View Full Version : KP purse strings under scrutiny

05-28-2006, 05:24 PM
The Internet can be a dangerous place, especially for children. You never know what may lurk behind a "screen name" and the Internet is used by those involved in child pornograghy to distribute their immoral and illegal material.

Now a coalition between the financial services industry, ISP's, law enforcement and a child advocacy group will use a time-tested method of resolving Internet crime, which is if you want to find the culprit(s); follow the money.

USA Today is reporting:

"The financial institutions will report child porn sites they discover on the Web to a central tip line, slated to expand next month to receive the information. The companies will block transactions for online child porn or, if law enforcement opens an investigation, help track sellers and buyers."

"The Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography represents a new phase in the war against what has become a multibillion-dollar, international business. Internet service providers, including AOL, already report child porn sites they find."

For the article by USA Today, link here (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2006-05-25-firms-fight-online_x.htm?csp=34).

The intent of this effort will be to identify offenders, shut down sites and hopefully bring some of the people to justice.

This new tool was brought about with some hard work by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (http://www.ncmec.org/missingkids/servlet/PublicHomeServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&) and Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. (http://shelby.senate.gov/) The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has a cyber tipline, as well as, a link where anyone can report a sighting of a "missing child." (http://www.ncmec.org/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&PageId=992) This site also has a lot of valuable information for children and parents how to be Internet smart and is well worth a visit.

05-29-2006, 01:52 PM
Sadly, I bet a lot of this isn't even done for pay, i.e. no financial records. It was like we were talking about the other night - there are a lot of people who just happened to be able to put their constant lifestyle on the web and make money.

When these perverts see the money folks involved, or even now, they'll be more than happy to "trade" their trash for free.

Jail time is too good for them - give them to the parents of the children they molested and/or jerk off to pictures of.

05-29-2006, 05:17 PM
Sadly, I bet a lot of this isn't even done for pay, i.e. no financial records. It was like we were talking about the other night - there are a lot of people who just happened to be able to put their constant lifestyle on the web and make money.

When these perverts see the money folks involved, or even now, they'll be more than happy to "trade" their trash for free.

Jail time is too good for them - give them to the parents of the children they molested and/or jerk off to pictures of.

Trading KP is a victimless crime and Id venture to say that there are a lot more pedos out there than anyone cares to admit. The longer they are able to get away with their "hobby" I think the more brazen they get.

Some of those fuckers were busted openly running a Yahoo group for the explicit purpose of trading. And what about the ones that are caught with video cams in the high school girls bathrooms?

These are people from all different walks of life. Hell one was a woman that drove a school bus.

I dont understand it nor do I condone it but its hard to say what the answer is to keep kids safe from these predators.

05-29-2006, 05:38 PM
Trading KP is a victimless crime and Id venture to say that there are a lot more pedos out there than anyone cares to admit. The longer they are able to get away with their "hobby" I think the more brazen they get.

Some of those fuckers were busted openly running a Yahoo group for the explicit purpose of trading. And what about the ones that are caught with video cams in the high school girls bathrooms?

These are people from all different walks of life. Hell one was a woman that drove a school bus.

I dont understand it nor do I condone it but its hard to say what the answer is to keep kids safe from these predators.

people are freaks indeed. :(


05-29-2006, 06:15 PM
I know you saw the humor of both Micheal Jackson and Nascar sneaking in there!

05-30-2006, 08:36 AM
people are freaks indeed. :(

So it's basically the smoking NASCAR Christians we have to fear ;)

Hell Puppy
05-30-2006, 04:16 PM
So it's basically the smoking NASCAR Christians we have to fear ;)

It's like he was somehow tapped into my browser last night...