View Full Version : Old timers your time has come and gone !!! pay attention newbies

07-22-2006, 04:59 PM
Forget about hwat those fucking old time morons tell you about yeteryear or when they call you a surfmaster ....

time to ride with the new breed of business .


in case you are wondering,

I am now a partner in or contractually manage some of the best content on the net, and more excl;usiove content than you can possibly imagine .

We can generate our own traffic and recip to those that send to us .

We have several propietary softwre products that we will allow our business partners and people that we feel worthy to use .


time for you to make some big money of your own not kiss some old timers ass hoping to get the golden goose. thye do not have it anymore .

07-22-2006, 07:23 PM
Forget about hwat those fucking old time morons tell you about yeteryear or when they call you a surfmaster ....

time to ride with the new breed of business .


in case you are wondering,

I am now a partner in or contractually manage some of the best content on the net, and more excl;usiove content than you can possibly imagine .

We can generate our own traffic and recip to those that send to us .

We have several propietary softwre products that we will allow our business partners and people that we feel worthy to use .


time for you to make some big money of your own not kiss some old timers ass hoping to get the golden goose. thye do not have it anymore .

Truthfully content was always king. Those traffic monkeys only made scam money. Hell you can still sell crack for a good profit as well. Who wants advice from a crack dealer. Same thing as most of that "old timer" advice. They were scammers and spammers "teaching" surfers and webmasters a lesson by stealing their money. All it did was make it harder for those who were actual businessmen.
I laugh when I hear about those who crashed trying to regain their fortune when they can't even afford the country club and Bentley's are history for them.
As for "surfmasters". Their ain't no such thing except on Oprano. It is an insult to those starting off in this racket. If you want to insult those who will pay your rent someday, then just keep it up.
Hell, this board is becoming very useful since the whine board took all the freeking nutjobs.

07-22-2006, 07:28 PM
Forget about hwat those fucking old time morons tell you about yeteryear or when they call you a surfmaster ....

time to ride with the new breed of business .


in case you are wondering,

I am now a partner in or contractually manage some of the best content on the net, and more excl;usiove content than you can possibly imagine .

We can generate our own traffic and recip to those that send to us .

We have several propietary softwre products that we will allow our business partners and people that we feel worthy to use .


time for you to make some big money of your own not kiss some old timers ass hoping to get the golden goose. thye do not have it anymore .

"new breed of business"

exclusive and unique content has always been a very important factor in conversions and retention. has been for many years. many years. everyone knows this. everyone has known it for many years. well... i guess everyone but you.

are you really this fucking retarded?

let it go. no one cares who you are. you impress no one and all your "old timer" bullshit and its really just beyond stupid and makes you look like you have nothing to offer anyone but shit talking. you are like 5 years behind the times with this post and you are talking about the future and how "old timers are stupid".


07-22-2006, 08:03 PM
There is a difference between devious and stupid, though sometimes it is not obvious.

07-23-2006, 12:15 AM
Joe, you seem like a nice guy and you are friends with some of the same people I am...but jesus dude, let this old timer/newbies shit is tired man

do like everyone else has done and fucking let it go man, no one wants to hear it anymore

just do your fucking business and make money

I hate to say it, but every thread you fight with those guys in and every time you bring up this little old timer war shit, just makes me think less and less of you, i doubt you really cared to begin with anyway though

Mike AI
07-23-2006, 12:47 AM
Content is important, I have been slinging it since 1996. Hell, content is what originally motivated me. :rolleyes: Back in the early days there was not much money in this industry.

However, I have come to see real fortunes are made by those who control the traffic. Think Google.

But it is more then just raw traffic now, it is about analysising, understand and manipulating your traffic to match up potential customers to others.

Content is now a commodity. From wickipidea, to youtube, to myspace. Anyone can create content now a days - all content is digital now.

Enjoy this free lesson from an no-nothing oldtimer.

07-23-2006, 01:46 AM
Content is important, I have been slinging it since 1996. Hell, content is what originally motivated me. :rolleyes: Back in the early days there was not much money in this industry.

However, I have come to see real fortunes are made by those who control the traffic. Think Google.

But it is more then just raw traffic now, it is about analysising, understand and manipulating your traffic to match up potential customers to others.

Content is now a commodity. From wickipidea, to youtube, to myspace. Anyone can create content now a days - all content is digital now.

Enjoy this free lesson from an no-nothing oldtimer.
You are obviously more than a no nothing old timer. But it is the same mantra I have been preaching for years. Raw traffic is like water flowing down a river. Unless you put a damn and a hydro plant in the mix, then it is worthless unless there is a drought. It takes no talent to sell water in a drought. This board was owned and populated by water merchants dishing out useless advice for years.
"Content is now a commodity"
That is by definition what content is, was and always will be. If you don't understand that, then you are fucked right out of the gate. Those of us who deal in content have always understood this. When you understand traffic and content, then you will do well on the net. A free lesson from an old timer.
As for the lesson.....thanks.

07-23-2006, 09:05 AM
Can't say I agree with Jay on that one. Content is important, but traffic is king, period. You can have the best content in the world, but with no traffic, it will be worthless, however, with enough traffic, even shitty content will make you money.

p.s. I'm not one of the 'old timers' you're referring to, but since I've been a member since 2003 and started working with adult websites in '96, maybe you could come up with a different term, because chronologically speaking, I'm definitely an old timer.

07-23-2006, 10:34 AM
good content can make good money. Shitty traffic can make shitty money. And vice versa.
Here is the real deal. If you can produce your own content, you can make serious money. If you have to pay for it, it becomes less serious.
At a certain volume of business, none of this applies and all bets are off.

