View Full Version : Battle Of The Cheetah Girls a.k.a. the worst night of my life

06-15-2006, 01:26 AM
So, I am pretty drunk right now, not because I had a great time, but because I am trying to drown my hate in alcohol

My wife didn't win, she didn't even place....I will post more about that later

in fact, I am so drunk right now and so god damned pissed off that I can't get into it

more later

Hell Puppy
06-15-2006, 02:25 AM
So, I am pretty drunk right now, not because I had a great time, but because I am trying to drown my hate in alcohol

My wife didn't win, she didn't even place....I will post more about that later

in fact, I am so drunk right now and so god damned pissed off that I can't get into it

more later

oh this sounds like a story.

06-15-2006, 02:30 AM
oh this sounds like a story.
seriously, it is a HELLUVA story

give me time to sober up and type like a normal person and I will type it all out

put it this way...I hate fighting..I mean, I despise fighting (sp?)....but right now my wife is in tears across the couch and I feel like fucking someones face up.....i NEVER get this way

Hell Puppy
06-15-2006, 02:31 AM
seriously, it is a HELLUVA story

give me time to sober up and type like a normal person and I will type it all out

put it this way...I hate fighting..I mean, I despise fighting (sp?)....but right now my wife is in tears across the couch and I feel like fucking someones face up.....i NEVER get this way

A'ight, we'll wait with baited breath. Sounds like a screwjob.

06-16-2006, 12:13 AM
So, this was a really long night, so I will give you the cliff notes

I arrived with the sole job of helping my wife get her props ready on stage and hang out with some friends at a nice table in the restaurant that we had reserved.

The day started with every single person that I asked to come and support us cancelling and not coming.....ug

then the house mom, which happens to be a REALLY old friend of ours, asking me if I can help out with the other girls while they get ready on stage...I think to myself, sure, it will be some nice tipout money from the girls and according to the waitress I can get some drinks out of it..

I spend the entire evening helping all the ladies get ready on stage, working manual labor for a good 4 hours...and I hate manual labor, and I hate sweating.

the night ends with 3 girls that barely did anything on stage winning because they had an insane amount of friends cheering and throwing their money on stage....when I say their money, I mean the girls money that was planted to boost their tips up, tips where one of the judging criteria....so, yay!

Then after everything is all over every girl leaves as quick as she got there and doesn't slip me $1 for helping them out...yay!

Then 20 minutes after the show is over the waitress that I was getting drinks from hands me a $80 bill for EVERY SINGLE PERSON where I was sitting, and when I complained said that it was a bill for "my" table...um, I didn't actually have a table, I was helping girls all night...then we had to take 30 minutes after this trying to talk to the manager, who was drunk, explaining why we aren't paying for other peoples drinks...they knock the bill down to $40, which I guess is what a glass of wine and 2 beers costs (NOT)....yay!

then we ask why I am getting out of working all evening, and they ignore us and walk away...yay!

then I walk up to Courtney, the person who asked me to help out (our friend of 10 years now), and ask what I am getting out of working the entire evening, only to have her boyfriend of 1 month stand up and push me and tell me "don't you talk to her like that", and courtney just sits there....yay!

all in all, this evening, we learned:

1. friends won't show up, even when they know something is important to you
2. in order to win contests, you HAVE to cheat and scam
3. people who ask you do help them want it done for free
4. no matter how hard you work on something and make it better than everyone else, it doesn't matter because you didn't cheat.

06-16-2006, 12:13 AM
and just FYI, I left out a LOT of small details that added to the shitty time, but I don't feel like typing everything

06-16-2006, 12:16 AM
oh, and one more thing...when I say friends didn't show up, almost everyone on oprano that I asked said before hand that they wouldn't be able to make it...I am referring more to friends that knew this was happening for a month and planned on being there for a month...then at the last minute before we left called and gave bullshit excuses

Hell Puppy
06-16-2006, 12:51 AM
Sucks dude, wish we could've made it and helped catch your back (and her's) out front. Sounds like back of house bullshit is alive and well in the titty bar industry though.

06-16-2006, 01:36 AM
Years ago when I was running the BBS [late 80s]... I had a chance to do some DJ work in one of the strip clubs. One of the regulars on GonZoland had the hook up and since I had been already been in Screw Magazine he saw the future before I did.

I went and hung out with him a few nights and decided that working in a nekkid bar wasnt for me
1. Because the DJ had to rely heavily on "tip outs" and as you mentioned those girls can leave you high and dry on a whim...
2. I didnt want to end up in my 30's trapped in the adult biz but would rather follow out an IT career [aint that some shit?]

I am sorry to hear that the screw job is still alive and well at the Cheetah. I am certain your wife can get a gig anywhere she desires. What little interaction I have had with her she seems to be a very smart lady. Horror stories seem to follow every visit Ive had there. The very last one was during the Atlanta Webmaster show... I had a meeting there with the girls of Azure Entertainment to come on board as a sponsor. We see how all that turned out.

