View Full Version : .xxx Last Chance To Oppose it

05-07-2006, 11:21 PM
This is the last weekend that you can make your voice heard in opposition to the creation of the .xxx TLD.

Send an email to ICANN
It does not have to be a long letter.
You can just say "I oppose the creation of the .xxx TLD - We dont need it. "
The emails are posted to a forum here:

The creation of the .xxx may be the fist step in limiting access to our sites and the actual taking of our rights to our .com names.

This is important. Please take 2 minutes to send an email and then click the verify link you will receive to have your vote counted against .xxx .

Thank you :wnw:

05-08-2006, 12:28 PM
Yeah.. I could see a LOT of pissed off people if they tried to make that the only place to have adult related domains.

05-08-2006, 12:45 PM
Yeah.. I could see a LOT of pissed off people if they tried to make that the only place to have adult related domains.


I just see more and more opportunity...

05-08-2006, 12:51 PM
There's been a lot of discussion over it lately - but I haven't taken the time to really look at the pros and cons of it. I'm not sure whether sending an opinion to ICANN would be an exercise in futility or not.

05-08-2006, 12:53 PM
Oh, there would most certainly be opportunity to be sure but if they tried to get people OFF of existing .com names much of what is currently online might have to change drastically. People with very good type-in domains would be quite annoyed that they would lose their exisiting domains. Obviously if they tried it it would have to be phased in but people's existing businesses could be hurt hard depending on how .xxx is implemented.

05-08-2006, 01:00 PM
I worry if its gonna be a forced thing or just an option owners will have?
this is where problems will start.

05-08-2006, 01:01 PM
Oh, there would most certainly be opportunity to be sure but if they tried to get people OFF of existing .com names much of what is currently online might have to change drastically. People with very good type-in domains would be quite annoyed that they would lose their exisiting domains. Obviously if they tried it it would have to be phased in but people's existing businesses could be hurt hard depending on how .xxx is implemented.

Well, definitely one aspect that would have an impact on us was if we were forced to switch from our existing .com's to .xxx - we'd have more than 70k images with our old .com addy in the logo. And obviously we'd have to contact all our links and have them change the urls in their banner scripts.

Hmm...my business cards would be obsolete - as would the big sign/banner we use for our convention exhibit.

And my forehead tattoo! (jk'ing)

05-08-2006, 01:35 PM
When I´m not busy with waiting for a surfmaster to say something inspiring and insightful (call me a dreamer - I still have my hopes), then I also support the fight against .xxx tld.... there are many reasons, but just how Stuart Lawley (ICM registry frontman) have handled this situation is enough for me.

Fools do not deserve to get rich - they deserve to be cleaned.


Mike AI
05-08-2006, 04:42 PM
It is only an opportunity for the clowns behind .xxx

05-10-2006, 08:07 PM