View Full Version : Is anyone as distracted as me while working?

03-29-2006, 01:12 PM
I can't keep on target for more than 15 minutes at a time

in the last 30 minutes I have
thumbed pics for hosted galleries
gone to xpeeps
checked gfy
checked oprano
checked nscash stats
resized pics for hosted galleries
gone to xpeeps
checked site cash stats
checked traffic stats
watermarked pics for hosted galleries
checked oprano

03-29-2006, 01:21 PM


03-29-2006, 01:29 PM
Jace.. if your making money then your doing something right. What is the old saying.. figure out how to make a dollar then do it a million times.

03-29-2006, 01:45 PM


bad stuff right there

i was on ritalin from when I was 11 until 16...it is the reason i can't grow hair

One thing they don't tell parents when prescribing those types of ADD meds is that 1 in 2 children will develop a nervous tick for the rest of their lives, and the longer they are on the meds the worse the tick gets...my tick was twirling a lock of hair in the front right side of my head...so when I grow hair, the minute it is long enough to play with, I twirl it....and i can't stop, it is very obsessive, and ritalin is the cause

there are some cases of extreme ticks, such as arm spasms, and even more rare cases of turrets

Mike AI
03-29-2006, 04:04 PM
Working on the internet is perfect for multi-taskers!

03-29-2006, 06:06 PM
bad stuff right there

i was on ritalin from when I was 11 until 16...it is the reason i can't grow hair

One thing they don't tell parents when prescribing those types of ADD meds is that 1 in 2 children will develop a nervous tick for the rest of their lives, and the longer they are on the meds the worse the tick gets...my tick was twirling a lock of hair in the front right side of my head...so when I grow hair, the minute it is long enough to play with, I twirl it....and i can't stop, it is very obsessive, and ritalin is the cause

there are some cases of extreme ticks, such as arm spasms, and even more rare cases of turrets

Since you and I have never meet I was concerned you where going to say you had ticks bad and that your avatar was not a stop motion animation. hahha.. just kidding..

03-29-2006, 06:25 PM
Since you and I have never meet I was concerned you where going to say you had ticks bad and that your avatar was not a stop motion animation. hahha.. just kidding..

hahahaha...oh wow, that would be scary :)

speaking of which, when you are coming to atlanta to meet us all?

03-29-2006, 07:11 PM
lol I usually flip back n forth while online. I typically have a minimum of 5 browser windows open and a couple instant messengers too

03-29-2006, 08:18 PM
hahahaha...oh wow, that would be scary :)

speaking of which, when you are coming to atlanta to meet us all?

Someday.. I don't have any immediate plans of making the drive. I'll give it some thought. I have some things I would like to get out of the way then maybe I'll come into town.

03-29-2006, 08:50 PM
Think Jace has ADD. :(

... Btw, what where we talking about again? :blink:

03-29-2006, 09:02 PM
Think Jace has ADD. :(

... Btw, what where we talking about again? :blink:

Bipolar actually

i was misdiagnosed with ADD growing up and I can say it screwed me royally

03-29-2006, 09:04 PM
Bipolar actually

i was misdiagnosed with ADD growing up and I can say it screwed me royally Doctors suck. :(

Hell Puppy
03-30-2006, 12:12 AM
ADD'rs are drawn to the internet like moth to flame....

Anyone who is a heavy multitasker likely has it to one degree or another. It's all about how you manage it and deal with it. It CAN work for you as long as you can manage to complete tasks.

I can hit deadlines, but I drive people crazy with my methods. If I have something I have to get done today that'll only take an hour, I'll take all day to do it because I'll do it 5 minutes at a time inbetween other things.

If I need to do something that really requires concentration like programming, I'll submerge completely to eliminate distractions. And I get really ornery if interrupted.

03-30-2006, 12:27 AM
ADD'rs are drawn to the internet like moth to flame....

Anyone who is a heavy multitasker likely has it to one degree or another. It's all about how you manage it and deal with it. It CAN work for you as long as you can manage to complete tasks.

I can hit deadlines, but I drive people crazy with my methods. If I have something I have to get done today that'll only take an hour, I'll take all day to do it because I'll do it 5 minutes at a time inbetween other things.

If I need to do something that really requires concentration like programming, I'll submerge completely to eliminate distractions. And I get really ornery if interrupted.

yeah, that is what people have fed your brain for years, when in fact having true ADD or ADHD is pretty rare...as many as 4/10 kids are diagnosed with it, when in reality only 1/20 truely have it. Whlie you think that computer are a great ADD career, every case of ADD is different, and while one person may get totally submerged in their work on the computer, the next person with ADD will not,and will hate working on the comptuer and being as submerged as the next person.

