View Full Version : Lost last night... damn that was good....

05-04-2006, 03:00 PM
Holy shit... Peaches did you watch last night's epsiode?!?!?!?!

Spoilers for DVR-TIVO-overseas types

Damn.. before last night I couldn't STAND Michael as a character. He was a very annoying SOB I wanted to die. After last night's epeisode and him offing two people and shooting himself I wanna see where this leads.... I thought for sure he was gonna fall inot the same old stupid charge right ahead stupidly and act like a fool like he always did before and thought he was gonna go in and try and intimidate the "other" into telling him about Walt. I was shocked to see him shoot and kill two people and then wound himself!!! And in the previews it looks like Lost just might go on a killing spree to end the season!!

Also, Evil Chris, pointed out an odd thing on his board that reminded me of the commercials. A commercial for The Hanso Foundation http://www.thehansofoundation.org/ and if you look at that site it definately fits the Lost show strangeness. They also gavce a number 1-877-HANSORG which eh tried to call but got a busy signal.