View Full Version : How about some software that steals content and rewrites/relinks it?

05-25-2006, 12:55 AM
Not sure if any of you all are familiar with Autoblogger Pro, but it has a nice feature built into it that is pretty much only good for content theft

With ABP you can take rss feeds and insert them into your blogs...simple enough, right? Nope, ABP takes this a step further and allows you to "rewrite" and "relink" any rss feed.

What that means is this...Say Frank Wank starts a blog and puts 5 hours a day into promoting his blog and writing kickass stories/posts....then Jack Scammer comes along and buys Autoblogger Pro. All Jack Scammer has to do to have a kickass blog is insert Frank's rss feed into Autoblogger Pro, tell ABP to "rewrite" anything that mentions Franks name, and "relink" any of Franks links to be Jack's links, so all of Franks posts/links are now on Jacks blog and they are "rewritten" to appear to be Jack's posts/links

basically, you can take anyones blog posts and rewrite/relink them so that you steal them and make money from them

I don't know the guys that wrote the software personally, but they seem like nice enough guys. They claim the next version of this software will not have this feature....

all this really reminds me of the mpa2 shave fiasco, where mpa2 claimed it the shave feature was in there out of program owner demand, and swore it would not be in future versions.

05-25-2006, 01:00 AM
Its been a good week for scamming.
Ransomware and now blog theft!