View Full Version : Guess who said these things....

Mike AI
03-31-2006, 07:47 PM
Read the following quotes, and tell me who you think made them? Howard Dean? Pornodoggy? Michael Moore? George Soros? Joesho? Barbara Steisand? Al Sharpton?

“People don’t have electricity. They don’t have water,”
“Children don’t have safe streets to walk in. Women and children are always in danger.”
Americans don’t have a grasp of that reality in Iraq.

“Tens of thousands ... have lost their lives here because of the occupation,” “I think Americans need to think about that and realize day-to-day how difficult life is here.”

the “mujahedeen are the ones who will win in the end in this war.”

“No matter what Americans try to say is happening here or try to do with all their weapons, they aren’t going to be able to stay here, they’re not going to be able to stop the mujahedeen,” “That’s for sure.”

“Bush knows this war was wrong,” “He knows it was illegal from the very beginning. He knows that it was built on a mountain of lies. I think he needs to finally admit to the American people and make the troops go home.

“He needs to wake up,” “The people in America need to wake up and tell him what he’s done here is wrong.”

03-31-2006, 08:02 PM
You know questions like there where more fun before the internet. haha.. I'm resisting the urge to go a search on the engines.

I'll make a guess..

Michael Moore

Mike AI
03-31-2006, 08:27 PM
Obviously you can google the answer. I was wanting people to guess who said these things - my list is not inclusive. It was not multi-choice.

03-31-2006, 09:20 PM
Obviously you can google the answer. I was wanting people to guess who said these things - my list is not inclusive. It was not multi-choice.

I'm barely qualified for multiple choice outside of office hours. haha..