View Full Version : Buying / Selling Mainstream Websites

05-14-2006, 06:40 AM
Does anyone here have any sites in particular to find people who are selling their mainstream websites? I'm not looking for people selling their sites for 1/4 of a million dollars, mainly a large deal of smaller aquisitions.

This board has REALLY died, what the hell happened over here ?

05-14-2006, 07:16 AM
I don't know of any websites like that, but I would also be interested to know if you find one

as for the board, everyone that comes to post usually gets chased off by the negative bitter people, we now call them "the others"

05-14-2006, 10:05 AM
I don't know of any websites like that, but I would also be interested to know if you find one

as for the board, everyone that comes to post usually gets chased off by the negative bitter people, we now call them "the others"

the others with smiley faces??? :whistling

05-14-2006, 07:03 PM
as for the board, everyone that comes to post usually gets chased off by the negative bitter people, we now call them "the others"

it was "the others" who made this the second biggest adult forum at one time by picking on the same people who think they know more than they do and matter more than they ever will.

just something to think about.

05-14-2006, 07:27 PM
it was "the others" who made this the second biggest adult forum at one time by picking on the same people who think they know more than they do and matter more than they ever will.

just something to think about.

I think about it all the time man, and I still just can't comprehend why one group would constantly chase another group off to the point of no one posting here

05-14-2006, 07:36 PM
it was "the others" who made this the second biggest adult forum at one time by picking on the same people who think they know more than they do and matter more than they ever will.

just something to think about.If that's what it takes to be "second biggest", no thanks, I'll pass. My Momma, rest her soul, taught me better manners.

Most of those doing the picking would be done and gone in less than six months if they had to start from scratch today. The biz is different, less forgiving, more closely scrutinized. What worked in the "good ol' days" either no longer works today or will quickly land your ass in jail.

Mike AI
05-14-2006, 07:46 PM
I am always looking to buy sucessful websites, either adult or non-adult. I pay well for right assets. So anyone has anything, e-mail me.

05-14-2006, 09:03 PM
I think about it all the time man, and I still just can't comprehend why one group would constantly chase another group off to the point of no one posting here

you completely don't understand why this place was popular. mike and serge and those who posted here made this place big because of a formula that worked. once it was fucked with, it all fell apart. it was not about helping newbs who will drop out in two months and taking the time to answer their mind numbingly stupid questions because they were too lazy to look them up... and answering the same stupid questions again and again and again from ignorant people who can barely dress themselves in the morning and will never make it anyway. it's attraction was very intelligent conversation on a wide variety of topics between many of the bigger and more successful people in the industry.

newbies were worth something in 97. they are worth zero today. this biz has a pretty high learning curve today. the overwhelming majority will never make the cut. they will never make a single dime. those that do make money, learn very fast that loyalty is only as strong as that days stats or that days check. they learn that the only person you trust ... is yourself. thats why advertisers dont want to advertise to newbs. they don't generate sales and they will not be loyal webmasters. that's why netpond with its huge, glorious and actually very informative site is completely broke.

some of you guys are soooo focused on how you think things should be... that you can't see how things are. but thats just a part of being naive and a dreamer.

so.... here you are. you have the place ALLLLL to yourself. and what? its dead. congrats genius. you are the top dog because you have been abondoned. for your information, it was many times more active before ignorant and naive people like Joeshoe decided to start running people with experience off and started embracing drive by spammers... and it was more active before bishop decided to carry things further... and the surfmasters took over.

there is nothing for me here. only gonzo and an occasional someone who wanders in wondering why its dead so i won't be posting here much. that will make you happy, i am sure. it will jsut be you and idiots like Rcourt64 and Rhetorical telling yourselves you matter while you represent 90% of board traffic and posts. you will be telling yourselves you are important, you are the new generation and blah blah blah... while you spin your wheels and work a second job.

anyway.... i wish gonzo all the best and he knows this. but the simple truth is that this is no longer a place for those who built it... what it was was destroyed looong ago.

05-14-2006, 09:09 PM
ug....it is like talking to a brick wall

05-15-2006, 11:10 AM
you completely don't understand why this place was popular. mike and serge and those who posted here made this place big because of a formula that worked. once it was fucked with, it all fell apart. it was not about helping newbs who will drop out in two months and taking the time to answer their mind numbingly stupid questions because they were too lazy to look them up... and answering the same stupid questions again and again and again from ignorant people who can barely dress themselves in the morning and will never make it anyway. it's attraction was very intelligent conversation on a wide variety of topics between many of the bigger and more successful people in the industry.

newbies were worth something in 97. they are worth zero today. this biz has a pretty high learning curve today. the overwhelming majority will never make the cut. they will never make a single dime. those that do make money, learn very fast that loyalty is only as strong as that days stats or that days check. they learn that the only person you trust ... is yourself. thats why advertisers dont want to advertise to newbs. they don't generate sales and they will not be loyal webmasters. that's why netpond with its huge, glorious and actually very informative site is completely broke.

some of you guys are soooo focused on how you think things should be... that you can't see how things are. but thats just a part of being naive and a dreamer.

