View Full Version : Advise from Oprano Pros...

04-11-2006, 03:22 PM
I recently meet a girl who owns her own Adult Site, I've been talking to her for a few days now & she's a sweet, charming young lady.
Her problem is getting her site promoted & she having problems with her contract of the place she's from, and she wants OUT of it.

She also need a webmaster/photographer/promoter.
She a bit reserved on just coming out & asking due to her contract holders finding out she wants out. ( so I won't say her name or site yet.)
So I'm here to ask what can be done for her?
Ya,ya,ya, I know, (This is opportunity knocking at my front door) per say.
But as you all know, I just build 'em, marketing & contracts are out of my league. I'm kicking myself in the ass right now watching an opportunity slip through my hands :headwall: . But I feel since I don't have the experiece, that gives me no right to keep her down from growing.
So I told her I'd ask around, & try to help.

Sooo, what do I need to ask her, or do next???

Mike AI
04-11-2006, 03:32 PM
It is a trap!!! Ask Mutt.

Be careful with any type of model - solo girl website drama. My 2 cents.

04-11-2006, 03:32 PM
It is a trap!!! Ask Mutt.

Be careful with any type of model - solo girl website drama. My 2 cents.

04-11-2006, 03:49 PM
She isn't from Upstate NY by any chance, is she? :blink:

04-11-2006, 04:02 PM
Rcourt.. I don't think your going to hear your missing an opportunity from any of us. It might be an opportunity for someone but it sounds like your wise enough to know you would be in over your head.

The person you described sounds like more than one solo girl I know now. You said she needs a webmaster, photographer, and promoter.. sounds to me like she needs everything. There are alot of people in the world willing to get naked.. I hope she has a big time personality and a nice body.

I'm sure she will be smarter about who she does business with next time.

04-11-2006, 04:14 PM
Where does she live Rcourt?

04-11-2006, 04:15 PM
So the way I'm understanding this is:
Kinda blow her off in a sence? She pulling my leg?

and no dear Peaches, she not from Upstate NY or even near there.

04-11-2006, 04:17 PM
Rcourt.. I don't think your going to hear your missing an opportunity from any of us. It might be an opportunity for someone but it sounds like your wise enough to know you would be in over your head.

The person you described sounds like more than one solo girl I know now. You said she needs a webmaster, photographer, and promoter.. sounds to me like she needs everything. There are alot of people in the world willing to get naked.. I hope she has a big time personality and a nice body.

I'm sure she will be smarter about who she does business with next time.
You would NOT believe what some of these guys tell the girls these days.
And on the same hand... posing and looking hot is a fraction of the work these days. Ill give you a good example....

Ask Jace how many people are involved in Tabithas Toybox. I know he works JUST the promotion end of it like a full time job.

04-11-2006, 04:19 PM
Chics that are willing to get naked and think they're going to be the next Jenna Jameson and need a 'webmaster/photographer/promoter' are a dime a dozen and more trouble than they would ever be worth. The only opportunity slipping through your hands is the opportunity to get screwed.

04-11-2006, 04:23 PM
So the way I'm understanding this is:
Kinda blow her off in a sence? She pulling my leg?

She is probably telling you the truth. However she isn't alone.. most of us could probably point you to other girls that are not happy with their sites or the way they are being marketed.

Until she gets out of her contract there isn't much to be done. You can be her friend and be supportive but if she signed something she has to live with it till the contract comes to an end. Then she needs to try again.

04-11-2006, 04:24 PM
You would NOT believe what some of these guys tell the girls these days.
And on the same hand... posing and looking hot is a fraction of the work these days. Ill give you a good example....

Ask Jace how many people are involved in Tabithas Toybox. I know he works JUST the promotion end of it like a full time job.

I know this is kinda of a dog eat dog adult industry, But lying to a girl and telling her what she wants to hear just to make a buck is not my style. I've learned at least that much from running the cams. So i dont want to mislead her or direct her in the wrong direction. Thats not cool.

04-11-2006, 04:47 PM
I know this is kinda of a dog eat dog adult industry, But lying to a girl and telling her what she wants to hear just to make a buck is not my style. I've learned at least that much from running the cams. So i dont want to mislead her or direct her in the wrong direction. Thats not cool.

I agree. But it happens every day.
The casting couch is a reality and a lot worse.

04-11-2006, 04:51 PM
Read what Bishop wrote just above you. That's about the long and short of it. With a contract binding her she's not able to do much until it's done and unless you have experience doing the solo girl marketing thing it's really not worth delving into unless it's a situation like Jace has and you are married or some such thing.

04-11-2006, 05:21 PM
1) Her contract up in August.

2) I told her to come join Oprano so she can meet people.

3) And I gave her someone to contact with more experience
"Geezzz" I'll let you guess who that was..lol"

4) Thanks for the replies & advice, Ive said it before & say it again:
Oprano Rocks :rokk:

& 5) Hahaha, it's really funny how all of a sudden my xpeeps profile got a bunch of hits after posting this,,,, U dogs U....LOL

Thanks Again :)

04-11-2006, 05:31 PM
Where does she live Rcourt?

I think in Kentuky

04-11-2006, 05:45 PM
It is a trap!!! Ask Mutt.

Be careful with any type of model - solo girl website drama. My 2 cents.

yup, listen to this guy.

past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. so lets say you do figure a way to help her out, and then u manage it. firstly, if the party finds out, you've already burned a bridge and created drama for yourself. then mark my words, there wil be a time when she wants out with you.

i have yet to see one girl jump ship on a program, and then not do the same to them. they either stick for life, or they are flakes.

04-11-2006, 05:45 PM
I think in Kentuky


04-11-2006, 09:27 PM
yup, listen to this guy.

past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. so lets say you do figure a way to help her out, and then u manage it. firstly, if the party finds out, you've already burned a bridge and created drama for yourself. then mark my words, there wil be a time when she wants out with you.

i have yet to see one girl jump ship on a program, and then not do the same to them. they either stick for life, or they are flakes.

Ya I know the feeling, I've had it done with a few in the cam industry to.

Thanks :)

P.S. no, theres no kelly, sorry

04-11-2006, 09:49 PM
She shouldnt do anything until she learns enough about this biz to be able to do it herself but is smart enough not to. LOL.

Or stick to just modeling or working on cam - she can still make good money (probably more!) and without any long term commitment.


Hell Puppy
04-11-2006, 11:05 PM
If they flake once, they'll flake again.

For contract girls, we do a whole lot of talking and getting to know them before we offer up a contract. And it really does take experience to read the girls and figure out whether they'll stick with it long enough to make it worth messing with.

In the case on the one you describe, I'd want to understand what exactly she's unhappy about in the current contract. If she bails on the first company, she'll bail again. There are some instances where there are very legit reasons for bailing, but be skeptical.

Some of the things guys offering contracts now ask of the girls is so unprofessional and out of line that it boggles my mind. But then I'm a prude. But suffice to say I'd never require a girl to take pills or give me a little something on the side.