I SMSed you yesterday I still dont get what the contest was..... it was determined by how many tips they got?

06-16-2006, 01:53 AM
I SMSed you yesterday I still dont get what the contest was..... it was determined by how many tips they got?
sorry, I haven't been in a phone mood that much recently, in fact I left it at home most of the day yesterday...you just happen to catch me when I had while running to the bank

all that info was in the previous post I made annoucing it...

basically, they went on tips, crowd reaction and judges scores

she is now thinking she might go back to work tomoorrow night just to see how everyone treats her, but if last night was any inclination of how they feel about her, then she will be quitting and going 100% full time doing the same work I am doing, I really wanna teach her some shit and get her working from home

06-16-2006, 02:17 AM
she is now thinking she might go back to work tomoorrow night just to see how everyone treats her, but if last night was any inclination of how they feel about her, then she will be quitting and going 100% full time doing the same work I am doing, I really wanna teach her some shit and get her working from home
Might not be a bad idea. And don't forget, someone wants to commission her to do a collage drawing :okthumb:

06-16-2006, 02:42 AM
Might not be a bad idea. And don't forget, someone wants to commission her to do a collage drawing :okthumb:
if you are serious, drop her a line at tabitha@illpencilyouin.com

she really would love to get more drawing business going

06-16-2006, 03:54 AM
Ok.. here's my two cents from what you have written. I can undertsand all your frustration with people not showing up like they said they would (big time) and several other things. Lesson learned and it seems like the two of you are making a learning experience out of it.

That said there is one part of what you posted, which while I give you credit for honesty, I don't put ANY credence in your complaints whatsoever. You don't like manul labor and sweating then don't do it. Especially in a situation where you might not be compenstaed for doing it when there is no requirement to do so. Simple as that. A tip for hleping out isn't an unreasonable expectation in that situation though not a requirement. That said, saying that you don't like manuel labor or sweating in no way makes it any greater "sacrifice" on your behalf.

06-16-2006, 04:05 AM
Ok.. here's my two cents from what you have written. I can undertsand all your frustration with people not showing up like they said they would (big time) and several other things. Lesson learned and it seems like the two of you are making a learning experience out of it.

That said there is one part of what you posted, which while I give you credit for honesty, I don't put ANY credence in your complaints whatsoever. You don't like manul labor and sweating then don't do it. Especially in a situation where you might not be compenstaed for doing it when there is no requirement to do so. Simple as that. A tip for hleping out isn't an unreasonable expectation in that situation though not a requirement. That said, saying that you don't like manuel labor or sweating in no way makes it any greater "sacrifice" on your behalf.

i didn't expect anyone to take it as a greater "sacrifice" because I said that, one of the main reasons I did do it is because a friend of 10 years that works there was in a bind and needed someone to help out....I didn't really did it because of the "sacrifice" aspect, but more of the favor aspect...but even with doing the favor, she does work there so I at least didn't expect to get hit with a bill including everyones drinks from that area I was working in, then get brushed off by her when I brought it up

the biggest issue I had with the people there is the total lack of care they gave me for doing the things I did, I honestly could have cared less about money or free drinks, all though that would have been nice, it was the total brush off I got at the end of the evening when everything was said and done.....and then when I did bring up some things to our friends who happens to work there, her boyfriend steps up in my face and tells me "don't talk to her like that"

the biggest let down was our friend, who in the end showed her true colors, and that is what lets me down the most and angers me the most, is that no matter where when or how, friends ALWAYS let you down

there is so much more to it, and the part where I was asked to help was just a 1/10 of the evening, but every single thing built up to a huge crappy night....it was hundreds of little things that led to the final meltdown

it is over though, and while my wife is still majorly upset and I am a little peeved, that night is gone and is just memory, which I am glad....and I/we can move on and forget about it

06-16-2006, 10:16 AM
No problem Jace. I see where you are coming fromI worked as a bouncer in a strip club for several years while in colege so I know how it can be. I knew exactly the type of situation you weere talking about.

06-16-2006, 02:38 PM
if you are serious, drop her a line at tabitha@illpencilyouin.com

she really would love to get more drawing business going
I will Jace - I THINK I have the originals somewhere easy to get to for most of them, if not, they are in an yearbook, plus I want to add a few more. Give me some time to mentally pull it together because it's something 100% I want to get done.

06-16-2006, 02:59 PM
You have too good of heart my brother.

06-16-2006, 03:02 PM
Wow Jace, I'm sorry to hear that you had such a crappy night. Hopefully everything works out and I wish the best of luck to you and your wife.

06-16-2006, 05:53 PM
Jace, bro, you did have one seriously fucked up night man. And even though i wasn't there... the drive from kentucky would have killed me...I can only imagine how robbed Tabitha was. She has something a lot of strip clubs girls wish they had, natural beauty. that being said

I don't think friends always let you down. I think friends, like anyone else, can disappoint you but they wont always do it. The night could have felt a lot easier to take if you'd have had some friends there for support, but i think all the other fucked up shit that happened just magnified your disappointment in your friends.

