View Full Version : One more step in the "White Trash" direction

04-02-2006, 09:08 PM
As some of you know (and at least one has seen...), I currently have the typical white trash TV set up: The working TV in front of the big TV. I paid $375ish to get it fixed last time, it's 5 years old, probably needs to be replaced but I've been too lazy to go and find someone who will deliver a new one and take the old one.

Ferdinand, my 10 year old pug, is becoming lame on his hind legs. A $2K doctor visit told me he has a fluid filled cyst on his back and a bulging disk in his neck - probably the cyst causing the problem, but I haven't take the next step, surgery, yet and not sure if I can put him through that.

ANYHOO.....for the last few weeks he hasn't been able to get on the sofa. This is OK if I'm on the sofa, but if I'm upstairs and he decides to get down, then I either go put him back up or listen to him whine. So I got him a set of little stairs that go up to the couch :) They are conveniently right in front of the table that hold my working TV.

I'm in the market for Elvis paintings on black velvet next.

04-02-2006, 09:58 PM
Sorry to hear about your dog. A staircase for the dog is not white trash.. I had a very well todo lady friend of mine that did the same thing for her golden retreiver when he got on in years. It was the only way he could get up and down from her bed.

The tv situation on the other hand.. haha

In regarding to the surgery.. you will have to consider the quality of day to day life. It is not easy to make a decision like that. My last bulldog is getting on in years. Just the thought of loosing him really is disturbing to me. I had his mother for a long time and lost her last year. I lost his brother the year before.

04-03-2006, 12:48 PM
Yeah.. sorry to hear about the dog Peaches. I know what it's like. I spent like $500 bucks for surgery and got like three more months out of my dog and then the cancer came roaring back. :>((

04-03-2006, 02:30 PM
I would laugh about the television situation if it didn't hurt ...

I was in the middle of a major spring-cleaning evolution (or urban renewal) in my office about a week ago when a strangulated hernia interrupted everything. I've got shit spread out all over hell's half-acre, and it will stay that way for a while, since I can't lift anything over five pounds.

As far as the dog goes, though, I know what you mean. Our shar-pei has been essentially blind for the better part of two years.

I'm partial to the dogs playin' poker as far as velvet art goes, though ...

04-03-2006, 03:05 PM
I would laugh about the television situation if it didn't hurt ...

I was in the middle of a major spring-cleaning evolution (or urban renewal) in my office about a week ago when a strangulated hernia interrupted everything. I've got shit spread out all over hell's half-acre, and it will stay that way for a while, since I can't lift anything over five pounds.

As far as the dog goes, though, I know what you mean. Our shar-pei has been essentially blind for the better part of two years.

I'm partial to the dogs playin' poker as far as velvet art goes, though ...

Ouch.. that sucks.. I feel your pain. I fell about two months ago and bruised my ribs really bad. It took about 5 weeks for me to move around normally. The good news was my chronic backache went away for awhile.. I didn't notice my back when my ribs hurt. Ribs are better.. and I haven't pulled my back out of place yet. It should happen any time now..

Dianna Vesta
04-03-2006, 03:38 PM
If you came around here you'd fucking die. I do everything for my animals and I don't care what it cost or what it looks like. The next house I build will be built with them in mind.

Right now I have 5 bedrooms- one is for the dogs. They have their own room with door out to the deck and own dog yard. They have their own TV too. All of my dogs are adopted and some with problems. Ramps, matts, you name it, it here. I also have a caretaker that lives in an RV on my farm who's main job is taking care of the animals. The dogs get walked for 30 minutes each. They get brushed every other day and we line them all up to get washed once a month. Thats 6 dogs.

When its hot you'll see extensions cords running out to the barn, to the dogs, goats, whoever is hot. When its cold jackets and heaters.

My friends and family think I'm nuts but I think that if you're going to have animals there is no reason they shouldn't be spoiled.

04-03-2006, 03:40 PM
Ouch.. that sucks.. I feel your pain. I fell about two months ago and bruised my ribs really bad. It took about 5 weeks for me to move around normally. The good news was my chronic backache went away for awhile.. I didn't notice my back when my ribs hurt. Ribs are better.. and I haven't pulled my back out of place yet. It should happen any time now..
Ahhh ... I knew something was going on, so I finally broke down and saw a Dr. about it. I went in expecting the obligatory lectures about smoking and weight, and MAYBE some outpatient surgery scheduled for some time in the future.

No dice - they poked and prodded, got a surgeon to poke and prod, and I had been operated on less than 24 hours later. The strangulated part involved some dying tissue, and it could have gotten ugly if I hadn't gotten in when I did.

Oddly enough, the incision doesn't bother me nearly as much as my back, shoulders, and legs do. It's forced me to use muscles I've forgotten I owned, and this old body ain't always happy about it.

Gonna look like hell in my speedo, too - they done stole my navel.

04-03-2006, 04:09 PM
My 13 year old female is going deaf - close to completely now. It's so funny to watch her sleep through major events ;)

The puppy at 18 months is a riot - she picks things up and takes them places to play with them. This includes pen caps, bugs, ice cubes, rocks, etc.

Never boring here.

And my cat has her own room too - by her choice. She hates the dogs so she stays in the guest room and I have a baby gate so the dogs can't get in :) She's 13 too but you'd never know it.

04-04-2006, 02:06 AM
Cause this thread needs some cheering up ...



04-06-2006, 04:44 PM
awwwww sorry to hear about your doggie. i also have dog stairs. LOL they are the best!

04-06-2006, 04:46 PM
my little woof woof shes a pomeranian

04-06-2006, 05:49 PM
That is one tiny dog.. cute.