View Full Version : Oh Pornodoggy.......

04-08-2006, 05:20 PM
I smell a sweep baby!! My Cubbies are kicking Cardinal ass baby!! :okthumb:

And my second favorite team the Brewers are 5-0! What a sweet start to the baseball season!! :wnw:

04-08-2006, 07:48 PM
We shall see ... we shall see ... there's a 157 games to go.

04-08-2006, 08:39 PM
Yeah.. but it's still funb to trash talk now!! ;)

04-09-2006, 12:46 AM
Enjoy it while you can ... the 1st of June is coming, and you know the Cubbies are prone to hybrenate long about then.

04-09-2006, 10:46 AM
Hahaha.. yeah.. but I think they will surprise people this year and be in the hunt all year long. They have speed at the top and can now play small ball. They also have some very good middle relief pitchers which they didn't have last year and it KILLED them as middle relief was absolutely horrid last year. the Central is going to be a battle all year long and likely one of, if not the, toughest divisions in baseball.

04-09-2006, 10:52 PM
What a revolting development this is, Ollie ... :(

04-09-2006, 11:42 PM
Hahahahahaha!!!! Sweep baby!!! :bdance: :lillpeppe :bpurpdanc

Now lets's see the Brewers take at least 2 of 3 from the Cardinals and spoil their home opener in the new Busch Stadium!!!