Your not my friend, but if i lived in Atlanta, i'd have shown just for the perv factor LOL


06-16-2006, 06:04 PM
I think you and Tabitha went into this with unrealistic expectations, hence the level of disappointment. Contests are always rigged when there's money involved. Next time, learn how to play the game first.

06-16-2006, 06:32 PM
I think you and Tabitha went into this with unrealistic expectations, hence the level of disappointment. Contests are always rigged when there's money involved. Next time, learn how to play the game first.
it actually wasn't unrealistic man....she has done this contest before and won with much less than she had here

and tabitha not winning is really not even upsetting her that much to be honest, she is more upset about the people and events that transpired that evening around the contest....she has done contests before and not won, that isn't a big thing to her, and while yes it is a let down, it isn't the end of the world...and she knows that

06-16-2006, 06:33 PM
Jace, bro, you did have one seriously fucked up night man. And even though i wasn't there... the drive from kentucky would have killed me...I can only imagine how robbed Tabitha was. She has something a lot of strip clubs girls wish they had, natural beauty. that being said

I don't think friends always let you down. I think friends, like anyone else, can disappoint you but they wont always do it. The night could have felt a lot easier to take if you'd have had some friends there for support, but i think all the other fucked up shit that happened just magnified your disappointment in your friends.

Your not my friend, but if i lived in Atlanta, i'd have shown just for the perv factor LOL


have I ever asked you where in Kentucky you live? I think I have before, but I am not sure

06-16-2006, 06:36 PM
have I ever asked you where in Kentucky you live? I think I have before, but I am not sure
Oh hell yeah! I remember, that was why I thought you still lived here bro LOL i think I even debated Gonzo about it once stating very clearly that I knew you was in the bluegrass state... i was sure of it... heh heh, yeah I looked like a MO then too heh heh


06-16-2006, 06:39 PM
Oh hell yeah! I remember, that was why I thought you still lived here bro LOL i think I even debated Gonzo about it once stating very clearly that I knew you was in the bluegrass state... i was sure of it... heh heh, yeah I looked like a MO then too heh heh

haha, yeah, we did live there for over 15 years though, from when I was 11 to 24-25....it was all a big blur

next time we head up that way I will give you a shout, always nice to meet people off the boards

06-16-2006, 06:42 PM
Sorry to hear about all the bullshit Jace, you guys are hard working cool people and deserve much better than that.

one day maybe another good club will come to Atlanta for Tabitha to work in and forget about those Cheetah fucks!!!

06-16-2006, 06:44 PM
haha, yeah, we did live there for over 15 years though, from when I was 11 to 24-25....it was all a big blur

next time we head up that way I will give you a shout, always nice to meet people off the boards
cool beans bro, would look forward to it :D


Mike AI
06-16-2006, 07:00 PM
I think you and Tabitha went into this with unrealistic expectations, hence the level of disappointment. Contests are always rigged when there's money involved. Next time, learn how to play the game first.


06-16-2006, 07:17 PM

read the full thread man, there was no unrealistic anything....we are very down to earth people that try and take all outcomes into mind before joining up to something of this nature, but the things that transpired that evening would have made anyone upset

Mike AI
06-16-2006, 08:12 PM
read the full thread man, there was no unrealistic anything....we are very down to earth people that try and take all outcomes into mind before joining up to something of this nature, but the things that transpired that evening would have made anyone upset

Amazing how someone who is so experienced in certain aspects of life - ( hard drugs) can be so naive in other aspects of life.

06-17-2006, 12:17 AM
Amazing how someone who is so experienced in certain aspects of life - ( hard drugs) can be so naive in other aspects of life.

Hey Mike, when have we met? Cause seem to think you know an awful lot about me and my life....I would love to know when we even chatted one on one, cause you ten to like to stick your nose in and act like we have some history together, and that I somehow wronged you in some way. Maybe it is just you trying to bait me or something like most negative people do, but I am thinking that you may have heard something about me, or maybe know me from somewhere.....cause I have to sit and think, why else would someone that I have never met before make remarks like this when I don't even know them, and they don't know me?

Mike AI
06-17-2006, 10:39 AM
Hey Mike, when have we met? Cause seem to think you know an awful lot about me and my life....I would love to know when we even chatted one on one, cause you ten to like to stick your nose in and act like we have some history together, and that I somehow wronged you in some way. Maybe it is just you trying to bait me or something like most negative people do, but I am thinking that you may have heard something about me, or maybe know me from somewhere.....cause I have to sit and think, why else would someone that I have never met before make remarks like this when I don't even know them, and they don't know me?

Jace, last I checked it was your who continually shares to much information with the board. You wine, bitch, moan and basicly have created a routine where we all get to share your pathetic life.

I was merely chiming in that you maybe a little naive to some of the ways of human behavior ( especally stripper behavior), and like Hammer's post hoped that you would take the opportunity to grow and understand how life works.

Take some time to look in the mirror Hombre, I am not your problem.

Enjoy your weekend. :rolleyes: