View Full Version : For those who don't read JBM

05-22-2006, 10:21 AM
In case anyone is interested in the drama over on another board, here is why I left WEG back in Dec. I never posted publically why I left, but for some reason, Cory decided to get his panties in wad over the last week and whine about me "dogging" him. His boss then posted asking me to leave him alone. This backfired on them as only about 5% of the people there agreed with their tactics. Anywoo.........again, IF anyone's interested (which I can't imagine too many people are):

LOL, you and Cory were trying to "test me"? Yeah - that's professional Thank you, now I can respond in public

Three times YOUR employee ignored you and didn't move on. You might want to check into that.

Originally Posted by Jimmy the Squid
Three times in this thread I've asked that both parties move on. Three times in this thread, that has been ignored. I don't believe I could have been nicer or more professional in my request to end this. "The email" is being waved around like some sort of ransom note or leverage on Peaches behalf and it's time it's aired.

In it's entirety....the center of much controversy, from Cory to the WEGCash marketing team.


I am not going to waste a tremendous amount of time explaining the Adonthenet decision, however I will elaborate some. The decision to declare him an additional winner is twofold:

1) It was my decision to make; I am accountable for our PR. Pretty simple.

2) I called Chris this morning and had a conversation with Brad regarding
it a few weeks back, after combining that with my philosophy on our companyıs Public Relations, I felt it best to award him the prize.

As much as this industry is beset on behaving like children, we are not. We are not a rogue company, we are large and prestigious company, and we will act accordingly.

I will take the blame for the fiasco that ensued with everyone feeling slighted over my decision, in the future I will try to communicate better with everyone. The fact of the matter is that this companyıs public relations is ran in a vigilante fashion that I have never been comfortable with. People seem to do as they wish with little accountability. That said, it has always been my job to change that, however, the environment has never seemed conducive to doing such. With our company taking on a new direction I am confident that barriers are softening up. With that in mind, I intend this email to be one that starts that process.

The PR generated from giving up one IPOD today was beneficial. John and one of the owners harnessed it positively as such. It is where we should always strive to be as a company. Our job is to brand our product, provide support and bring in new business; it is not to argue with a contest winner. I did not care if he cheated. I used to work under a PR guy, on many occasions he would come in and overrule my decisions as he had more authority. I took the opportunity to learn from it. Our main focus today was two new accounts, one of which is sending heavy volume. Contest such as this should always be prioritized after our bottom line; hence my decision.

I had nothing to do with this. I was on a plane. When I mentioned that I was glad I was on a plane why all this drama was going on, Cory's response was "Why?". Odd, but nonetheless, nothing I was involved in. It DID amuse me that Cory got patted on the back for giving away a $500 product that WEG paid for to someone who cheated and I haven't seen post since, but again, I wasn't involved in this at all.

Here are some guidelines we are going to start conforming with. If you do not like the guidelines, we should examine other options for you (this includes me, it always has).

Posting presence

When you post, you are posting for the company. Every letter you scribe is one that is written under the Weg umbrella. I am glad to be working in an industry liberal with its array of topics; however, we have standards to abide by. We do not fight with other webmasters / board personalities in a way that affects our image. If you are unclear on what affects our image, you can ask me. If you have to ask a lot, you are likely not cut out for the position of representing a company of our magnitude. We are not here to follow webmasters or program owners around with shoddy comments. We will be a better team if we discontinue this behavior.

If you think this is harsh, you should know that other programs abide by these type standards. There are plenty of rogue companies that allow it; we are not one of them. If anything needs to be said that is over the line, John or I will be the ones to say it.