so.... here you are. you have the place ALLLLL to yourself. and what? its dead. congrats genius. you are the top dog because you have been abondoned. for your information, it was many times more active before ignorant and naive people like Joeshoe decided to start running people with experience off and started embracing drive by spammers... and it was more active before bishop decided to carry things further... and the surfmasters took over.

there is nothing for me here. only gonzo and an occasional someone who wanders in wondering why its dead so i won't be posting here much. that will make you happy, i am sure. it will jsut be you and idiots like Rcourt64 and Rhetorical telling yourselves you matter while you represent 90% of board traffic and posts. you will be telling yourselves you are important, you are the new generation and blah blah blah... while you spin your wheels and work a second job.

anyway.... i wish gonzo all the best and he knows this. but the simple truth is that this is no longer a place for those who built it... what it was was destroyed looong ago.

Has much mocking, teasing & stupid quetions I've done here, "alot of it done on purpose, I will admit".
It's the first time I've seen JR actually attempt to express his true thoughts about this place. "instead of just ragging like an old whiny bitch".
And I truly can see his point. I mean being in the industry has long as Jr & others have been, I would be feeling the same way, "tired of all these so called wannabe's one after the other" coming here. acting as if they got it all figured out, and stepping on grounds they haven't earned or deserve. & seeing this happen repeatly. I probably would have the same exact attidude as many of the pro's here. I can see it, (The newbie coming in asking stupid quetions, and to top it off, they come in with attidude also) If I saw this day after day, year after year, I also would be treating them like "never gonna make it type attitue".
I respect what you say JR, and understand where your coming from.
But again, try realizing it's a new internet out there dude. I mean, it's not the same system or technics used when all you pro's ruled. It's become a world where everyone & there grandma now days are accessing the web, and building sites & promoting sponcers has become has standard as knowing how to just check an email. Today with all the free internet tools available online, anyone can build & promote a site. It's not like it was back when all you guys busted your asses with old fashion microsoft tools that only a professional webmaster (with tranning) could run. Go look around JR, check out Myspace & xpeeps and other sites, its full of amateur page builders that can build some really cool & awesome shit. Ya 95% of them will end up nowhere. Having no clue what to do next. but theres still a percentage that will come thru.
I feel your just stereo typing people in general, "which being in your shoes & seeing all you've seen" I can understand your point.

But look at Jace for example: He in no way is a rookie, I see his work & his attempt to promote his lady. "The Man busts his ass" but there again he gets knocked at, about what a whore he and his wife are. Thats not right dude.
If anything, Jace probably has worked harder than any of the pro's here, cause it wasn't such a saturated market back when you pro's ran the show.
You guys call yourselfs the pro's, ya, but it was a market where you had little competitive compitition. As hard has it was for ya'll to get where you are now. To a certain point it was easier than it is now.
I'm not saying you made it the easy way JR, no. It's just that the rolls have turned a bit since the pro's have ruled. It's kinda backwords the way it works now. Back then building & creating was difficult, and where marketing was probably easier due to the market not being so saturated with porn.
Now days it's just the opposite, Building has become really easy, and marketing is the bitchy part due to ALL THE PORN online now.

I'm not looking to argue with you, JR or anyone here. You guys want only people who have proven themselfs to be able to mingle with you guys. thats cool. I see your point. But again man, things have changed, and calling people whores, stupid, & losers is not the proper way to go about it.

05-15-2006, 01:22 PM
said it before... will say it again.. hopefully, this time you will finally get it. your "new world" is the same world that has existed since 1994. it's the same one that is changing daily and has since the www happened. the difference in what we are saying is that you haven't seen it. you haven't been there. you are still trying to learn how it all works. I will help you a little and break it down for you.... traffic is still traffic, content is still content, affiliate programs are still affiliate programs, value is still value, a sale is still a sale, PPC is still PPC, rev share is still rev share, tgp's are still tgp's, galleries are still galleries, search engines are still search engines, link trades are still link trades and the list can go on and on and on.

you just can't seem to accept that there is no "new world" out there. its the same one, with the same long history of constant change and adaptation... where the basic laws and where the fundamentals have always applied and are always relevant.

a rocket STILL couldn't be sent into space without applying and utilizing the fundamentals of newtonian physics which came hundreds of years before. you have only noticed the nature of constant change of this business and started viewing yourself as a pioneer because you think you are on the cutting edge. you're not. you're way behind the curve and you have a long way to go. you believe you are building a rocket with all the best equipment in the world and latest technology... unfortuneately, you will have to watch it crash and burn again and again until you realize how important the timeless, fundamental principles are and that they are necessary and always applicable.

just because The Hun doesn't know how to use a blog or even have one... doesn't mean he doesn't have a shitload of knowledge and experience that everyone could learn from. according to your arguments he doesn't... becuase he is just a dinosaur. anyway... listen or talk. thats your choice. you are setting yourself up for failure, not me.

i can agree with you in that its not necessary for everyone to be assholes. but your arguements that the internet is somehow new and different and that the business is totally different is nothing more than absurd commentary from a silly newbie who hasn't been there, hasn't done it and most likely never will.

