View Full Version : AlienQ, step inside....

06-07-2006, 07:25 PM
All right Alien, allthough the original post got moved and no one will see it I will respond here with my views.

I do not, nor have I ever, owed anyone money in this biz, and I like to think I am a somebody. I didn't think many people knew who I was or paid attention to me until this past weekend when I visited the Redneck Getaway, my opinion has changed. More people knew who I was and were anxious to meet me than anywhere I have been in my life, it felt very nice inside, it almost gave me warm fuzzies.

If I can't pay for something I don't get it, I never ask for work up front, period, and the only time I did have hard times and I owed someone, I had a friend take of it for me because I don't like to be in that situation, the friend was paid off within a week.....I do still owe Gonzo $15, but it wasn't that great of a blowjob anyway

I am somebody in this biz and I don't, nor have I ever, owed someone money for any worthwhile amount of time.

Buying advertisements is bullshit when it comes to boards anymore, but only when you are a mom and pop operation, like we are. If you are a huge company and want extreme branding, buying advertisement on boards can be really effective....but for us smaller operations, you are right, it is not worth it, being a board presence is far more worth it than any bought advertising can get

When you are promoting your shit you have a scary mentality that comes with it, and while you are doing well and have a nice amount of clients, there comes a time to ask yourself if you want to be huge, or if you want to stay in that middle class of businessman, I personally never want to stay in that middle class, I want to achieve great things....and I just don't get that impression from you. If I am wrong I am sorry, but that just the impression I get.

The sig views thing is dying out, even as recent as 6 months ago I could jump on a board and get into a pissing match and score 3-4 affiliates over a few days through nscash.com, but times have changed drastically in the past 6 months, worthwhile people in this biz aren't that easy to snatch up anymore, and the "posting for drama" attitude is dying, and very quickly.

I never see you attack someone first, you are right, but it doesn't take much to get you on the offensive, in fact it barely takes anything at all. What I would call a ironic joke or fun poke you call a brutal attack worthy of damage, and that is just plain wrong.

We had a long talk this past weekend at Redneck Getaway about p1mpdogg and his little attitude on the boards, and while it was fun at first and everyone loved it, it is now obviously hurting his business...even his employees have to apologize to people and try and get them to stay with epic.

Alien, you have lost business because of your attitude...I know you may not understand that or what to believe it, but it is true. I know a few people in this biz who are genuinely nice people with deep pockets that have mentioned that they would have loved to work with you, but didn't because they were put off by your attitude on the boards.

I am one of those people (aside from the deep pockets)

I am a great person and I am very loyal to my working mates, and I absolutely love your work, I think you have a great eye for style and design, but so do MANY people in this biz. You were one of the first I thought about when I decided to get my wifes site redone again, but unfortunately when I jumped on the boards and looked for you that week I saw a barrage of insanity and negativity, and I am 100% against working with anyone that has a negative attitude in any aspects of their life...call me hippie, but I am all about the energy that people put out....what you put out, you get back

To conclude, I just think if you were to just be yourself on the boards and stop with this intentional bashing of others I think you could be a very rich man and never have to owe another person in your life.....I have talked to you on icq man, you aren't the person I see on the boards, that is NOT you and you know it.....we are all crazy in our own ways man, hell I am a nutjob anarchist, but I also follow one rule as I live my life, don't hurt others, and while you may think it is a forum "persona" or "character", that is all you are doing in the long run, is hurting others and yourself.

06-08-2006, 05:49 AM
I dunno what ever you are comming off of yo, or what you are trying to say.

I do not do well because I have an attitude?
I do awright, I am not interested in having people around me just because they might have cash and I do not make any exceptions about the matter. I look for the humanity in folks and wallet size has no baring on my efforts to befriend them or do biz with them. I do fine though, alot of folks in the biz are very cool, very nice but not many of them, only a few. I keep assholes away from me pretty well, I just attract them because they can not stand that I do have skill's they never will. No matter what ya do with yer life you will have critics.

It's understandable and it is easy to be disliked, with as much shit talking that happens in this biz I do not let my guard down. I been threw to much and know very well not to.

So what you might view as attitude or hostility is nothing more than an effort of preservation and protection because if I were nice all the time I would be one big fucking target to be taken advantage of.

You can't be nice to people, especially ones that start shit with ya.

Thats just my method and I do not care if you approve or not.
Take it or leave it on the table, sip some wine on the thought and ya will see maybe where I am comming from.

06-08-2006, 03:15 PM
I just spent 30 minutes writing something extremely nice to try and help and you don't even take the time to really read it and figure what it all means? wow dude, either you actually do have a sub-par intelligence level or you actually do think you are better than everyone else....

I never said you didn't do well, I know who you work with and I know you do all right for yourself normally. I just also know that your business could be taken to a very high level of success, and because of your attitude it never will go there.

