View Full Version : Offshore Gambling Guru Busted.

Greg B
07-17-2006, 08:42 PM

07-17-2006, 10:19 PM
Drives me fucking nuts. The government has a hard on for gambling becuasse those idiots want to appeal to "values voters" and all those other assholes out there that want to choose your morality for you.

Greg B
07-18-2006, 01:05 AM
Drives me fucking nuts. The government has a hard on for gambling becuasse those idiots want to appeal to "values voters" and all those other assholes out there that want to choose your morality for you.

Enforcer that's part of it. It's another reason why you'll see some major crackdowns on the adult industry too. Some guys think they can just get away with anything they want and that's their undoing.

Too much money and too much dope and drink and a collapse is soon to occur. Best to keep a weather eye peeled.

07-18-2006, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't touch owning or operating a gambling site with a 10 foot pole living in the US. As for adult don't own, and haven't for quite soem time, a single site with any content on it.

Greg B
07-18-2006, 11:52 AM
I wouldn't touch owning or operating a gambling site with a 10 foot pole living in the US. As for adult don't own, and haven't for quite soem time, a single site with any content on it.

I can understand. Problem with porn nowadays is the influx of gangs and the problems they bring. In the old days it was geeks having fun and making some money to pay off college, medical bills. Now you have gangs of guys who think they're untouchable. They don't do the right thing and turn their profits into something decent, no, they go right back out into the street doing the same dumb ass shit and little by little they get eaten away by the authorities. Then when all else fails they rat out their colleagues, shave, do all sorts of shit and when the hammer drops they walk because they 'cooperated'. Don't count out the big guys either. Wouldn't surprise me at all if news came out some pornsters, old timers, were domestic and foreign intelligence community fronts. ;)

Gambling is crazy. People are built in not to be able to gamble reasonably. Even when casinos stop people they'll run right out to the nearest casino. Degenerate gamblers when up against the wall will rat out the gambling dens to get a break. Since so many gamblers are also cops, judges etc. it's inevitable that the gambling joint is gonna get busted.

07-18-2006, 01:05 PM
Drives me fucking nuts. The government has a hard on for gambling becuasse those idiots want to appeal to "values voters" and all those other assholes out there that want to choose your morality for you.

it might not make you nuts if one side the of the argument was putting up as much of a fight as the other side. as it is... they're not. welcome to democracy... a fair place where those who speak up get what they want.


07-18-2006, 01:38 PM
it might not make you nuts if one side the of the argument was putting up as much of a fight as the other side. as it is... they're not. welcome to democracy... a fair place where those who speak up get what they want.


I think the founding fathers would be horrified at how our country is run these days. I love this country to death and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but both parties suck ass and trample on the constitution and other people's rights in bids for power and contro over other people's lives, money, and morality.

07-19-2006, 12:32 AM
I can understand. Problem with porn nowadays is the influx of gangs and the problems they bring. In the old days it was geeks having fun and making some money to pay off college, medical bills. Now you have gangs of guys who think they're untouchable. They don't do the right thing and turn their profits into something decent, no, they go right back out into the street doing the same dumb ass shit and little by little they get eaten away by the authorities. Then when all else fails they rat out their colleagues, shave, do all sorts of shit and when the hammer drops they walk because they 'cooperated'. Don't count out the big guys either. Wouldn't surprise me at all if news came out some pornsters, old timers, were domestic and foreign intelligence community fronts. ;)

Gambling is crazy. People are built in not to be able to gamble reasonably. Even when casinos stop people they'll run right out to the nearest casino. Degenerate gamblers when up against the wall will rat out the gambling dens to get a break. Since so many gamblers are also cops, judges etc. it's inevitable that the gambling joint is gonna get busted.
Yah, you're right!!!
It also makes many people crazy.
Proven, it is hard to control nowadays coz even cops are being involved in gambling. :thumbdown

Greg B
07-19-2006, 03:47 AM
Yah, you're right!!!
It also makes many people crazy.
Proven, it is hard to control nowadays coz even cops are being involved in gambling. :thumbdown

Honey, cops and politicians and officials have been involved in gambling since day one. That's why it's so prevalent.

It's one of mankind's greatest weaknesses. They prey on high school kids. Looking for someone they can latch their claws into. Work them through college, make em' steal, lie, cheat, murder just to get out of debt but don't realize every bad thing they do is used against them in a web of extortion. It can stay with a guy his entire life.

Sports gambling is the worst. I can't count how many grown men of social status I've seen wallowing like babies with these enormous illegal debts over their heads. They lose their homes, cars, families.

It's a true pariah on humanity.

That's why you trust NO ONE when it comes to your money. There is no single profile for degenerate gamblers. All races, sizes, ages, sexes, you name it, it's gambling.

If you start dating someone you make sure they ain't gambling nor anyone in their immediate family. I don't care how foxy she is, if her dad or mom are dealing in illegal gambling or out of control gambling it's only a matter of time before they fuck up and that shit falls on you.

07-19-2006, 01:46 PM
Honey, cops and politicians and officials have been involved in gambling since day one. That's why it's so prevalent.

It's one of mankind's greatest weaknesses. They prey on high school kids. Looking for someone they can latch their claws into. Work them through college, make em' steal, lie, cheat, murder just to get out of debt but don't realize every bad thing they do is used against them in a web of extortion. It can stay with a guy his entire life.

Sports gambling is the worst. I can't count how many grown men of social status I've seen wallowing like babies with these enormous illegal debts over their heads. They lose their homes, cars, families.

It's a true pariah on humanity.

That's why you trust NO ONE when it comes to your money. There is no single profile for degenerate gamblers. All races, sizes, ages, sexes, you name it, it's gambling.

If you start dating someone you make sure they ain't gambling nor anyone in their immediate family. I don't care how foxy she is, if her dad or mom are dealing in illegal gambling or out of control gambling it's only a matter of time before they fuck up and that shit falls on you.

Ok. So what exactly should be done about this evil industry you seem to dislike so much? Porn busts up plenty of marriages, should that be treated and loked at the same way?

07-19-2006, 07:43 PM

I think the founding fathers would be horrified at how our country is run these days. I love this country to death and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but both parties suck ass and trample on the constitution and other people's rights in bids for power and contro over other people's lives, money, and morality.

i think that if you knew the countries history well... you would know that it is being run EXACTLY as the founding fathers envisioned... it is a government run by idiots that need to be kept in check by a system full of checks and balances to limit their ability to fuck things up. the people are the system... whether anyone agrees with the outcomes or not. as long as the dissenting opinion/view/belief represents that of minority, it will not prevail in law.


07-19-2006, 08:45 PM
I wouldn't touch owning or operating a gambling site with a 10 foot pole living in the US. As for adult don't own, and haven't for quite soem time, a single site with any content on it.
I have a friend wanting to start this. I am doing everything I possibly can to talk him out of it. He's a multigabizillionaire who's bored and thinks it would be "fun". I've sent him report after report of people getting busted. I'm going over there this weekend or next and hoping I can knock some sense into him. :(

07-23-2006, 02:53 PM
Tell him to move and establish residency in Costa Rica first.... property there is cheap too! ;-)

07-23-2006, 02:56 PM
Tell him to move and establish residency in Costa Rica first.... property there is cheap too! ;-)
Cheaper in Panama, so I hear ;)

I finally talked him out of it. He's going to sell franchises instead. This man is a multigabizillionaire but just can't stop working. Had a heart attack about 3 years ago and thought he'd slow down. He hasn't. I also just found out from his wife that they haven't had a vacation in 5 years when they used to travel all the time. I think I need to kick them both in the butts :blink: