View Full Version : Tampa? New Orleans? Palm Springs? Looking for feedback...

07-27-2006, 03:07 PM
Tampa? New Orleans? Palm Springs? Looking for feedback...

We are looking for the 10th Anniversary site for Cybernet Expo 2007 and are considering Tampa, New Orleans and Palm Springs. We have whittled the list down to these three cities and plan to announce the dates soon (tentative showdates to be in late May or early June 2007).

We know that pretty much every city has plusses and minuses but we'd like to hear some feedback from you about why or why not we should consider these three locations. We will be taking accommodations, hotel staff, local attractions, accessibility, price, etc.... all that stuff into account.

Your thoughts? Thanks...

07-27-2006, 05:13 PM
New Orleans doesn't have any hotels that can accommodate us and frankly, I seriously doubt they are much more open to pornographers than San Diego. Also, considering the recent devastation, they are definitely not back up to speed yet. Oh, and the mayor don't like whitey.

Tampa would be good because it's a convention city and would probably be pretty open to our ilk. Of course, there is already a big show in Florida so I'm not so sure having two in the same state within 2 months is a good idea.

Palm Springs is a very conservative community, IMO.

Who came up with this shortlist, because it's really not that good. Why not Atlantic City or something in the northeast since there aren't any shows there and there are plenty of webmasters?

07-27-2006, 06:48 PM
New Orleans doesn't have any hotels that can accommodate us and frankly, I seriously doubt they are much more open to pornographers than San Diego. Also, considering the recent devastation, they are definitely not back up to speed yet. Oh, and the mayor don't like whitey.

Tampa would be good because it's a convention city and would probably be pretty open to our ilk. Of course, there is already a big show in Florida so I'm not so sure having two in the same state within 2 months is a good idea.

Palm Springs is a very conservative community, IMO.

Who came up with this shortlist, because it's really not that good. Why not Atlantic City or something in the northeast since there aren't any shows there and there are plenty of webmasters?

LOL, Hammer... with all due respect, I gotta laugh at what you say here. It's obvious you haven't organized an adult tradeshow before. ;)

How do you know that N.O. "doesn't have any hotels that can accommodate us"... there are several we can do business with. The show is not for 10 months. Anyway... who cares what Nagin thinks LOL... the city would love our money.

And with the glut of shows in the industry... Midsized show in Tampa in Late May, Huge show in Hollywood in Early August... I don't see the problem.

Fay and I came up with a list of over a dozen cities about a month ago and we have been ruling out one city after another for one reason or another including hotel mgmt, pricing, accessibility... the list goes on. Atlantic City was on the list originally but we ruled it out and frankly much of the northeast is too expensive.

07-27-2006, 07:14 PM
I don't need to have organized a trade show before to know that the last show in NO sucked and I've been there enough to know the convention type hotel situation. You say the city would love our money and I disagree. New Orleans is still reeling from the disaster and much of it is still unihabitable and will still be that way in 7 months.

I live in Florida and know Tampa quite well. Like I said, it woud be a good location but I still think you're going to get flack from webmasters that have to attend 2 shows in Florida during the hottest months. June in San Diego is quite comfortable, but I assure you that in Florida it's fucking hot.

The northeast is expensive? And San Diego, Vegas Miami aren't? :biglaugh:

Faye asked for opinions and I gave mine. Not sure I see the need for an argumentative response though.

07-27-2006, 07:17 PM
I don't need to have organized a trade show before to know that the last show in NO sucked and I've been there enough to know the convention type hotel situation.

I live in Florida and know Tampa quite well. Like I said, it woud be a good location but I still think you're going to get flack from webmasters that have to attend 2 shows in Florida during the hottest months. June in San Diego is quite comfortable, but I assure you that in Florida it's fucking hot.

Faye asked for opinions and I gave mine. Not sure I see the need for an argumentative response though.

Well of course... there's no "need" for anything. But ya had to know we came up with the shortlist??

Is Tampa really that hot in late May? Weather is a factor when putting on a show... one of many factors.

07-27-2006, 07:17 PM
Don't much care either way with that list to be honest. Each is as good as the next in my book. I'll either attend or I won'y based on those locations as it's not muich different than what has been done before. It's still caterted towards the south and west. I may be wrong but people might be willing to pay a little extra to go to a new/different region of the country and you might get higher attendence from east coast and midwest webmasters with a show in one of those regions. I know the Internext shows are always well done and you put on a great show but just once it would nice to see a break out of the current model you have and try something new in terms of where you hold it. Lots of people have asked over the years and it would be nice to see it acted on once because you don't know how succesful it would be unless you are willing to try it once.

