View Full Version : Phone Hypnotisms

04-08-2006, 01:47 PM
I found this very funny, So I figured I'd share it with you,

Last night g/f had a customer who spend close to $200 bucks on her over the phone attempting to hypnotize her with cheezy lines like:
"your getting sleepy :1eye: " and other old fashion sayings...lol
He sounded like one of those TV announcers for nick-a-nite.LOL
This guy didnt even want to view her on cam, just talk on phone...lol

I don't get it sometimes, people are strange :scratchin
But I must admit, it sure is easy money.
:sign_wier uh?

Dianna Vesta
04-08-2006, 01:55 PM
I found this very funny, So I figured I'd share it with you,

Last night g/f had a customer who spend close to $200 bucks on her over the phone attempting to hypnotize her with cheezy lines like:
"your getting sleepy :1eye: " and other old fashion sayings...lol
He sounded like one of those TV announcers for nick-a-nite.LOL
This guy didnt even want to view her on cam, just talk on phone...lol

I don't get it sometimes, people are strange :scratchin
But I must admit, it sure is easy money.
:sign_wier uh?

Some people are just really into that. It actually is a type of fetish.

04-08-2006, 01:58 PM
Dianna is right, it's called Aural sex. :)

04-08-2006, 02:08 PM
WOW, I never ever heard of this :unsure:

Thanks for clearing it up for me.

"Aural sex" huh?
hmm, another word I'll need to look up :)

thanks again :)

04-08-2006, 03:38 PM
Aural would be dealing with the ear...


When I was like 8 or something, There was some "Don't have sex, you'll get an STD" special on tv. It was a Saturday morning, I was living in Europe, and that was the only English speaking station we got. Nobody else was up, so I was stuck watching it. Now, keep in mind I was probably *the* most innocent child I knew at the time. I blushed when people kissed in front of me, would hide my eyes during sex scenes or kissing scenes in movies, didn't like swear words at all - and movies that had an overabundance of swear words got turned off by myself.... Keeping all that in mind, I was stuck watching this abstinence programming.

Right before a "commercial break" they would ask a "quiz question" and give the answer when they returned from the messages. At one point, it asked "Can you get an STD from Oral sex?" Of course, immediately I thought phone sex -- I had never heard of blowjobs/oral/etc. So I was like "psh no, of course you can't, you morons...it's just TALKING" When they came back and said "yes you can get an std from oral sex" it took me years to get over that and I remained even more innocent --thinking that if someone were to talk to me about sex, I could get an STD.

Of course, back then I thought that if you just laid in bed with someone that you loved naked, you'd get pregnant! Heh..

Okay enough embarassing stories of my past...