People that have a over stimulated brain are often told they have ADD or ADHD, when in reality it is just a faster thinking process or a different way of thinking than the "norm"

I have spent years and years being diagosed and talking with so called "professionals" about ADD and ADHD, and 3/4 of what you read is bogus, and sadly enough, a lot of it was brought on by the pharms industry

as for everyone who is a multitasker having it to one degree or another, not true at all, and that statement right there is a HUGE problem we are facing inthe school systems today. Teachers immediately want to shuffle the kids off that think faster or can't do one single project at once, and label them as "ADD" or "ADHD" and that is horrible way to think and a horrible thing to do.

did you know one of the main differences between a bipolar 1 person and a ADHD person? the bipolar person has insomnia and the ADHD sleep regularly....now think about that long and hard...real long and hard...what is one of the main symptoms of a bipolar person? MANIC episodes...now what do you think a manic episode wouild look like to a teacher who can't control a child? well, most likely ADD to an idiot teacher who wanted peace. ADD is the most diagnosed "disorder" among our children...fucking nuts huh?

I have some very strong views about ADD and ADHD, I have done years of my own research on the subject, mostly because I was wrongly diagnosed with ADHD when I was 11, and it screwed me up. I have pondered a class action lawsuit against the makers of Ritalin for years now because of my tick, and while I was pondering it, I came across others also pondering it.

sorry to ramble, but I grew up thinking that i was fucked up and that I wasn't ever going to get better unless I popped a pill every day....I don't take any pills now, I am driven and motivated, and I love my life....aside from my manic bipolar episodes, I live pretty nicely for a hopeless idiot

again, sorry to go off, but this topic gets me more heated that politics and religion combined....even though I don't have it, ADD ruined part of my life

03-30-2006, 12:46 AM
My son was diagnosed as ADHD back when he was in kindergarten. In hindsight, I believe it was bipolar. I waited for years to administer medication and the Ritalin did help. But again, knowing what I know now, I honestly believe there were other issues.

03-30-2006, 01:53 AM
I've been told I have attention defic....oooh shiney...

03-30-2006, 10:56 AM
If I was to let the mental demons out of my closet ?
:storm: Thats a scary thought.

03-30-2006, 11:52 AM
It's not so much not being able to pay attention for me in that I always need to do different stuff so much as I need something like the tv or music on in the background to keep my mind occupied otherwise I get bored out of my mind and lose focus and don't get stuff done unless it is a time sensitive project that requires me to really concentrate and not notice that there is nothing going on in the background.

03-30-2006, 04:55 PM
Bipolar actually

i was misdiagnosed with ADD growing up and I can say it screwed me royally

I've been diagnosed with both. Nothing they gave me made any difference, so I said fuck it, and adapted as much as possible.

It can really suck though. Simple things, like keeping an appointment are a major stressor for me. I either have no focus, or I am hyperfocused. Either way, time just doesn't exist for me like it does "normal" people. I lose track of it, no matter how hard I try not to. So I chronically am late. I have no idea when the last job I had where a time clock was involved. I know it was half a lifetime ago, because I can't cut it in that type of situation.

And I know that can sound really, really stupid to someone who doesn't lose time like I do. I have been asked before, "How hard is it to just get ready and be someplace on time?"

For me, it's real damned hard. ;)

03-30-2006, 05:19 PM
And I know that can sound really, really stupid to someone who doesn't lose time like I do. I have been asked before, "How hard is it to just get ready and be someplace on time?"

For me, it's real damned hard. ;)

ask anyone that has tried to meet up with me outside of my house, I am the same way. the phone is another big issue for me, I have problems with the phone big time...it stresses me out to no end

03-30-2006, 09:29 PM
I either have no focus, or I am hyperfocused.

describes me. i either obsess on things or have zero interest. there is no in between with me. if i am interested in a project, i can work 20hrs a day and love every minute of it and forget to eat and forget everything going on around me. if i am not interested, i usually have a real struggle getting things done. most who know me might not believe this but in the 10th grade, i had a .5 gpa just because i had zero interest in school and it was so hard for me to focus. in 12th grade, i started wondering if i was stupid and started to obsess on school work. i moved to a different school, i took only advanced classes and advanced math and had an almost perfect gpa. it was pretty funny. at my old school i was a notorious shit disturber who everyone thought would end up in jail at any moment. at the next school, i was the brainy guy who just couldn't relax and take a break from school work.

i also can't think without doing two things at once. for example, to work, i have to have music on or tv on and think about both at the same time. i think best about things under pressure... for example riding my bike at 150mph on the freeway or something like that. its kind of weird. if i good to visit my grandparents out in the middle of nowhere where it is completely silent, i will fall asleep on the couch in about 15-20 mins everytime. my body just shuts down. happened everytime i have been there for the 15yrs they have lived where they do.

03-30-2006, 09:49 PM
describes me. i either obsess on things or have zero interest. there is no in between with me. if i am interested in a project, i can work 20hrs a day and love every minute of it and forget to eat and forget everything going on around me. if i am not interested, i usually have a real struggle getting things done. most who know me might not believe this but in the 10th grade, i had a .5 gpa just because i had zero interest in school and it was so hard for me to focus. in 12th grade, i started wondering if i was stupid and started to obsess on school work. i moved to a different school, i took only advanced classes and advanced math and had an almost perfect gpa. it was pretty funny. at my old school i was a notorious shit disturber who everyone thought would end up in jail at any moment. at the next school, i was the brainy guy who just couldn't relax and take a break from school work.

i also can't think without doing two things at once. for example, to work, i have to have music on or tv on and think about both at the same time. i think best about things under pressure... for example riding my bike at 150mph on the freeway or something like that. its kind of weird. if i good to visit my grandparents out in the middle of nowhere where it is completely silent, i will fall asleep on the couch in about 15-20 mins everytime. my body just shuts down. happened everytime i have been there for the 15yrs they have lived where they do.