Again, no one, not even Lord Cory, said a word to me about posting with Brad. As Cory has pointed out as recently as a couple of months ago, Brad knows it brings in views and ergo money for his company. But again, as I told Skorick "had someone said "STFU or you're history", I would have." In fact, it's in an email so I'm sure he can confirm this is verbatim what I said. I am assuming Cory was told to talk to me about this, but never did which is why he's lying about telling me to "work more" <----- that STILL cracks me up, and leave Brad alone


Shows are a privilege to attend. They are also where business convenes. Your job at shows is to attend all the events, have fun and hopefully brand and grow the product. This is not difficult. However, not attending events or just going to lunch / dinner / drinks with friends that are not relative to our business does not count. Believe it or not, I do not expense things from shows that involve friends. And I do stress you need to be in attendance at an array of events. My girlfriend goes to shows with me and she attends strip club parties; trust me, she has an agenda of other things she would like to do with her time. For me, it isnıt an option and it will no longer be an option for others. The company does not pay my girlfriend; there is something to be said for that. Our staff should be present at events before my girlfriend is. Furthermore, I am there for business, if she does not feel like going that will not stop me from going.

First of all, shows aren't a privilege, they are WORK. When I went to shows I worked. The only time I've ever had WEG pay for a "friend" was in FL from a company that while WEG doesn't do business with, WEG's employees constantly attend their parties. I asked Cory FIRST before inviting them and even offered to pay for them myself. Hell, they themselves even offered to pay. At the same time I pointed out we had all enjoyed many parties thrown by this company while not being a customer of theirs and I didn't think buying one of their employees a meal or two was an issue. But I asked first AND offered to pay as did the person in question.

As far as doing things with people who are friends at shows, the only thing I can think I did was go to a Cirque show in Vegas last Jan with some friends from ATL - who are in the biz and send us traffic, albeit not a huge amount. Before we even made reservations I contacted Cory and told him I wanted to go and asked him if there was a night he didn't need me to be "WEG". He gave me a night - I think it was a Platinum Bucks dinner - and we all made the Cirque reservations based on when I could go. Again, asked and was given permission. And no, I didn't expense it

Cory was upset I didn't attend a strip club during the JBM show. In the 13+ years I've been in the adult industry, I have NEVER attended a strip club except Dokk's back around 1998. I cannot believe a company would expect an employee or contractor to attend a strip club. Even Skorick made the comment that asking me to do so would be illegal. Not to mention it would freak so many people out that I was there, I can't imagine it would be a good thing, lol!

If our company does not send you to a show, you should not attend; put simply, it is discourteous. This applies to me and anyone on the payroll for our company. When we attend a show, we are representing our company, we must be there on the companyıs approval, and it does not matter if you are paying for it yourself. If I want to go to a show without the company initiating it, or I have a separate agenda, I need to have the decency and respect to ask.

It was never an issue before that we were not to attend shows if WEG wasn't paying for it. Other employees went to Mexico on their own dime last year and not only did one wear a WEG/Purecash Tshirt most of the time, they made one of the industry rags wearing it. I went to Jamaica and
did the same thing - wore a Purecash shirt and there were pictures. I know the other employee and I both asked for and received permission for these trips and as I said before, I considered it a win/win situation for WEG - they
got some PR and didn't have to pay for it. As far as the Vegas Jan06 show, I didn't ask to attend the show while I paid for it, I explained that friends of mine who were going to the show were going to stay in Vegas for a few days afterwards and I wanted to spend that time with them. I planned to (and did) get to Vegas on the last day of the show but I never had any intention of buying a floor pass for one day or attend any show parties. This was a Sunday, a supposed "day off" where I was told WEG didn't want me in a particular city, but when Skorick asked while I was in the airport on my way to CA for the Christmas party that I not be there during any part of the show, I said that was fine and didn't plan on being there that last day. This was the first and only time I had even mentioned being in the same city where a show was being held that I wasn't attending under WEG so how Cory had discussions with me about not doing before this time is beyond physical comprehension

If you are sent to a show, please always have at your disposal nice, professional attire. Many events might not require it of you, however, we as a company should always gauge our attire based on the venue attended, not the webmaster community. We are a leader in our industry, we are a company selling a product, and we need to conform to basic professionalism. If you have questions about this, please do not hesitate in asking. If you are seeking out examples, please see CCBill; they are always professional, friendly and fun. They are also very efficient and team oriented.

