View Full Version : Has anyone here ever been to E3??

05-09-2006, 11:35 AM
I've always thought it would be a hell of a lot fo fun to go to that show. Being able to play and see demos of future games coming out would be a lot of fun!! :)

05-09-2006, 11:50 AM
BTW- here's a site they have for their show.


05-10-2006, 08:32 AM
I've been twice, once as an attendee, once as press. It's indescribably cool. The games are awesome, the booths rock, but it's the booth-babes. It's all about the booth-babes. :)

I've always thought it would be a hell of a lot fo fun to go to that show. Being able to play and see demos of future games coming out would be a lot of fun!! :)

05-10-2006, 10:42 AM
I've been twice, once as an attendee, once as press. It's indescribably cool. The games are awesome, the booths rock, but it's the booth-babes. It's all about the booth-babes. :)

Lookie who popped up. Hows the new studio coming along?

05-10-2006, 12:40 PM
I've been watching the coverage on G4TV and would love to go one day. Comdex used to be a lot of fun to attend to, but they've folded up and don't come to Vegas for triple room rates and quadruple food prices anymore...

05-10-2006, 01:15 PM
I've been twice, once as an attendee, once as press. It's indescribably cool. The games are awesome, the booths rock, but it's the booth-babes. It's all about the booth-babes. :)

hahaha.. yeah. It's great seeing the articles and such about the booth babes aftyer the show!! :okthumb:

05-10-2006, 05:51 PM
Got my lights and my image-drive. Now I'm on a search for backdrops and props.

The light kit is portable and in it's own case so I can take it anywhere. I have a backdrop stand (5 and 10 foot wide, up to10 foot tall) but all Ihave are 5 foot wide backdrops. I have an ebay auction for 3 (1 black, 1 white, 1 chroma green) 10 x 20 muslin backdrops I'm bidding on. Doesn't close till next week though.

T-minus 37 days and counting befor I move to the loft. Figure a week from there to get everything set up.

Lookie who popped up. Hows the new studio coming along?