I went to 4 different grade schools and 7 different high schools before I finally dropped out. My lowest GPA was about a 0.2...so, I know where you are coming from, one school I was so great in math, straight a's across the board, the next school I failed out and was held back in the same subject

as for being a shit disturber, you are lucky you never ended up in jail, I have been about 7 times....LOL

03-30-2006, 10:04 PM
as for being a shit disturber, you are lucky you never ended up in jail, I have been about 7 times....LOL

Aint that a pisser?

Mike AI
03-30-2006, 10:16 PM
yeah, that is what people have fed your brain for years, when in fact having true ADD or ADHD is pretty rare...as many as 4/10 kids are diagnosed with it, when in reality only 1/20 truely have it. Whlie you think that computer are a great ADD career, every case of ADD is different, and while one person may get totally submerged in their work on the computer, the next person with ADD will not,and will hate working on the comptuer and being as submerged as the next person.

People that have a over stimulated brain are often told they have ADD or ADHD, when in reality it is just a faster thinking process or a different way of thinking than the "norm"

I have spent years and years being diagosed and talking with so called "professionals" about ADD and ADHD, and 3/4 of what you read is bogus, and sadly enough, a lot of it was brought on by the pharms industry

as for everyone who is a multitasker having it to one degree or another, not true at all, and that statement right there is a HUGE problem we are facing inthe school systems today. Teachers immediately want to shuffle the kids off that think faster or can't do one single project at once, and label them as "ADD" or "ADHD" and that is horrible way to think and a horrible thing to do.

did you know one of the main differences between a bipolar 1 person and a ADHD person? the bipolar person has insomnia and the ADHD sleep regularly....now think about that long and hard...real long and hard...what is one of the main symptoms of a bipolar person? MANIC episodes...now what do you think a manic episode wouild look like to a teacher who can't control a child? well, most likely ADD to an idiot teacher who wanted peace. ADD is the most diagnosed "disorder" among our children...fucking nuts huh?

I have some very strong views about ADD and ADHD, I have done years of my own research on the subject, mostly because I was wrongly diagnosed with ADHD when I was 11, and it screwed me up. I have pondered a class action lawsuit against the makers of Ritalin for years now because of my tick, and while I was pondering it, I came across others also pondering it.

sorry to ramble, but I grew up thinking that i was fucked up and that I wasn't ever going to get better unless I popped a pill every day....I don't take any pills now, I am driven and motivated, and I love my life....aside from my manic bipolar episodes, I live pretty nicely for a hopeless idiot

again, sorry to go off, but this topic gets me more heated that politics and religion combined....even though I don't have it, ADD ruined part of my life

:-pearl: This is the best post I have read this year on Oprano!

Mike AI
03-30-2006, 10:20 PM
I have to say I am perfectly sane!

Hell Puppy
03-30-2006, 10:45 PM
We're now in a heavily medicated society.

Quick answer to everything is take another pill. Dont try to cure anything, just keep taking the pills.

Ritalin is the quick answer for kids. It's a challenge to make a child behave, so just dope his ass, much easier. Anyone with a REAL issue tends to slip thru and be misdiagnosed.

03-30-2006, 11:13 PM
I have to say I am perfectly sane!

greatness and insanity often walk hand in hand :)

03-30-2006, 11:20 PM
greatness and insanity often walk hand in hand :)

genius and insanity almost always go hand in hand...most of the smartest people in history were also on the edge of insanity

03-31-2006, 12:51 AM
I have to say I am perfectly sane! And what do your other personalities think of you? :yowsa:

03-31-2006, 01:03 AM
Must admit I am not well informed on the subject of ADD, ADHD or any other attention deficit disorders but 2 things I wonder

Why didn't children in my generation had ADD? (We hadn't even made it to hyper-active yet)

How can a child with ADD pay attention to a video game non-stop for hours on end?

Dianna Vesta
03-31-2006, 09:27 AM
Working on the internet is perfect for multi-taskers!

Thats what I was thinking when I saw his post.

Jace it’s ok to multi-task as long as you're getting something done. It takes a lot of discipline to work at home on the web. I’ve done it for many moons. It’s not unusual for me to have 6-10 windows open, 2 FTP sessions, Outlook and Excel all open. Meanwhile I’m chatting with a few people ICQ and Yahoo.

I have days I get distracted or something will pull my attention stronger then something else. It helps for me to write down a priority list and attempt to stay focused. As long as I feel productive in that week I’m ok. Still, its hard to be a one man show. You’ve got to wear so many hats.