You say you look for the humatiny in folks, when is that? because I have never seen you do that, ever.
I never said anything about wallet size, except when I mentioned that some people that were successful were going to hire you, and you ruined it.....when I say that, it doesn't mean that you need to surround yourself with money, I never have believed anyone should be like that, it means that you could have long term clients that paid on time and always got work from you, and you blew the chance....I PERSONALLY know one insanely huge video company in LA that was going to hire you on long term, and they decided against it when they were showed how you treated people....that, my friend, is called burning a bridge, and you are ever so good at it.

There is not nearly as much shit talking in this biz as your insane brain thinks there is....as with any aspect of life, people talk, it is a fact of life that no one can get away from...but I think your idea of preservation and protection is just a wimpy way of saying "I'll hurt you before you hurt me"....and if you know anything about psychology and human nature, that is a extreme form of insecurity

I am nice all the time, and I am not a target, how do you explain that?
People don't ever try and start shit with me, how do you explain that?

no matter how much wine you give me, I will never see where you are coming from.....it is a negative place that never wants to grow and expand in business, and never wants to climb higher than he is now...and there is no amount of words in the world that can make me understand ANYONE that wants to be like that

06-08-2006, 04:10 PM
Yeah you are being really nice I can tell. Well me and my "Insane Brain" think otherwise pardon me for so saying. By logic you are being condecending and derogatory.

You Say that I lost business because of my attitude, my posts are scary, that I can make it big time if I was not an asshole, and bacially spent a half hour of your time describing it in detail with your own justification and reasoning?

You are not nice all the time nor are you being nice now. You are a hypocrit. Even you have attacked me and my work in the past as you are now. You are no friend of mine and a parasite. Rambling on and on about all this or that opportunity that I missed is nothing more than you posturing, attempting to justify your overly opinionated thoughts hoping some dipshit will call you rather than me.

Its all about views yo, and I see ya selling yourself.
You do not give a mother fuck.

06-08-2006, 04:15 PM
Even with some help...your still not very good at this.

06-08-2006, 04:18 PM
yes, I am being condecending, you give me every right to be that way by not listening to what I say or taking anything I say seriously....

there was a time when I was not nice, you are right, but times have changed and so have I. I used to be an ass on the boards, but I have changed my ways because I saw the times changing and I adapted....that has been a LONG ass time ago.

I may have attacked you, but I don't think I EVER attacked your work...I have always loved your work and I think you have 100% true talent in what you do.

and what do you mean hoping someone will call me rather than you? that makes no sense

I am always trying to sell myself, yes, that is what people trying to make money do in a business environment...sorry if you can't grasp that concept

and I love how you constantly avoid all my real points and continue to try and get a rise out of me...sorry dude, it doesn't work with me anymore.

and you are right, I do not give a mother fuck about you personally, but as a whole I give a shit about everyone in the world, no matter what, everyone is human and deserves love

06-08-2006, 04:40 PM
yes, I am being condecending, you give me every right to be that way by not listening to what I say or taking anything I say seriously....

I do not have a reason to take you seriously.

there was a time when I was not nice, you are right, but times have changed and so have I. I used to be an ass on the boards, but I have changed my ways because I saw the times changing and I adapted....that has been a LONG ass time ago.

Long time ago my ass. LOL, you are pretty funny.

I may have attacked you, but I don't think I EVER attacked your work...I have always loved your work and I think you have 100% true talent in what you do.

And you wonder why I look at you as an enemy now? You wonder about people making judgments, well I made a judgement about you on the boards and now what do you want? Hypocracy is a bitch aint it?

and what do you mean hoping someone will call me rather than you? that makes no sense

I am always trying to sell myself, yes, that is what people trying to make money do in a business environment...sorry if you can't grasp that concept

So Boards are a true business environment now? If you make business decisions on boards then you are assuming, you are reading fake nics and hateful shit they say, and form an opinion based on cruel text as someone defends themselves helplessly from unknown assailants.

and I love how you constantly avoid all my real points and continue to try and get a rise out of me...sorry dude, it doesn't work with me anymore.

You do not have any real points.

and you are right, I do not give a mother fuck about you personally, but as a whole I give a shit about everyone in the world, no matter what, everyone is human and deserves love

People are inherently animals and most deserve only a bullet in the head. They hide, they tend to only look out for thier own self preservation often saying or doing anything to secure themselves in the world. People inherently are fearful to speak out afraid of voicing thier thoughts and in most cases point at those that do for salvation and gain the acceptance of others.

I am not afraid of saying the things I do, I do not hold back on what I think. I been thrown on the wall for doing so all my life. I am not afraid to bring up real points that make people think. Am I insane? Probably because no one should take a beating like I have in my life for keeping a free mind.

My peer's are cruel master's and I do not play thier game. Thats what makes it easy to judge me if you are the kind of person that looks down on others. You deal with me as an equal or you do not deal with me at all. Thats my rule, my choice.

If Ya think you are better than me, just move on, because in short you are wasting your breath time and effort on someone not interested in hearing your delusions of grandjour or enduring them...