07-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Is Tampa really that hot in late May? Weather is a factor when putting on a show... one of many factors.
Yep, it's hot in late May. Not as bad as August, but still hot and humid.

07-27-2006, 07:42 PM
Don't much care either way with that list to be honest. Each is as good as the next in my book. I'll either attend or I won'y based on those locations as it's not muich different than what has been done before. It's still caterted towards the south and west. I may be wrong but people might be willing to pay a little extra to go to a new/different region of the country and you might get higher attendence from east coast and midwest webmasters with a show in one of those regions. I know the Internext shows are always well done and you put on a great show but just once it would nice to see a break out of the current model you have and try something new in terms of where you hold it. Lots of people have asked over the years and it would be nice to see it acted on once because you don't know how succesful it would be unless you are willing to try it once.

Thanks for that...

07-27-2006, 07:50 PM
Thanks for that...

No problem. See you in Florida. :okthumb:

07-27-2006, 07:52 PM
New Orleans would be a great place for a convention

07-27-2006, 08:20 PM
Fay, what about San Fran?

07-27-2006, 08:53 PM
why is that webmaster shows almost always use the same cities, or if it isn't the same cities it is something either 1. just like the same cities or 2. some place that is a novelty city (i.e. New Orleans)

I would LOVE to see some kickass cities in the webmaster show mix...my wife and I are planning some serious convention time here in the next year, but the ones that are out there aren't that appealing anymore

How about something in Colorado, maybe Denver?
or maybe like peaches said, San Fransisco would be amazing, I have never been there it would be a great excuse to see that place

I would never turn down Tampa though, just because I have so much family there, plus it is a pretty short drive from Atlanta

OOOO...what about some place like Hilton Head?

I am not bashing your choices, I guess the one I would most likely hit woul;d be Tampa, the one I would not go to is Palm Springs...in fact, Palm Springs is a pretty boring place if you are not into sun and golf, I hate both...

disclaimer: I have no experience planning these events, and never would want that burden, I am just giving my opinions

07-27-2006, 08:59 PM
Well, to answer a few questions:

San Fran was my #1 choice and has been for some time. I sent out several RFPs. It seems that most of the smaller hotels don't have space (they want to send you to the convention center) and the large hotels talk about 'marrying us with another group. Have already been there and done that too many times. It is too much pressure and lack of little privacy to ' marry with another group. Finally gave up.

The #4 choice was Atlantic City. The drawbacks were: no direct flights - making airfare higher, no conventions on weekends - would have to take weekdays, anything in the same chain (don't remember what name now they keep buying each other out - but are the major ones now there) won't allow an Adult convention. Many did not even answer. Too many remember the East Coast Video Show in it's heyday & want to raise prices for an Adult convention. Too much damage done.

Somewhere along there, Boston was also in consideration for awhile. Also Austin Texas, and Chicago.

Most of the North East Coast is very expensive, and I am not talking about just rooms - other show related costs are all very high.

and Tampa is nothing like Miami - totally different in many ways. Not only further North, both the people and the coastline on the West side of Florida are different. We have posted on several boards & I thought the first critisim would be 2 shows in Florida - but you were the first to mention it.

Our size show has many problems in hotel selection. We are not large enough to contract for all the rooms in most hotels & not the type of show to co-exhist with other shows. We do need space requirements that most smaller hotels don't have. Outside areas are starting to get more important for shows. We have too many smokers & people don't want to have to stay inside all the time. They want courtyards & outside areas. The majority of hotels don't have that to offer. You almost have to choose a resort for any outside areas to conregate.

So, if anyone has the right kind of hotel in another location that would have us & that meets our criteria - we would love to check into it. There is a lot more to it than just choosing a city.

07-27-2006, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the informative reply, Faye.

From what I've seen on the other boards, Tampa seems to be the first choice, and I have to admit that given these choices, it's my first choice as well. I will say that when I left for Cybernet this year it was 90 plus in Orlando and it was a welcome relief to get to the West coast and some cooler less humid weather. If Tampa becomes the final selection, I'd be stuck in Florida for both Cybernet and Internext so I might seriously consider XBiz instead of Cybernet next year.

07-28-2006, 12:00 AM
Thanks for the informative reply, Faye.

From what I've seen on the other boards, Tampa seems to be the first choice, and I have to admit that given these choices, it's my first choice as well. I will say that when I left for Cybernet this year it was 90 plus in Orlando and it was a welcome relief to get to the West coast and some cooler less humid weather. If Tampa becomes the final selection, I'd be stuck in Florida for both Cybernet and Internext so I might seriously consider XBiz instead of Cybernet next year.

