View Full Version : Hell can't be HOTTER!!!!

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 02:08 PM
Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Shoot the shit a bit. I’m up to my ears in work and moving. Right now I’m in Florida sweating my ass off. It’s just too damn early for this kind of heat. Having been a born and raised Floridian I can tell you this is a sure sign of a BAD hurricane season or at least wicked storms. Of course many of you already heard that experts predict Florida to have a record hurricane season. I guess our last two years us RAMMING US was chopped liver.

This past weekend I was taking a few hours to rest my sore body. I paid 9.00 to watch Heidi Fliess Porn Party. I’m sorry but this shit bored me to tears. They showed the same girls over and over. I’ve been working in adult almost 20 years now and that shit looked so staged! There were obviously girls needing desperately to be discovered. It always amazes me how guys fall for the “sexy lesbian” shit when you see two girls doing each other making sure the camera gets the right angles. Know what I mean? “Oh let me lick her silly but make sure you get a good shot of my hot ass. ok?” The moment the audience turns away or the cameras turn off so do they. I know its work & I love the industry but at least make your shit believable. Heidi could use some acting lessons herself. It was a big waste of money. The REAL parties of Madames are not staged Studio 54 disco shit. I expected to see a lot more. Something that would remind me of the good old days when people actually fucked at parties. There was some press about Hollywood PD not allowing them, yadda yadda… they ditched the VIP list & decided to charge MEN at the door. I think many of the VIP’s decided not to come and they were left wondering how they were going to make it interesting. All bullshit.

I may have to sell my big ass E250 Van for something more gas efficient. A day on the road is the price of a hotel. Maybe I’ll do what I did in the 70’s and stick a bed back there. The party moves & if I get too drunk I always have a close bed to pass out in. lol- Actually it’s not a bad idea. I’m sick of working and miss having fun. Maybe I’ll sell my houses, my farm, all my shit, paint my van psychedelic colors & hit the road with my wireless laptop.

So I see nothing much has changed around here. Same stupid ass pissing and boring topics. Still I have to give the board credit for hanging in there. I wish I had more time to contribute to the silliness.

Anyhow I miss you all but wanted to say hello.

Love & kisses,


04-25-2006, 02:16 PM
are you coming over? When?

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 02:20 PM
are you coming over? When?

yep I am. My birthday (48!!!!) is May 8th. I'm heading to VA to finish the last of my BIG ass move this weekend. Right after my birthday coming back for 2 weeks. Thats when I would like to come.

Yesterday I swear I would have called you guys and drove from la belle to Boca just to jump in your pool. It was so hot. I swear if I had your number in my cell phone I would have called. Can you or LL please email me wildindiangoddess(at)yahoo.com or my personal email I'm sure LL has & send me your phone number? Is it ok to come over on short notice? I promise I'll clean up after myself. ;)

04-25-2006, 02:30 PM
May 8th will be perfect!
I have a few good bottles to open to celebrate the ocassion!

04-25-2006, 02:32 PM
I just ICQ'd you our number!

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 02:34 PM
I just ICQ'd you our number!

No I will be in AFTER May but somewhere between the 10th-20th for sure. Hell yeah lets celebrate. I have so much to tell you guys. My life has been interesting. I should write some books.

04-25-2006, 02:57 PM
we are leaving on 18th of May, before that we are free!

YES, we can't wait to see you and hear all your juicy stories

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 03:09 PM
so short notice is cool? I'd love to lay by the pool and kick back with you guys. I need to work on my tan. lol- hows your tan doing?

04-25-2006, 03:25 PM
I'll show you my tan and..how short is short?

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 03:37 PM
I'll show you my tan and..how short is short?

Oh I don't know I'll just call you guys. If your busy I'll call again. Maybe a day. maybe longer. I'm going to stay the night tho.

I normally make plans but these days so much shit is happening. I'm opening new sites & still moving stuff. I invested in some rental properties & they needed work. Things should start slowing down soon. When its hot all I want to do is stay wet & drink.

Where are you going after the 18th?

04-25-2006, 03:42 PM
on 18th Sue's daughter comes in and on 25th we'll go visit my daughter and off to Denmark