View Full Version : Some more xpeeps.com fun times...

03-27-2006, 08:56 AM
You know how a lot of people on adult industry boards have their "board persona" and then they are totally different in real life? well, I am starting to see that happen with my wife and her fans too...here is an example, the message has been shortened because it was just entirely too long

Ms. T. Stern.
A Stunning beauty that reflex the soul....
truly a dream of walking Passion.
I have a few of ya films.
Thank you for skills and acting talent, you are smooth sexy and tight ass fuck. a fan first.
I have blazed and ripped up some nuttz watching that ass.
Sweetness on film... thanks.
I Do realize the chances of this but I gotta still keep trying.....so please read futher....
I read ya file. I'm going though my 36 mafria phase of my company career.....seems my shit will never come out....LOL.
I'm here on the net looking for people that can do business with a Mr.DEEDS mofo just black...
Ain't shy either, just quite cause i'm daydreaming about shit I draw.
Be bold right. then why do i scare every one off when I am.
from the ghetto side of the tracks...
Like the name.....remember it.

I read this over 2-3 times, and I still have no clue what you are asking.

Sorry, about that.....Rambling....i'm asking do you or know anyone that can produce adult Xrated anime that i have created.
My other head was talking in the last email...the fan in me.....not looking to get laid....just wishing...but on the real would and looking for those professional that can complete an adult anime series.
the regular comic book indusrty kicked me out and told me to do porn....I said fuck them i will.

03-27-2006, 09:13 AM
YIKES! Sounds like someone I know.. haha..

Fans scare me.

03-27-2006, 09:17 AM
Fans scare me.

you are not alone

03-27-2006, 09:58 AM
Oh boy. That must be unnerving. :(

03-27-2006, 02:06 PM
Oh my...
And people wonder why they don't always get responses from "those bitchy porn stars who think they're better than everyone else"... :rolleyes:

03-27-2006, 02:20 PM
Oh my...
And people wonder why they don't always get responses from "those bitchy porn stars who think they're better than everyone else"... :rolleyes:

hahaha...yeah...if you all only knew the amount of just plain wierd people that email my wife...it really is amazing

03-27-2006, 03:35 PM
wow hehe what an entertaining read. I love it when they hardly make any sense :hmm:

03-27-2006, 06:06 PM
hahaha...yeah...if you all only knew the amount of just plain wierd people that email my wife...it really is amazing

I think a lot of us get those...There are two types of emails that I get that annoy me, to a degree - the "train of thought" types, who just write whatever they are thinking, forgetting grammar and spelling, and expect you to know what the fuck they're trying to get through...Then there are the people that find out that I speak other languages, and start sending their correspondance in ONLY those languages, and then get mad at me for not responding right away because I'm too tired to think in English, let alone German or French...Or I'll try to explain what I'm trying to say, in their language, and mess up the grammar or not have the right accents on my letters (since I only have an American keyboard, and don't feel like switching it to an international keyboard just to respond & use the proper "accents" and umlauts and shit)...Or when they use their local dialect's slang and I don't get it, so I skip an "important" part of the message...

Meh...people are funny.