View Full Version : Which country has highest seuxal satisfication?

Mike AI
04-19-2006, 02:02 PM

my favorite quote:

"When mama's not happy, nobody's happy," he said.

04-19-2006, 02:04 PM
The lowest satisfaction rate — 25.7 percent — was reported in Japan.

No wonder they love foreignors so much there!

04-19-2006, 02:08 PM
No wonder they love foreignors so much there!

i would hope they are at the bottom of the list. would hate to think that all the weird shit they crave and do would be the norm.

04-19-2006, 02:21 PM
Austria topped the list of 29 nations studied with 71 percent of those surveyed reported being satisfied with their sex lives.

Spain, Canada, Belgium and the United States also reported high rates of satisfaction. Belgium?? Those gawd damn Belgians I tell you... what the hell is Belgium doing on that list!?

Damn Belgians will take over the world one day. Mark my words.

04-19-2006, 02:27 PM
I wonder why they didn't poll the middle east?

04-19-2006, 02:33 PM
I wonder why they didn't poll the middle east?
well, they could talk about it... but then they would have to blow up all the people that did.

04-19-2006, 02:34 PM
well, they could talk about it... but then they would have to blow up all the people that did.

well, before they blew everyone up they would have to rape then stone the women

04-19-2006, 02:38 PM
well, before they blew everyone up they would have to rape then stone the women

Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.

04-19-2006, 02:42 PM
Belgium?? Those gawd damn Belgians I tell you... what the hell is Belgium doing on that list!?

Damn Belgians will take over the world one day. Mark my words.

Really, I just think the Belgians had tons of chocolates and figured they
were sexually satisfied..

04-19-2006, 02:43 PM
Really, I just think the Belgians had tons of chocolates and figured they
were sexually satisfied..That could be it. *whew*

I was worried there for a sec.

04-19-2006, 02:53 PM
well, before they blew everyone up they would have to rape then stone the women

unless they are too busy fucking http://www.avizoon.com/gallery/iran_sex/003457.html :blink: