View Full Version : Well, well - who doesn't shave?

05-01-2006, 04:03 AM
So offers on my domains were below value, so now I am shopping for sponsors that don't shave since I send 1000's of hits out a day. Any suggestions?
I am bored with my old sponsors, money is good, but think I can do better.
Looks like I am staying in the biz dammit.
Oh, and MikeAI - don't bother to post that I'm a scammer - you need a new line.

05-01-2006, 05:15 AM
Here is another old school lesson for you surfmasters....

You will never get the real info, when asking such a question... You will attract sig whores, affiliate reps, and a looney surfmaster who sends 10 visitors per day and has just made his first signup.

I would help you improve your question to attract the heavy hitters, but I´m affraid that there is bingo in 5 mins at the old folks bingo parlor :okthumb:

05-01-2006, 09:12 AM
That's like asking what vegetable is good. There are thousands of sponsors who don't shave. What niche are you looking for? What type of traffic? What type of enhancements must the sponsor have?

05-01-2006, 09:21 AM
There are thousands of sponsors who don't shave.

can you name first 999?

05-01-2006, 09:27 AM
can you name first 999?

No, but I can name 560 of them



05-01-2006, 09:35 AM
and how sure are you that they don't shave?

05-01-2006, 11:46 AM
it was rhetorical - they all shave

I, on the other hand, wax

05-01-2006, 11:52 AM
it was rhetorical - they all shave

I, on the other hand, wax
how fast does your mustache grow back after waxing?

05-01-2006, 12:05 PM
No, but I can name 560 of them

http://www.findanadultsponsor.com (http://www.findanadultsponsor.com/)



how come i never saw this site before LOL

have you heard the saying he who pays the band chooses the songs?

and guess what sponsors are going to be listed (the ones with higher webmaster refferral) and still no way of knowing if they shave...

05-01-2006, 03:56 PM
I remember there used to be the statistician....LOLOLOL

05-01-2006, 04:12 PM
well if your interested were doing a promo :) at the moment

05-01-2006, 05:38 PM

how come i never saw this site before LOL

have you heard the saying he who pays the band chooses the songs?

and guess what sponsors are going to be listed (the ones with higher webmaster refferral) and still no way of knowing if they shave...

It's been around for more than a year, it's not a new site. Maybe it's been up for 2 years, I can't keep track.

I don't list those with the highest referral fee, I list all those with a referral program that "appear" to be honest. I would hope none of them shave.

Oh yeah, I shave nothing.


05-01-2006, 05:50 PM
Honest answer - most programs have shaving. Not all of it is intentional, while other is very much intentional, and can be everything from traffic leaks to direct shaving. Ex. If you look at the AEBN program who ownes xpeeps, then your refer ID is not used/credited, if a studio was to find AEBN using your link/refer code (you do not get a cut from the businessies - only the surfers). Also there is a leave link (under 18), which goes to google, 2257 link to asacp.org, and a certificate link to truste.org - those would be a traffic leaks, which you are not getting credit for, but where real visitors might end up.

Overall a % of surfers also loose their refer codes, so you will not get credit for those. Depending on the ways the site tracks, then it could be minimal or substansial. More tracking ways = better tracking. The best outthere have 4 (hardcoded urls, browser cookies, server cookies/sessions, and even manual submitform entry of refer id). On the AEBN sites I could find 2 out of 4.

Then there are also the entire lose of tracking once the processor is handling the transaktion. This can also be minimal or substansial depending on the processors. If its a 3rd party processor in use, then you can ask around, and hear what other webmasters are saying. If its an "inhouse" solution, then you have to trust that the program will count everything on the processing side. AEBN is using their own inhouse solution.

So as you see even the biggest sites out there are in the shaving dilemma - some of it they can control other is more difficult. And that is an honest answer :)

05-01-2006, 11:16 PM
When I had a sh**load of traffic to sell I would sell *NOT* to the one that shaved the least. Nope. Instead I did tests and sold to the one that paid me the most bucks.

And I did not care if the biggest payer shaved or not - they paid the best and that was it!

Ohh - and on the whole that would have been Serge mostly BTW :)