View Full Version : I'm confused

06-05-2006, 09:49 PM
where did my "hi, I'm new let me introduce myself" post go?

06-05-2006, 09:56 PM
I'm only slightly less confused than I was before.

I'm in the main area and I saw some " hi i'm new here " posts so I thought that's where i should post mine. However...


the post above is apparently welcome here at the main forum.

But, my post


Has been moved from the main forum, to "posts not of general interest"

apparently some webmasters are more welcome to introduce themselves in the most active forum, but some of us are not.

nice. can anyone say - creepy double standard?

06-05-2006, 10:10 PM
Want some mayo with that spam?

06-05-2006, 10:52 PM
Maybe if your 'hi i'm new here' post was more of an introduction and less of a spam for your new affiliate program it would have been more welcome.

06-06-2006, 12:10 AM
ok - but first i Looked around and I noticed that MANY members have a banner or ad for their site or affiliate program IN their signature - SO after I signed up - and filled out my profile, I set out to edit my signature according to the examples I saw all over the place.. including the other example I cited - the guy who introduced himself, mentioned his sites and also his program and his post was not moved. I'm just sayin.. HI - i'm tryin to learn the ropes and using my eyes to help out. 1) some of you have banners for your sites/programs in your signature and 2) i saw another post with the same message, hi, this is me, introduction, links, business info, the end.

so how the hell are newbies supposed to know we're breaking the rules if it's selectively enforced and only applies to the few who happen to be lucky enough to get slammed?


06-06-2006, 06:12 AM
Let me get this straight. You're pushing a CCBill affiliate program for a web site that doesn't accept VISA via CCBill?

Also, the buttons on your signup page don't function in Mozilla/FireFox.

You've got some work to do...

06-06-2006, 09:57 AM
I'm only slightly less confused than I was before.

I'm in the main area and I saw some " hi i'm new here " posts so I thought that's where i should post mine. However...


the post above is apparently welcome here at the main forum.

But, my post


Has been moved from the main forum, to "posts not of general interest"

apparently some webmasters are more welcome to introduce themselves in the most active forum, but some of us are not.

nice. can anyone say - creepy double standard?
Hi Max, welcome to the board and I happen to agree with you on this one. I don't see how your post was any more 'spammy' then the one for lord junior. Keeping in mind that I know some background for depraved dollars then you might not be privy too. Nothing drama or juicy, just consider them friends of the board. your post should not have been moved IMO though, so
welcome to the board


06-06-2006, 11:36 AM
Hi Max, welcome to the board and I happen to agree with you on this one. I don't see how your post was any more 'spammy' then the one for lord junior. Keeping in mind that I know some background for depraved dollars then you might not be privy too. Nothing drama or juicy, just consider them friends of the board. your post should not have been moved IMO though, so
welcome to the board

I do agree with Spazblaz that it probably shouldn't have been moved and LordJunior's spam was way over the top for a non paying advertiser.

06-09-2006, 01:46 AM
Let me get this straight. You're pushing a CCBill affiliate program for a web site that doesn't accept VISA via CCBill?

Also, the buttons on your signup page don't function in Mozilla/FireFox.

You've got some work to do...

uh... my program accepts visa, what are you talking about? I'm all paid up with the visa people and ccbill, what ever made you think the site doesn't accept visa?

just wondering.

06-09-2006, 01:48 AM
Hey thanks Spaz and Hammer for the warm and kind welcome. I really do appreciate SOMEONE welcoming me with open arms, to this very informative and feisty group. thanks fellas.


06-09-2006, 02:44 AM
Let me get this straight. You're pushing a CCBill affiliate program for a web site that doesn't accept VISA via CCBill?

Also, the buttons on your signup page don't function in Mozilla/FireFox.

You've got some work to do...

ok Toby, I called ccbill, thanks for the headsup - apparently it could take from 1-3 weeks for visa approval. I'll have it within 2 weeks - the site went live a week ago.

thanks for the info!


06-09-2006, 04:56 AM
uh... my program accepts visa, what are you talking about? I'm all paid up with the visa people and ccbill, what ever made you think the site doesn't accept visa?

just wondering.You have no Visa logo on your CCBill signup page. That usually indicates that Visa is not accepted. Been burned more than once by that, so I always check.

The buttons leading to the signup page still don't function in Firefox/Mozilla
http://nakedknockers.com/join/ <-- buttons do nothing

06-09-2006, 06:02 AM
The Visa and button issues aside, I'd still be very reluctant to signup for your program at this stage. If you're so new that you just got CCBill approved, then there is no possible way that you've been able to test and fine tune your tour(s) to make sure they convert well.

If you look back a couple of weeks you'll find a thread by NY_TIM, asking for beta testers for a new site his program is getting ready to launch. As compensation for testing, he's paying 70%. He'll fine tune to tours using the info gleaned from that traffic before opening the site to all affiliates. This is just one way of testing a new tour. There are many others.

By jumping the gun on opening an affiliate program you're likely going to sour alot of people on your program when it doesn't convert well at first. That makes it twice as hard to get people to promote your program once you do get it all sorted out.

Just my 2¢ worth, but I do specialize in promoting promoting smaller programs. Most of them through CCBill.

06-13-2006, 02:38 AM
ok - visa is now an active billing option for www.nakedknockers.com (http://www.nakedknockers.com)

just thought i'd update you since it was a point of contention.
