View Full Version : Anybody watch Smallville?

Greg B
07-20-2006, 11:43 PM
I keep getting hooked on this show. Tonight's was intense.

I saw 'Superman Returns' and although it was 'pretty' to look at I still feel it wasn't really 'Superman'. Sort of a sad 'Green Day' song Superman.

Wish they had used the Smallville cast instead.

07-21-2006, 01:23 AM
I do!!! :)
Kristin Kreuk is so beautiful and sexy!!! :okthumb:

07-21-2006, 02:30 AM
they shoot it around where I live. The only time I see it is when they stop traffic. lol.

07-21-2006, 12:49 PM
Have seen every episode. Smallvile, The shield, and Lost are the 3 I dont miss. :okthumb:

07-21-2006, 01:06 PM
Have seen every episode. Smallvile, The shield, and Lost are the 3 I dont miss. :okthumb:

Lemonhead didnt get to eat his favorite sandwitch.

07-21-2006, 01:23 PM
Lemonhead didnt get to eat his favorite sandwitch.

You've lost me on that one. lol :blink:

07-21-2006, 03:02 PM
I do!!! :)
Kristin Kreuk is so beautiful and sexy!!! :okthumb:

:clapping: ...And Michael Rosenbaum is far more better for the role of Lex Luthor than Kevin Spacey in "Superman Returns." :scratchin

07-21-2006, 04:25 PM
You've lost me on that one. lol :blink:

I bet another Shield enthusiast can translate.

07-21-2006, 05:08 PM
I bet another Shield enthusiast can translate.

Im a huge fan, but the reference is lost on me for some reason, gimme another hint. ;)

07-21-2006, 05:13 PM
Im a huge fan, but the reference is lost on me for some reason, gimme another hint. ;)

Ahh you mean Lem right before he got blown up. Nm I get it now. lol

07-21-2006, 05:39 PM
well to be honest i did like superman returns..

smallvile is cool but not faithfull to the real stuff (comics).

this superman did a good job of being not so stupid clark kent and a more allien like superman.

and the way they tied the movie to superman II was great.

superman III sucked :)

Greg B
07-21-2006, 05:54 PM
Smallville is a bit too dark for me but I guess they ran out of ideas somewhere and had to turn the Superman saga into a Steven King thing.

I grew up on the Superboy comic books and Legion of Superhero comic books that really detailed the life of young Clark Kent and his parents. There was an innocence to those stories but also real drama and horror. Lots of humor too. Things always got solved by Clark's deductive reasoning. That was Kal El's greatest strength, not his super powers but his super mind mixed with the homespun values that Martha and John raised him with.

Also, where's the glasses? Like someone wouldn't recognize him growing up as Superman?

Anyway, I love the cast and crew of Smallville. I'm sorry I didn't watch every episode but now I'll have the luxury of getting the shows on DVD and enjoying the Superman saga all over again.

07-21-2006, 06:05 PM
Smallville is a bit too dark for me but I guess they ran out of ideas somewhere and had to turn the Superman saga into a Steven King thing.

I grew up on the Superboy comic books and Legion of Superhero comic books that really detailed the life of young Clark Kent and his parents. There was an innocence to those stories but also real drama and horror. Lots of humor too. Things always got solved by Clark's deductive reasoning. That was Kal El's greatest strength, not his super powers but his super mind mixed with the homespun values that Martha and John raised him with.

Also, where's the glasses? Like someone wouldn't recognize him growing up as Superman?

Anyway, I love the cast and crew of Smallville. I'm sorry I didn't watch every episode but now I'll have the luxury of getting the shows on DVD and enjoying the Superman saga all over again.

haha yeah i guess he has contact lenses.

on superman returns he had glasses. he had to be somehow unperfect :)

enjoy the shows :)

07-21-2006, 06:40 PM
I caught a few episodes of Smallville...It wasn't that bad.

I saw Superman Returns and even though Kevin Spacey played an ok Lex Luther, I liked the guy on Smallville better. I feel like he really captured the essence of Lex. :okthumb:

07-21-2006, 06:45 PM
I watched all 4 seasons on DVD over this summer and plan on buying all 5 seaons when season 5 comes out later this summer. I am hooked as well. It's a GREAT show. I'm not watching it on the WB right now because I wasn't through all 4 seasons on DVD yet so I have to wait for the season 5 set that comes out in September and watch the entire season before season 6 starts in late september.

Greg B
07-22-2006, 12:29 AM
I caught a few episodes of Smallville...It wasn't that bad.

I saw Superman Returns and even though Kevin Spacey played an ok Lex Luther, I liked the guy on Smallville better. I feel like he really captured the essence of Lex. :okthumb:

Yes and he even looks like the original Luthor.

Originally in the comics, Luthor was a genius prodigy. He was conceited and handsome with a full head of hair. The girls went for him but Superboy was around and Luthor was jealous so he tried to show Superboy one up and was futzing around in his lab one day and it caught fire. Superboy blew out the flames and rescued Luthor but the chemicals in Luthor's experiment caused his hair to fall out permanently. Hit with a double dose of failure and shame he swore undying revenge against Superboy.

One thing that blew me away about Smallville was the introduction of Braniac. That shit was cooler than fuck! I didn't know who he was til all of a sudden I realized who he was and was glued to the show after that.

As I said, I would have liked a more cheerful Superman story but it sells.

On AOL they actually have a 'Superman' tv channel and you can watch a dozen different variations of Superman from original Max Fleisher cartoons to George Reeves' Superman tv show, the Superboy show and other animated tv cartoons. Lots of fun!