View Full Version : I'm going to podcast

07-08-2006, 01:19 PM
Some of you that have been around for a while might remember my old adult Internet radio show "The Porn Professors" which I did in association with YNOT. It has been a couple years since I stopped doing the show and someone else took the name, but I've contemplated starting a new show from time to time. The thing that has stopped me every time I got really serious about it was the production factor. I wasn't interested in acquiring the equipment and learning how to produce my own shows and wasn't really keen on the idea of relying on someone else to handle it for me, so I would put the idea on the back burner again.

Fast forward a bit and the technology is available that allows me to do a show with a minimal amount of equipment and what I hope will be a shallow learning curve. I'm talking about podcasting and today I've done some serious research and decided I'm going to take the Nike approach, and 'just do it'.

By podcasting and not doing a live show, one of the major advantages is that I can record interviews with folks at their convenience and edit it all together later, provide an RSS feed and make it available to be listened to at any time. The other option was to do a live show and then archive it, but that takes us back to the place I didn't want to go in the first place.

It will take me some time to bring myself up to speed but I hope to produce the first show within a couple of weeks. The format I'm planning on following will include commentary on business related issues, interviews with known personalities, discussions with experts in the industry as well as conversations with anyone that is interested in coming on the show and talking with me.

So, I just wanted to give you a heads up and would appreciate it if any of you that would consider chatting with me about your websites, marketing ideas, legal issues or whatever, will email me letting me know you're interested so I can start lining things up. Email me at hammer at pornsitepros dot com. It will be necessary for you to have or be willing to install Skype and get a headset if you don't have one.

I will also be looking for advertisers since I'm not going to pay for the bandwidth myself. ;) Advertisements will consist of me talking about your program, service or product a couple times during each podcast and a banner on the website where the podcasts will be made available.

p.s. I'm hoping that Gonzo will be a regular on the show.

07-08-2006, 03:12 PM
Sounds very good Hammer! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/smiley_thumbsup.gif

'Hit me up' ;) when you have everything ready. I'll come chat with you for a bit. :D

(I'll send you an email.)

07-08-2006, 04:29 PM
Some of you that have been around for a while might remember my old adult Internet radio show "The Porn Professors" which I did in association with YNOT. It has been a couple years since I stopped doing the show and someone else took the name, but I've contemplated starting a new show from time to time. The thing that has stopped me every time I got really serious about it was the production factor. I wasn't interested in acquiring the equipment and learning how to produce my own shows and wasn't really keen on the idea of relying on someone else to handle it for me, so I would put the idea on the back burner again.

Fast forward a bit and the technology is available that allows me to do a show with a minimal amount of equipment and what I hope will be a shallow learning curve. I'm talking about podcasting and today I've done some serious research and decided I'm going to take the Nike approach, and 'just do it'.

By podcasting and not doing a live show, one of the major advantages is that I can record interviews with folks at their convenience and edit it all together later, provide an RSS feed and make it available to be listened to at any time. The other option was to do a live show and then archive it, but that takes us back to the place I didn't want to go in the first place.

It will take me some time to bring myself up to speed but I hope to produce the first show within a couple of weeks. The format I'm planning on following will include commentary on business related issues, interviews with known personalities, discussions with experts in the industry as well as conversations with anyone that is interested in coming on the show and talking with me.

So, I just wanted to give you a heads up and would appreciate it if any of you that would consider chatting with me about your websites, marketing ideas, legal issues or whatever, will email me letting me know you're interested so I can start lining things up. Email me at hammer at pornsitepros dot com. It will be necessary for you to have or be willing to install Skype and get a headset if you don't have one.

I will also be looking for advertisers since I'm not going to pay for the bandwidth myself. ;) Advertisements will consist of me talking about your program, service or product a couple times during each podcast and a banner on the website where the podcasts will be made available.

p.s. I'm hoping that Gonzo will be a regular on the show.

Its easy Hammer. We can work on this with no problem. Podcast is the wave of the future. Having the live broadcast software installed in on my to do list as well. Make it availible for special events.

07-08-2006, 07:39 PM
great Hammer, I would be interested in doing some stuff with you on it too.

07-08-2006, 07:59 PM
I'll definitely plan on having Panky and Joe on soon.

I'm all set up with the software and still have some learning to do to get it sounding perfect and will learn how to add music, create a nice intro and add other bells and whistles. I'm thinking about adding audio blogging to my text blog so to test things out I recorded my latest blog article. I didn't take the time to edit out my stumble and the volume is too low so you need to turn your speakers up, but I'll perfect it soon.