05-15-2006, 08:02 PM
well at least people in the adult business can come by now again.

JR the old folks home is up the street , do you need direction ? will they tell you matter over there and make you feel more important ?

05-16-2006, 01:27 AM
said it before... will say it again.. hopefully, this time you will finally get it. your "new world" is the same world that has existed since 1994. it's the same one that is changing daily and has since the www happened. the difference in what we are saying is that you haven't seen it. you haven't been there. you are still trying to learn how it all works. I will help you a little and break it down for you.... traffic is still traffic, content is still content, affiliate programs are still affiliate programs, value is still value, a sale is still a sale, PPC is still PPC, rev share is still rev share, tgp's are still tgp's, galleries are still galleries, search engines are still search engines, link trades are still link trades and the list can go on and on and on.

you just can't seem to accept that there is no "new world" out there. its the same one, with the same long history of constant change and adaptation... where the basic laws and where the fundamentals have always applied and are always relevant.

a rocket STILL couldn't be sent into space without applying and utilizing the fundamentals of newtonian physics which came hundreds of years before. you have only noticed the nature of constant change of this business and started viewing yourself as a pioneer because you think you are on the cutting edge. you're not. you're way behind the curve and you have a long way to go. you believe you are building a rocket with all the best equipment in the world and latest technology... unfortuneately, you will have to watch it crash and burn again and again until you realize how important the timeless, fundamental principles are and that they are necessary and always applicable.

just because The Hun doesn't know how to use a blog or even have one... doesn't mean he doesn't have a shitload of knowledge and experience that everyone could learn from. according to your arguments he doesn't... becuase he is just a dinosaur. anyway... listen or talk. thats your choice. you are setting yourself up for failure, not me.

i can agree with you in that its not necessary for everyone to be assholes. but your arguements that the internet is somehow new and different and that the business is totally different is nothing more than absurd commentary from a silly newbie who hasn't been there, hasn't done it and most likely never will.

1994 was not a landmark for anything. Business is business. It has a life of its own and the internet is just a recent manifestation and a new medium. The principles are the same as they were in 1949. You never had an insight into anything special. If you even think 1994 was something special, you have tipped your hand.
What you guys fail to realize, is that you never invented anything. If you had to start today, you would be in the same boat as all the folks you shit on from a great height because you got lucky. Most of the shit that you guys did is now illegal. There is a huge difference between devious and smart. It has become quite obvious on this board of late. The only way you can survive on this board is sabotaging posts, intimidation by posting personal information and scaring off a lot of folks who actually are honest and do know how to do business. What you believe or do not believe is irrelevant. That was then and this is now. Whenwe stories from the nineties are like listening to grandpa telling stories about the war. Great conversation in the legion but that is where it ends. There is no more war. There are no more war stories. There is only honest business for those who want to survive. Fuck this surfmaster shit. There is no such thing.

05-16-2006, 04:44 AM
well at least people in the adult business can come by now again.Yes, lowering the IQ of the board will make it more pleasant for the ignorant, and easier to the AEBN´s of the world to spoon-feed you with shit... Ignorance is bliss :okthumb:

05-16-2006, 09:44 AM
Yes, lowering the IQ of the board will make it more pleasant for the ignorant, and easier to the AEBN´s of the world to spoon-feed you with shit... Ignorance is bliss :okthumb:
The IQ, could not be lowered any more than over the past few weeks. Just remember...there are no sheep. There are no surfmasters. There are no noobs.

There are, however, potential new entries into this business. Some will fail and some will soar. Some will stop by Oprano and others will do it all on their own. Business has not changed. Internet business has. Remember who you shit on on the way up, because you might need them on the way down. Every industry needs young blood. Every industry has old farts that want everything to be the same so they can be as powerful as they once were again. There hasn't been a decent new idea since Bang Bus, so come off your tired old ethics so why do you think you are a shepherd and the rest are sheep.

05-16-2006, 10:24 AM
There are no surfmasters. There are no noobs.

Oprano Information Minister :mental:

05-16-2006, 10:29 AM
Oprano Information Minister :mental:
When were you appointed minister of information, Rolo? I missed the news release. Could you please repost it for us?

05-16-2006, 10:43 AM
When were you appointed minister of information, Rolo? I missed the news release. Could you please repost it for us?
It happen you were in hiding - as an ugly sheman with a wig :unsure:

05-16-2006, 10:56 AM
It happen you were in hiding - as an ugly sheman with a wig :unsure:
You see, Rolo, that is the problem. You are a kid with a foul mouth. Petulant as well. WTF do you do in the business then? or are we all supposed to know you by your rep?

05-16-2006, 11:48 AM
You see, Rolo, that is the problem. You are a kid with a foul mouth. Petulant as well. WTF do you do in the business then? or are we all supposed to know you by your rep?Funny thing is that you are probably much closer to snapping than I am... You never could hold your piss old man :waving:

Mr Benn
05-19-2006, 06:20 AM

05-19-2006, 09:51 AM

Very useful links! Thanks!!!