06-08-2006, 04:46 PM
I do not think anyone is better than anyone else...we are all equal at the end of the day

it is useless talking to you, I can see that no one is going to get anywhere trying to get you to see any valid points

Hell Puppy
06-08-2006, 10:39 PM
If someone actually read all this shit, please tell me what it said in one sentence or less...


06-08-2006, 10:53 PM
If someone actually read all this shit, please tell me what it said in one sentence or less...


industry says: "alien, your pretty much one of the bigger idiots in the biz"

alien says: "i'm not an idiot. you're an idiot... and everyone else is an idiot"

alien's therapist says: "alien, where have you been? you have missed the last 5 sessions and stopped answering you phone. at a minimum, i want to make sure you are still taking your medication"

06-08-2006, 11:03 PM
If someone actually read all this shit, please tell me what it said in one sentence or less...

"Fuck You"
"No FUCK You"
rinse repeat heh heh
oh and about this
I do fine though, alot of folks in the biz are very cool, very nice but not many of them, only a few. I keep assholes away from me pretty well,
if an asshole can design me, or a company I work for, gallery pages, freesites or tours that will convert like mad..... they are welcome to be an asshole and they can take the money. I don't have a problem working with assholes. Just people who don't deliver on time.

I don't know you alienq so this is not about you, just a general observation.


06-08-2006, 11:07 PM
if an asshole can design me, or a company I work for, gallery pages, freesites or tours that will convert like mad..... they are welcome to be an asshole and they can take the money. I don't have a problem working with assholes. Just people who don't deliver on time.

I personally don't care to have such negativity associated with me or my company....that is just the way I am though

designers are a dime a dozen these days

06-08-2006, 11:11 PM
I personally don't care to have such negativity associated with me or my company....that is just the way I am though

designers are a dime a dozen these days
that is one way to look at it and a perfectly valid POV sure. But http://www.bleeding-phincter-designs.com could design a good tour and the only one who is going to know it is you and them. They wouldnt be assc with your site or you. Just a good tour that makes everyone money ya know?


06-08-2006, 11:12 PM
that is one way to look at it and a perfectly valid POV sure. But http://www.bleeding-phincter-designs.com could design a good tour and the only one who is going to know it is you and them. They wouldnt be assc with your site or you. Just a good tour that makes everyone money ya know?

that domain is available I think :))

06-09-2006, 12:02 AM
If someone actually read all this shit, please tell me what it said in one sentence or less...


Hes still not very good at this.

Hell Puppy
06-09-2006, 11:17 PM
Since he got his ass tossed off of GFY he's obviously Jones-ing as he's showing up on lots of other boards now to try to get his fix.

Hint: get off the boards and do some actual work...

06-10-2006, 09:51 AM
Since he got his ass tossed off of GFY he's obviously Jones-ing as he's showing up on lots of other boards now to try to get his fix.

Hint: get off the boards and do some actual work...

Im certain he owes several people work.
Why would you hire anyone that refuses to deliver and has a track record of not being able to get the job done?

Hell Puppy
06-10-2006, 03:26 PM
Im certain he owes several people work.
Why would you hire anyone that refuses to deliver and has a track record of not being able to get the job done?

Because Cory recommended him?

06-10-2006, 04:44 PM
Im certain he owes several people work.
Why would you hire anyone that refuses to deliver and has a track record of not being able to get the job done?

Now ya resort to lieing. Nice chide to get me to post in this shit hole board.

I always complete work order's, unless of course somthing else is worked out or decided on.

Name one that I have not in the past 12 years.

You are not very good at this.

On another note.
Someone hit the nail on the head. You can hate my guts, I can dislike you just the same but getting things done and doing the work to get point A to Point B is all that matters.

I do not need bragging rights on clients infact most of my clients are not even listed on my site, just ones that came out in the public and said that I did some work for them.

Lets see...

FTV GIRLS, DUKE DOLLARS, CECASH, MAYORS MONEY, Swank Magazine and the list goes on and on...

I am not desperate for work, I can afford my attitude, infact there is nothing I would change about it. My method works and with that in mind I will always proceed the way I do.

Ya do not like it. Fuck you...
I don't give a shit.

06-11-2006, 12:13 PM
Now ya resort to lieing. Nice chide to get me to post in this shit hole board.

I always complete work order's, unless of course somthing else is worked out or decided on.

Name one that I have not in the past 12 years.

You are not very good at this.

On another note.
Someone hit the nail on the head. You can hate my guts, I can dislike you just the same but getting things done and doing the work to get point A to Point B is all that matters.

I do not need bragging rights on clients infact most of my clients are not even listed on my site, just ones that came out in the public and said that I did some work for them.

Lets see...

FTV GIRLS, DUKE DOLLARS, CECASH, MAYORS MONEY, Swank Magazine and the list goes on and on...

I am not desperate for work, I can afford my attitude, infact there is nothing I would change about it. My method works and with that in mind I will always proceed the way I do.

Ya do not like it. Fuck you...
I don't give a shit.

Its not me on GFY or Oprano begging for work.
You really should finish that girls project.