Has anyone seen me at a show not dressed in professional attire? ANYONE? Just look through the pictures, especially from CR and Cabo, then look at the ones of me and please point out where I was inappropriately dressed

If you are given petty cash, you need to turn in receipts. If receipts are not available (luggage tips, free drink tips, etc) then you need to write it down as a sum total. I will get with John and Jeff and come up with a solution for expensing from a logistics standpoint. For now, know you need to have receipts.

I provided receipts and an Excel ledger for every trip I was asked to do so for. These were receipts for per diem, which after working for company after company, I've never turned in a receipt for per diem payments. But I did. If I didn't have a receipt, I filled it out in Excel and sent it in. When we stopped getting per diem, I again sent in receipts and Excel ledgers for all expenses. Again, Cory and Skorick are free to check with the WEG accounting department regarding this. And since you brought it up, what ever happened to that $100 that "disappeared" from the petty cash you were supposed to bring me in Atlanta, lol??!

When events are local, you may be obligated to go. A perfect example of where this went wrong was when we were all in Los Angeles and XBIZ hosted a gathering. Ruth, my girlfriend and I should not be the only ones to go. In the future, these are simply non-negotiable unless you have otherwise discussed options with us. In addition, doing something other than an event is a non-expensed affair. If you choose another approved path, do not expect the company to pay for it.

Here is what REALLY happened: Ruth was in the states for the first time since working for WEG and had never been to a show. NO ONE was going to this party until I mentioned to Cory that it might be a good idea for Ruth to go since she didn't travel much so she could meet some people. He said he wasn't sure if it was OK with his girlfriend, but if it was, they would go. He called his gf, she wanted to go, so the three went.

Another employee and I went to eat sushi. I pulled out my credit card and offered to pay for it. They said "No, Jason said to take care of you tonight so he's paying". It was expensed. When I explained this to Skorick, he commented that Cory didn't know Jason had OK'd it. I replied "Because he didn't ask". Cory acted without thinking, again. This is just like Cory and Skorick just ASSuming WEG had paid for my trip to CA for the Christmas party when 1. I told Skorick I was going to pay for it and 2. All they had to do was ASK those who had records of these things before making accusations

For the record, we do not believe shows are the end-all for business. Most business is done from your laptop during the daily grind. Please let me know if you do not want to go to shows, we will be very accommodating in this nature. We are a lot more concerned with your usual daily jobs. Likewise if you want to attend a certain show, let us know.

Again, not sure how this pertains to me being a "poor employee who needed to work harder".....

Days off

We should always ask for days off. This concept seems lost on this department. I do not want to get messages telling me you are off. I donıt get that liberty. We are all accountable for our time. For the record, I have never been denied a day off.

Even though I was an independent contractor, I ALWAYS asked for days off. And I don't think there was a single day I took "off" (including all weekends and holidays) when I didn't at least check WEG email and ICQs at least once. How many days did you not see me around when I was working for WEG? Even when I scattered my son's ashes in Alaska, and I wasn't being paid, I was still answering ICQs for WEG.

On a personal note, we are all required to maintain a basic level of respect. Your opinions are all respected, however, please do not tell me (or anyone in management for that matter) how to do our jobs. I do not tell John, Phil, Kym, Jason or Jordan how to do their jobs. If you are ambitious and seek more responsibility and more pay then working hard should pay off.
If you are not happy with your role, we should discuss other options.

Once again, I have ZERO idea what he's talking about here. Perhaps interoffice politics I was not privy to or involved in. But for a letter that was written with the decision to "go on without Peaches" I don't see how this pertains to me. I've never told someone how to do their jobs. Hell, I wasn't even sure what most people's "jobs" were as everyone seemed to be doing everying. I've put graphics together and Skorick has dealt with customer service. But I certainly don't recall telling ANYONE what do to. Why would I?!

