View Full Version : Weight loss update anyone?

07-07-2006, 12:44 PM
at the beginning of the year there were a few people posting here about losing weight. I'm curious who has followed through. I know I have had my ups and downs but for the most part have continued losing. I am down 143lbs since Mid August of last year.

Check out my Shapefit.com Weightloss success story here:

07-07-2006, 12:53 PM
amazing! congratulations.

07-07-2006, 01:45 PM
Thanks:-) I'm pretty proud of myself. I never thought I would make it this far, so why not go all the way?

Mike AI
07-07-2006, 04:11 PM
Sharky, that is an amazing accomplishment!


07-07-2006, 04:55 PM
Holy fuck. Congratulations Sharky. In all honesty I've yo-yo'd quite a bit so haven't made much progress. I have such odd eating habits I find it hard to find a diet that I stick with. For example, eating slads tatses like eating cardboard to me.. just plain nasty. I'm debating the idea of doing the buying the meal plans and having them delivered like Nutri System or soemthing like that.

07-07-2006, 05:07 PM
Sharky, that is an amazing accomplishment!


Thanks Mike. It's hard to believe I have lost almost half my weight!
I don't plan on going that far, but I do hope to drop as low as 195 before packing on the muscle:-)

07-07-2006, 05:31 PM
Holy fuck. Congratulations Sharky. In all honesty I've yo-yo'd quite a bit so haven't made much progress. I have such odd eating habits I find it hard to find a diet that I stick with. For example, eating slads tatses like eating cardboard to me.. just plain nasty. I'm debating the idea of doing the buying the meal plans and having them delivered like Nutri System or soemthing like that.

Thanks! Eating at home was tough for me as I love to cook.. and the things I cook aren't so healthy. I ate out at Chilis a lot. Chicken and brocolli were a staple of mine for many months..

Hell Puppy
07-08-2006, 02:54 AM
Nice job.

I yo yo like a mad man. I can drop 20-30 without too much fuss, but then all it takes is a week on the road to wipe half that out. Bad habits are hard to break.

And I've yet to find a reliable work out or exercise that I enjoy enough to do. Lifting bores me to tears. I'm not happy unless I'm doing 2-3 things at once.

07-08-2006, 10:05 AM
That's awesome Sharky! I know the feeling though perseonally I've lost 100ish pounds since the same time last year, and it feels great!

07-08-2006, 10:09 AM
I should mention my trick was not simply diet and excersize.. I don't eat junkfood candy or sweets. I started taking these pills: www.sweetsecretions.com and the weight started coming off as my metabolism started kicking up and my hormones started balancing. For a lot of people with weight problems, hormones are as much a contributing factor as anything.

The best part about the pills is they are 100% natural. I've taken them for a year now and I went from having to have an emergency hystorectomy to being completely normal (more normal than even before having kids). The added side-effects (being that the pills also clarify toxins from your system) are GREAT!

My husband also takes them daily and he's lost 45 pounds now. They aren't diet pills, they just help the process along. And make bedroom time more fun too! I wouldn't even consider saying it if I hadn't tried them myself and seen the results over the last year. I didn't even start taking them to lose weight, I took them for my hormones, but every person I've recommended them to has had just as good results as we have. Well worth it

07-08-2006, 05:51 PM
Wow Sharky, that is really amazing! :okthumb::okthumb::okthumb::okthumb::okthumb:


07-08-2006, 05:56 PM
I have, again, found everyone's weight that they've lost. It's on me. You're welcome.

07-10-2006, 12:55 PM
That's awesome Sharky! I know the feeling though perseonally I've lost 100ish pounds since the same time last year, and it feels great!

Congrats on your loss! And a very interesting story about those pills. Did you diet and excercise as well??

07-10-2006, 01:00 PM
Here are some pics of me from this weekends Tampa Webmaster Party thrown by TreasureBucks.



If you are in Tampa and didn't attend, You missed a great time.

07-10-2006, 05:22 PM
Congrats to everybody who has lost the weight!

I started doing Bikram yoga (hot room) every day and switched to organic foods and have dropped 25 lbs since February... now I'm down to a svelte 130lbs and I feel fantastic!

07-10-2006, 08:48 PM
Congrats on your loss! And a very interesting story about those pills. Did you diet and excercise as well??

I do now.. well my diet was never really an issue I always ate very healthy, but I couldn't excersize for almost a year and a half.. I was on bedrest and came off with a spinal fusion that wouldn't allow me full mobility. I am going to be taking bellydancing though :)