View Full Version : Alexa...who would have thunk it?

05-22-2006, 12:53 AM
After all the bullshit I have heard today from a lot of has beens, it seems Oprano is doing very well on Alexa. Kind of sucks if you have a hard on for this board.
Free Jon....it would be interesting to have another old scammer ranting and raving.

05-22-2006, 02:48 AM
Alexa is a pretty cool tool. Ive been using it daily on another project for the last 2 years. Its pretty powerful if you know what your looking at.

Even more powerful if you understand cause and effect. You can gather varying competatitve information such as potential income and even spot traffic trends if you get real good at it.

I should give thanks to the great Alexa God for smiling on Oprano.

05-22-2006, 11:07 AM
Alexa is a pretty cool tool. Ive been using it daily on another project for the last 2 years. Its pretty powerful if you know what your looking at.

Even more powerful if you understand cause and effect. You can gather varying competatitve information such as potential income and even spot traffic trends if you get real good at it.

I should give thanks to the great Alexa God for smiling on Oprano.
I think Alexa is a very useful tool in analysing web boards because most of the clientel use it. So it is a very accurate guage of webmaster board traffic. When you see godalmighty spikes...as happened when the previous owners had this place...you know traffic is being forced and it kind of busts them. So it is good to keep an eye out if you are an advertiser.
In the real world, I am not so sure. I think it gets a little trickier and less reliable. Maybe it is useful for predicting trends over years, but I am not sure if it actually is useful in guaging success or failure if you are looking to move into an area of endeavour. But it is highly entertaining.