Vu, Kym and Phil are also managers and all work very hard to keep our company full-steam ahead. Please ensure that the utmost respect is given to them. If they request you do something, please do it.

Again, none of these people even asked me to do anything, so how I didn't do it is beyond my scope of understanding

In concern with what is going on with the company: The state of affairs is that we are changing and growing in a simultaneous fashion. John is new, however has already made some beneficial changes; we all expect more in the future. We have allotted to give Ruth more responsibility due to the fact that she does an extraordinary job. She will be doing things such as newsletters, contest, marketing banners, all without company approval. This change is being made in hopes to streamline our company a bit more. She can prompt meetings from this point forward regarding our Marketing calls (if she wants me, or me and John, Phil, whoever, she can prompt such). We have conferencing ability and it is simple to use.

The goal is to work together, but first a level of respect must be met. We are here to work as a team. I hope that as time moves forward, our liaisons only grow more positive and more innovative. I am sure we are all capable people that can all do a better job. This company is very good to each and every one of us; we need to work hard for it. Aiming for mediocrity will no longer be acceptable. Pay is not an excuse, I have worked as hard as I do now for $10 / hour. Our team should now begin focusing on higher standards.

We are currently working on custom content sites. We hope that by next February we will be in full motion. Lets make our goal to have our PR in a full positive swing so that when we launch, it is smooth sailing out of the gates. We have to remember that we have a lot of programmers, designers, fraud support personnel, 2257 personnel, and accounting personnel working tirelessly on this new product; it isn't fair for us to compromise it because we get emotional on a board over something silly and obscure like a contest. We have tremendous potential; our expectations for success should be set very high.

I hope they are now.

Oh, they were, lol! Especially since by my calculations, I WAS making about $10 an hour


This game ends here. The trump card has been revealed and everyone can draw their own conclusions. Move on.

I'm sure everyone's enjoyed your game. I sure there are also at least SOME people that can see when I saw the lies written by someone I just found out was my manager, it was written after hours the night before a Christmas party I was flown up for, while KNOWING it would cause conflict, I realized I could work there no more. I talked to Jason the next morning told him I was quitting, he told me he was unaware of the email and that no, I wasn't quitting and asked me to talk to John. Which I did. I pointed out to John that Cory had been badmouthing for months and I knew he wanted me gone and he knew this would accomplish that. I hated giving Cory what he wanted, but at the same time, for the money I was making, it certainly wasn't worth the hassle.

I will continue this as long as Cory and Skorick do. Note: believe it or not, there is a MUCH longer version of my previous response to this situation. If this continues, I will be happy to add more. I doubt ANYONE wants that, even those not involved in the "drama"

Honestly, I was happy as a clam just doing what I do and carrying on with my life and I'm not sure why Cory, and then Skorick, decided to bring this up, but they did.

05-22-2006, 11:45 AM
Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents here but...

I find it ironic that in that manuscript, there was a mention of how "although many in this biz act like children yada yada...we are adults"

And then, they offer prizes. lmao...like a fuckin cereal box. I just always love the "prize" angle in this biz. Bunch of kids scamperin' around for the happy meal toy. I love it...

05-22-2006, 03:21 PM
Peaches...Keep smiling and make them wonder....

The entire letter looks like something written for an entire team and given to everyone....some of it might apply to you some to the next guy.

Letters/emails as a way of disciplining a staff? pleeeaaassseee

05-22-2006, 05:42 PM
Peaches...Keep smiling and make them wonder....

The entire letter looks like something written for an entire team and given to everyone....some of it might apply to you some to the next guy.

Letters/emails as a way of disciplining a staff? pleeeaaassseee
Incredibly, Cory has admitted it was an "ultimatum" towards me, lol! But it made me realize what I was dealing with ;)

05-22-2006, 10:33 PM
Not being privy to all the inside stuff, Peaches, I take it, in a nutshell, that you have parted company with WEG and it was not an amicable separation. So who do you work for now?
Edit: Man that was some high drama on jbm. I just read the whole thing....whoo hoo.....