-abuse.usenet/browse_frm/thread/8a4c6ae07cbe6f21/1cb99bf5cef91db0?lnk=st&q=&rnum=76&hl=en#1cb99bf5cef91db0) to brag that PSI had never so much as written him a letter asking him to stop, and were in fact asking him to come back.

In 1999, Gartman attempted to sue fellow spam-fighter David Ritz and threatened to sue me for interfering with his porn spam business.

Interestingly enough, in his letter to me Gartman wrote
I have model releases and copyrights to sell these tapes.Later it was learned that the porn he was selling had been stolen, so there was no way there could have been any model releases in his posession.

In October, 2001, Qwest was forced to disconnect his Fort Worth provider, Nationwide.net/DFW.net, in order to get their attention to make them do something about Gartman.
via thespamdiaries

08-10-2006, 07:08 PM
Lock 'em up!