View Full Version : This board needs a serious tune up

04-18-2006, 01:08 AM
guys posting about dead babies. Abortions. Calling web girls whores. WTF. This is the porn business, and this shit is just offensive. Slagging off the people who are the fundamentals of this business, is no way to do business at all. Calling girls "content" and insulting their right to post. This board was supposed to be the place where business happened. But it has never been kick started because of this juvenile bullshit. Just my two cents. I will wait for the dumb fuck one liners, schoolyard whore jokes, and general stupid insults from a lot of guys who actually don't do a lot of serious business. Take it to GFY where you will be embraced. But unless this place becomes less moronic, it will get sold again, or just fade away. Something for damn sure has gotta happen.

04-18-2006, 01:36 AM
I am gonna leave....again....for awhile. I am dead curious to see what happens around here. It seems like there finally some good management with focus and direction. I wish you guys well but it is a tough nut to crack.

04-18-2006, 02:28 AM
You're real big on the dramatic exits aren't you?

You come back relatively quietly and then when its time to go, its *post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post* BYE! *post post post post post* I'm going now! *post post post post post post post post* I'm really going now! ...I see a pattern... ;)

On a sidenote however, for once I don't disagree with the first line of your first post :)

04-18-2006, 02:37 AM
You're real big on the dramatic exits aren't you?

You come back relatively quietly and then when its time to go, its *post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post* BYE! *post post post post post* I'm going now! *post post post post post post post post* I'm really going now! ...I see a pattern... ;)

On a sidenote however, for once I don't disagree with the first line of your first post :)
its a great internet tradition.....Dates back to the first Easter.
But in this case, I know I am right on. These posts are getting silly and uselsess..
Business? what business?

04-18-2006, 02:46 AM
lol Nice...

The unfortunate part of "these posts are getting silly & useless" is that its a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. No offense intended but you've definitely got your share of silly & useless posts under your belt. A little late to be taking the moral high road...

As far as "Business? what business?" don't forget "There is no money in porn" LOL There is after all, a new generation of people turning 18 or older each day/year, all of whom are interested in far more constructive things than spanking it... :rolleyes:

04-18-2006, 02:50 AM
lol Nice...

The unfortunate part of "these posts are getting silly & useless" is that its a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. No offense intended but you've definitely got your share of silly & useless posts under your belt. A little late to be taking the moral high road...

As far as "Business? what business?" don't forget "There is no money in porn" LOL There is after all, a new generation of people turning 18 or older each day/year, all of whom are interested in far more constructive things than spanking it... :rolleyes:
There is huge amounts of money in porn. I am not actually taking the moral high ground. But when I see endless moronic posts, it just looks like gfy. Nothing wrong with a little drama, but come on....dead fetuses, abortions, flat out bullshit. Its gross. This is little boy stuff. It almost feels like the knives are out for Oprano.