View Full Version : Wanted: 100 word site reviews - I will pay $5 for each accepted

04-24-2006, 03:02 PM
I'm looking for a few people who can do site reviews for me of mashup sites. Each review should be about 100 words and include a screen grab. Please see http://mashups.com for an example review if you are interested - then you can email robin@robinnixon.com with a review of a site. If I like your review I'll pay for it and ask you to keep them coming. If I don't like the review you won't be paid, will retain copyright and I won't use it, but I'll thank you for trying anyway!

By *like* - I mean, whether the reviewer decides the site is good, bad or indifferent, I will only like it if it is well thought out and literate.

For anyone that can write fast and fluently there's 100s, possibly thousands of dollars to be easily earned here.

To find sites just Google mashups or mash-ups or bastard pop and so on to find a site to review. Once I have selected a few writers we'll compile a list of sites so nobody duplicates any other reviews. BTW - I will not be covering the new area of software mashups - just musical ones (for now anyway).

04-24-2006, 03:22 PM
Interesting site Robin. Have never heard of "mashups" before.

04-24-2006, 03:43 PM
At $5 a pop for 100 words, that is a very tempting offer. Alas, I know nothing about mashups or music.

04-24-2006, 04:27 PM
post it on craigs list and you will be flooded with responses

04-24-2006, 05:29 PM
Thanks for the tip about Craigslist JR - I didn't think of that.

Enforcer & Selena - Regarding knowing anything about mashups? You don't really need to - all you need to do is write clearly and understand that a mashup is any piece of music where two or more tracks are brought together.

All I need is 100 words to tell users what to expect to find on a site - so why not give it a go?


04-24-2006, 05:40 PM
do you want me post it on Russian Board?

I saw LOTS of things done for $5 in Russia.

04-24-2006, 05:48 PM

I have 2 new writers who can use work immediately.

04-24-2006, 06:03 PM
do you want me post it on Russian Board?

I saw LOTS of things done for $5 in Russia.

Depends Serge,

Do they write like you? *lol*

04-24-2006, 06:06 PM
By the way,

If $5 doesn't sound a lot... work it out... If you can do one review in 10 minutes, that's 6 per hour or $30 per hour = $240 per day = $1,200 per week.

Whatever else, if you have a dull few minutes now and again with nothing to do, if you can write I can get you extra cash (and I'm paying daily via Paypal).

04-24-2006, 06:07 PM

I have 2 new writers who can use work immediately.

Sounds good Pam. I would like to see 100 words from each first before asking them to help out. Are they able to research and find sites as well as write about ones of my choosing?

04-24-2006, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the tip about Craigslist JR - I didn't think of that.

Enforcer & Selena - Regarding knowing anything about mashups? You don't really need to - all you need to do is write clearly and understand that a mashup is any piece of music where two or more tracks are brought together.

All I need is 100 words to tell users what to expect to find on a site - so why not give it a go?


I may give it a whirl later tonight or tomorrow then. Thanks for clarifying what was involved. :)

04-24-2006, 06:35 PM
The only issue would be being paid via PayPal. I only accept ePassporte or can bill out via 2checkout.

If you can use one of the above 2 methods, I'll have a new writer do a 100 word sample for you once I hear back.

04-24-2006, 06:50 PM
The only issue would be being paid via PayPal. I only accept ePassporte or can bill out via 2checkout.

If you can use one of the above 2 methods, I'll have a new writer do a 100 word sample for you once I hear back.

Sounds great Pam, I assume they agree to the rate of $5 for 100 words plus a screen grab (just press PrintScr on a PC and save the file using Paint or something - reducing to 150x133 or so pixels would be nice if poss).

I don't have ePassport - but it looks like 2checkout is a simple credit card processor - so that'll work.

Can you have your writer find any site about mashps for themself and just write a description of what's there and what they think about it. What I'm creating at mashups.com is like an index with descriptions - I call them reviews as that's an easy term.

04-24-2006, 06:54 PM
I sent off the requirements and asked for a 100 word sample review which I'll email to you when done. $5 per is fine, and I can bill out via 2checkout which, yes, uses all major credit cards.

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 01:14 PM
By the way,

If $5 doesn't sound a lot... work it out... If you can do one review in 10 minutes, that's 6 per hour or $30 per hour = $240 per day = $1,200 per week.

Whatever else, if you have a dull few minutes now and again with nothing to do, if you can write I can get you extra cash (and I'm paying daily via Paypal).

I guess that all depends on what type of writer you hire. Writing reviews people actually wants to read takes style. A writer with personality and style will cost a lot more. If I'm writing an exclusive columun I charge at least .50/1.00 per word- min 1000 words. It depends on who it is and what its for. It can go as high as $3.00 a word.

Your reviews are only worth anything if people like reading them.

04-25-2006, 02:17 PM
I guess that all depends on what type of writer you hire. Writing reviews people actually wants to read takes style. A writer with personality and style will cost a lot more. If I'm writing an exclusive columun I charge at least .50/1.00 per word- min 1000 words. It depends on who it is and what its for. It can go as high as $3.00 a word.

Your reviews are only worth anything if people like reading them.

Yes and no - if I were creating a review site then I might agree, and would hire seasoned writers and the reviews would be more like 500 words each. But I'm not. It's actually going to be just an Index (searchable) with descriptions. It's just that I am calling them reviews. I can write about 10 of these an hour myself but I have so much other stuff to do - hence outsourcing. I reckon other writers (even non-professional) could easily do 5 or 6 an hour.

I only want to know what's on the site and what the reviewer thinks. I don't expect surfers to read the reviews of any sites except those that come up in the searches - and then I only want to briefly describe each so the user can quickly choose which of the sites is the one for them.

Think of it like an early Yahoo but for mashups only.

Dianna Vesta
04-25-2006, 02:22 PM
Yes and no - if I were creating a review site then I might agree, and would hire seasoned writers and the reviews would be more like 500 words each. But I'm not. It's actually going to be just an Index (searchable) with descriptions. It's just that I am calling them reviews. I can write about 10 of these an hour myself but I have so much other stuff to do - hence outsourcing. I reckon other writers (even non-professional) could easily do 5 or 6 an hour.

I only want to know what's on the site and what the reviewer thinks. I don't expect surfers to read the reviews of any sites except those that come up in the searches - and then I only want to briefly describe each so the user can quickly choose which of the sites is the one for them.

Think of it like an early Yahoo but for mashups only.

OHHHhhhhhh I see. ok. Makes sense. I thought they were actual reviews. Now please tell me what a mashup is? Sometimes shit in life passes me up.

04-25-2006, 02:53 PM

did u get my e-mail?


04-25-2006, 04:51 PM
At $5 a pop for 100 words, that is a very tempting offer. Alas, I know nothing about mashups or music.

Selena, it just goes to show you don't need to know, you just need to be able to write because the piece you sent me was exactly what I'm looking for - I'm hoping to get many more from you too!

04-25-2006, 04:51 PM

did u get my e-mail?


I did thanks Forest. received and replied to.

04-25-2006, 05:30 PM
Selena, it just goes to show you don't need to know, you just need to be able to write because the piece you sent me was exactly what I'm looking for - I'm hoping to get many more from you too!

I gotta say...

Today I went back to the site I did that review on and listened to some of these to hear what they were all about. I really liked what I heard.

For those as clueless as I was:


My favorite thus far was the mashup of Riders on the Storm and Rapture.

04-26-2006, 12:46 AM
I gotta say...

Today I went back to the site I did that review on and listened to some of these to hear what they were all about. I really liked what I heard.

For those as clueless as I was:


My favorite thus far was the mashup of Riders on the Storm and Rapture.

Johnny Bridges and Bob Helbush appreciate your support.