I remember crossing the parking lot one night in Vegas a few years back during the JULY VSDA show and looking up at that clock/temperature sign that used to be there and it said 11:59 pm and the temp was 100 degrees.... that was pretty hot I thought at that time of night. However, dry heat is different than heat with humidity. But then, if your not on the beach, you go from your air conditioned car to a air conditioned building, and hope it is not too far.

It would be nice to find a time & place for a show that had perfect temperatures - but then that is usually considered 'season and unaffordable. There are so many shows nowdays, you can't vary the dates much. They had a May dates available for Tampa, when the weather is more reasonable - but then you have Mothers Day, Memorial Day, the Toronto show that month, so we were limited. We just have to find the spaces that meets the criteria and consider the pros & cons:-) Just no way to be the best choice for everyone.

07-28-2006, 12:01 AM
I would go to all 3.
Tampa cuz Berns is there.
New Orleans becasue I have friends and clients there.
And Palm Springs so I could go see Confucy's double wide.

Hell Puppy
07-28-2006, 12:36 AM
Tampa? New Orleans? Palm Springs? Looking for feedback...

We are looking for the 10th Anniversary site for Cybernet Expo 2007 and are considering Tampa, New Orleans and Palm Springs. We have whittled the list down to these three cities and plan to announce the dates soon (tentative showdates to be in late May or early June 2007).

We know that pretty much every city has plusses and minuses but we'd like to hear some feedback from you about why or why not we should consider these three locations. We will be taking accommodations, hotel staff, local attractions, accessibility, price, etc.... all that stuff into account.

Your thoughts? Thanks...

San Francisco is probably the best venue I can think of for an adult show that has never been done.

If that's out, I'd say let's get a show east of the Mississippi for a change other than the annual Miami sweat fest. So that rules out Palm Springs.

Nawlins....I would consider, but I'm not stoked.

Tampa....probably the best all around choice. Good contingent of locals down there, plus plenty of great places to eat and party. FFN Dinner will be at Berns.... ;)

07-28-2006, 12:37 AM
However, dry heat is different than heat with humidity.
I have heard people say that shit for years, and I have lived in both dry and wet heat....it is ALL HEAT....100F is 100F no matter where you are, both are miserable and not places I want to be

i guess what I am saying is, i never have noticed a difference between dry heat and wet heat....

Hell Puppy
07-28-2006, 12:44 AM
I have heard people say that shit for years, and I have lived in both dry and wet heat....it is ALL HEAT....100F is 100F no matter where you are, both are miserable and not places I want to be

i guess what I am saying is, i never have noticed a difference between dry heat and wet heat....

I think it's mostly people from outside the south that say it's a "dry heat".

Reason being that they cant STAND our wet heat.

I had someone in from Denver a week or so ago, and they would bitch the minute we walked out of the air conditioning. Being used to that thin air, no heat, no humidity, they said it was like they could "feel" our air, it was "thick".

Meanwhile when I travel to a dry area like Vegas, my body is fighting to stay moist. Long ass showers. I drink tons of water. And at night use the ice bucket trick to try to get some moisture in the air. But by day two my skin is still totally dry and I wake up having to "escavate" and have thngs coming out of my nostrils that remind me of the movie "Total Recall"

07-28-2006, 12:53 AM
Being used to that thin air, no heat, no humidity, they said it was like they could "feel" our air, it was "thick".
I can remember that feeling after coming back from a week in CA in July. I walked out of the ATL airport and it literally felt like thick air all around me.

I agree with you Jace, I couldn't tell the difference between the 100 heat in Vegas and the 100 heat in ATL. Hot is hot. And miserable.

07-28-2006, 09:05 AM
If that's out, I'd say let's get a show east of the Mississippi for a change other than the annual Miami sweat fest. So that rules out Palm Springs.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but since Palm Springs is west of the Mississippi, why would that rule out Palm Springs?

07-28-2006, 09:09 AM
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but since Palm Springs is west of the Mississippi, why would that rule out Palm Springs?
i read it to say he wants more shows on the east coast

he wants more shows east of the mississippi

Mike AI
07-28-2006, 10:01 AM
Anywhere but Tampa. We don't want a bunch of ignorant pornslingers ruining our city!

07-28-2006, 12:31 PM
i read it to say he wants more shows on the east coast

he wants more shows east of the mississippi
Doh! Of course it does. Not sure why I read it wrong.

07-28-2006, 01:20 PM
Anywhere but Tampa. We don't want a bunch of ignorant pornslingers ruining our city!