The most profitable is focussed traffic on great content. Least amount of work and aggro for the highest rate of return.

This is just good business.

07-23-2006, 01:39 PM
Yes it is a specific group I refer too, Old timer is not the best of terms I agree.

Many people that have been in the industry for years were not thieves and scammers and claim to be smarter than everyone else because the were a good thief or a good scammer .

But would you not agree that the same crowd I refer to has caused the industry to suffer do to their greed and business practices?

This is the part that I see as changing now .

07-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Hey.... I'm glad that there was some dickhead I could dump on for my first post in years.....

If you see any "old timers" still around, that should tell you something.

Doggie Diarriah like you will run on and on, but it all eventually dries up and the doggie has to go somewhere else.

I'm voting for the old timers to still be here long after your gone. Not that I know anything about old timers.

07-27-2006, 03:57 PM
Hey.... I'm glad that there was some dickhead I could dump on for my first post in years.....

If you see any "old timers" still around, that should tell you something.

Doggie Diarriah like you will run on and on, but it all eventually dries up and the doggie has to go somewhere else.

I'm voting for the old timers to still be here long after your gone. Not that I know anything about old timers.
Then why vote?

07-27-2006, 05:08 PM
I didn't know this board was a democracy.

07-27-2006, 06:12 PM
Then why vote?

was sarcasm. ask around.

wrong choice of words anyway. Point is, JoesHo only got his post read because I caught the "Joe" part and thought he was someone more significant than he turned out to be.

07-27-2006, 07:55 PM
was sarcasm. ask around.

wrong choice of words anyway. Point is, JoesHo only got his post read because I caught the "Joe" part and thought he was someone more significant than he turned out to be.

haha and how do you know who Joesho is or is not ?

Have you ever met him or done any business with him, or have any idea who he does or does not do business with .

07-27-2006, 08:19 PM
Holy shit - is that the REAL Skitz??! Geeze - talk about an oldie :)

Hell Puppy
07-28-2006, 12:39 AM
Holy shit - is that the REAL Skitz??! Geeze - talk about an oldie :)

What was that really colorful name he used to call people when he'd get fucked up and all pissed off at someone?

07-29-2006, 03:47 PM
Holy shit - is that the REAL Skitz??! Geeze - talk about an oldie :)

Nah, couldn't be. :whistling

Peaches, it is very sweet of you to remember me at all......

And Hell Puppy, I don't remember any one thing I used to say (maybe you can remind me!), except that I was always pissing with someone or other.

Do I know who Joe'sHo is? I don't know.

The only Joe I know is JoeE, and even though he once sent Scotty over to kneecap me (well, that was MY take on it, but I doubt that was ever anyone's intention.... maybe make me THINK he would kneecap me! Scotty is such a class act though, we wound up on good terms)... I think the world of JoeE (AND John of course, although I hear the two are not mentioned in the same breath any longer), he gave me a big big break just on the word of a common friend, and he and John both were very good to me.

I have to admit, being the person I am years later, that I bit the hand that fed me. I've regretted doing that to this day. I was a troubled soul, in a broken marriage, and I didn't know which end was up.

Joe, John.... I'm sorry. You guys tried your best to do me right, and I fucked up. It was one of my biggest mistakes in life.

Heh....there was that mope from the Netherlands... can't remember his name at the moment.... he got me fired when he said to me "if you say 'fuck' once more in this office, you're fired." Of course, being me, I told him to go fuck himself. But then I lost the best fucking job I ever had in my life.

heh don't know where all THAT came from, but I guess I needed to say it.

Sigh.... I love B.C. but I sometimes SURE miss Florida!

07-29-2006, 04:00 PM
Of course I remember you! IIRC, you were originally in NYC, then FL. I remember the breakup of the marriage :( And you have to admit, some of your posts were quite colorful ;)

Glad to hear you're doing well. Still in the biz?

07-29-2006, 04:59 PM
Of course I remember you! IIRC, you were originally in NYC, then FL. I remember the breakup of the marriage :( And you have to admit, some of your posts were quite colorful ;) Glad to hear you're doing well. Still in the biz?

Me? Colorful? You wanna start something? :)

Yep, you definitely remember the history. Back and forth between NYC and Florida for a couple of years, trying to keep my marriage together. Sucked. I'm married again, we just celebrated four years. I live in a completely different world. Amazing.

Haven't been in adult pretty much since I left CEN. I worked with it for awhile, but after EVERYONE IN THE WORLD started putting up a porn site, it became full time work. For me, I didn't want to get rich. I just wanted to free up time.

I remember making $10K a month off of ONE AD that I created on Girls2Die4.com, which got listed on Yahoo before Yahoo got smart and charged adult webmasters - and sent surfers to Cybererotica. The conversion ratio was so astounding that I was getting 25 cents a click RAW (do they still say that these days? heh) from Ron. He even called me to ask me if he could let other webmasters use the ad. I didn't have to work again for about three years :) Adult just became too much work for me.

Considering it again, but I don't know.... my current wife would not be as supportive of it as my former.

Hey, what happened here? What happened to Serge (should I even ask?) and who's FWO? I feel like I'm back in the old neighborhood, but all the houses have changed :)

Hey, can you imagine how differently things would have gone "back then" if we'd have been able to actually EDIT our posts after we made them? LOL

07-29-2006, 08:39 PM
Didnt you win a bunch of money from The General?

07-29-2006, 11:03 PM
Didnt you win a bunch of money from The General?
No, that was......catman I think was his name? A completely diffrerent person. Skitz is WAY old school.

Hell Puppy
07-30-2006, 05:29 AM
Maybe it was just a SkiTz Blitz I was waiting for to see if it was the real thing.