View Full Version : Life sure can throw you a curveball sometimes.

04-07-2006, 03:58 AM
So one of my best friends, probably my best, moved here to the city right down the street from me with my other buddies 2 months ago. We've been hanging out every day since. A while ago, some drunk asshole sucker punched him for some reason outside a bar, thinking he was hitting on his girlfriend or something, and he was in the hospital for a week because his brain was so swollen. Well, he's been having some headaches since, so he had been taking some pain killers. Last night he had a couple pills, and a few beers but not too many. Somehow he blacked out while in the bathroom, maybe from the combo of medication and beer, maybe a brain aneurysm.

My other pal came back from work to get him, the three of us were going to go out. He was dead on the floor in the bathroom. He may have choked on vomit(not much there but some), or may have died from a brain aneurysm. So, instead of hanging out over here watching the sopranos episode he missed, he's on a metal slab being cut open and autopsied, at age 21.

God musta really had it in for him and his family, eh? Always nice to see a good person die for no reason. :blink:

04-07-2006, 04:27 AM
God musta really had it in for him and his family, eh? Always nice to see a good person die for no reason. :blink:

Thats really sad. I dont think its nice to see that your friend died without doing something to save him from hell. I dont think good people deserve to died like that, I mean I have the feeling its not yet his time :(

04-07-2006, 05:11 AM
Thats really sad. I dont think its nice to see that your friend died without doing something to save him from hell. I dont think good people deserve to died like that, I mean I have the feeling its not yet his time :(

I'm the sarcastic type. I dunno about hell, but I'm sure there'll be some worms around.

04-07-2006, 05:29 AM
I'm the sarcastic type. I dunno about hell, but I'm sure there'll be some worms around.

Yeah we cant just control things and I guess it was meant to be... Its just hard and its just sad... bec. I had felt that too before...

04-07-2006, 09:12 AM
Very sorry to hear about your friend Pushpills. Hang in there man.

Mike AI
04-07-2006, 10:35 AM
That is a pretty fucked up story. Sorry Pushpills.

Your friend should have taken care of his injury better - no drinking, going out, etc...

You should find out what autopsy report is. If he died from the brain injury, then the guy who hit him is legally responsibly - both criminal and civil.

04-07-2006, 11:01 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend, Steve ...

04-07-2006, 11:01 AM
My condolences mate. :(

Dianna Vesta
04-07-2006, 12:03 PM
I agree with what Mike said but thats hard to prove if he was drinking and such.

I have a very different view on death. Still, it's painful when someone you love isn't here any more. I'm truly sorry for your loss.

04-07-2006, 12:04 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend pushpills. Very sad to hear. You have my condolonces. :(

04-07-2006, 03:55 PM
OMG! That is really terrible. Im so sorry sweetie.

Yes he should not have been drinking on painkillers though and should have been back to the doctor if he was having persistant headaches.

People are so violent. I never go to nightclubs. Last I went to one in West Edmonton Mall someone pulled out a gun.

In my city last month a bunch of kids beat a man in his 30's to death on a city bus right in front of a whole bunch of people. His attackers didnt even know him. Everyone just watched.

I'm scared to go anywhere.


04-07-2006, 04:09 PM
holy shit that sucks

seriously man, that sounds like something was wrong in his brain

technically, you have to take A LOT of painkillers to black out from combining them with drinking....in fact, there aren't that many cases of it without something else combining, like a brain injury

xanax and things like that are known for their effects with alcohol, but pain killers take a lot to give that result

regardless, that sucks, and I hope they find the guy that punched him and I hope he goes to jail for a long time...after all, that is wreckless homicide (or something like that)...if you punch someone and it leads to their death, you are responsible

04-07-2006, 05:05 PM
My sincere condolences

04-07-2006, 05:39 PM
Yikes, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.. :(

04-07-2006, 05:41 PM
holy shit that sucks

seriously man, that sounds like something was wrong in his brain

technically, you have to take A LOT of painkillers to black out from combining them with drinking....in fact, there aren't that many cases of it without something else combining, like a brain injury

xanax and things like that are known for their effects with alcohol, but pain killers take a lot to give that result

regardless, that sucks, and I hope they find the guy that punched him and I hope he goes to jail for a long time...after all, that is wreckless homicide (or something like that)...if you punch someone and it leads to their death, you are responsible
Technically, you are dead wrong. Sounds an awful lot like street/bar bullshit to me. (I used to tell myself stuff like that all the time, I have to admit.)

First of all, I think you mean pass out - and there is no way to predict how much alcohol combined with any given painkiller it takes any specific individual to impact them. They do some of the same things in different ways, so there is no real way to qunatify it.

I can (could, since it's been a dozen years since I've "tried") BLACK out on just alcohol - but usually it takes a 3-4 of hours of serious drinking to do it. Put two Tylenol III (codine) in me, and all bets are off - I lost an entire weekend once after two beers on Friday afternoon. There are a lot more serious painkillers than that out there that have far more of an impact on the chemical combinations.

I am truly sorry the guy died, but it could be hard to make a serious case against the perp because of combining drinking and drugs. Even a half-assed public defender could do a lot with something like that.

04-08-2006, 12:26 PM
There was a case many years ago about a young girl who drank a little wine, took a few pills and went into a persistent vegetative state...the research that came out of this particular incident pretty much proves that alcohol, no matter how low the content, plus pills, do not mix..especially with a head injury...whether it be a mild concussion or an aneuryism waiting to happen...

Either way, it's very sad to see one so young die..and my condolences to you....

04-08-2006, 02:11 PM
Technically, you are dead wrong. Sounds an awful lot like street/bar bullshit to me. (I used to tell myself stuff like that all the time, I have to admit.)

First of all, I think you mean pass out - and there is no way to predict how much alcohol combined with any given painkiller it takes any specific individual to impact them. They do some of the same things in different ways, so there is no real way to qunatify it.

I can (could, since it's been a dozen years since I've "tried") BLACK out on just alcohol - but usually it takes a 3-4 of hours of serious drinking to do it. Put two Tylenol III (codine) in me, and all bets are off - I lost an entire weekend once after two beers on Friday afternoon. There are a lot more serious painkillers than that out there that have far more of an impact on the chemical combinations.

I am truly sorry the guy died, but it could be hard to make a serious case against the perp because of combining drinking and drugs. Even a half-assed public defender could do a lot with something like that.

I am just going from past experience man, I will be the first to admit I know nothing about it from a legal standpoint...and do we even know if the guy was a pass out black out drunk?

my point with the lawsuit was coming from a buddy I had a few years back that got jumped after a bar let out and someone cracked his jaw and it had to be wired shut...the dude that did it settled out of court for almost $100k

I personally haven't seen someone black out from pain killers in years, but I guess you are right it can happen for someone that doesn't take them a lot, I wasn't thinking :(