View Full Version : Hey Mike is this Liberal just trying to sell us his book?

03-26-2006, 05:17 PM

03-26-2006, 05:35 PM
he sounds like a genius.

"Q: What do you make of the torture debate? ...

A: .... The only reason anyone tortures is because they like to do it. It's about vengeance, it's about revenge, or it's about cover-up. You don't gain intelligence that way. Everyone in the world knows that."

Mike AI
03-26-2006, 10:43 PM
I just want to know when we became a Nation of pussies? We cannot lose the conflict on the battlefield, only at home. We are winning this war. Historicly speaking this is an extremely successful military campaign, politically we are loosing our nerve - and it's because of people this you Joe, and the idiot who wrote this book.

Some people still have common sense Joe, take your time and try to expand yours: Here is a start: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12017271/site/newsweek

03-26-2006, 11:03 PM
I just want to know when we became a Nation of pussies? We cannot lose the conflict on the battlefield, only at home. We are winning this war. Historicly speaking this is an extremely successful military campaign, politically we are loosing our nerve - and it's because of people this you Joe, and the idiot who wrote this book.

of course we are winning the war - we're the fucking US of A with the biggest military out there, but the point is... the war should never have happened. in the eyes of the world, we are the bully picking on the smaller guy, even if the smaller guy is an asshole. you can't say "fuck you" to the world without it coming back to haunt you.

every major empire has fallen, and don't think america can't fall too. a few more moves like this, american distrust turns into animosity, and then we have a real problem. taking the attitude like "When did we become a bunch of pussies" is the arrogant mistake. you can't declare war cause you want to, and the un voted on this, and voted against it. so much for the UN - the organization that was created to prevent another world war.

mike, 80% or so of cnn voters polled now believe the us administration covered up shit with respect to 9/11. this was in response to charlie sheen's whacky comments. i think that speaks volumes of what people think of this administration. perception is reality. and my comments from a few weeks ago where you called me an idiot because i thought part of why bush declared war was because it would help his electoral chances (which in reality it DID help his chances, and that IS exactly how the republican ran his campaign) - it doesn't seem so out of line or unbelievable now, does it? when you going to realize bush is another crony pushing his own agendas at the expense of the USA. the guy is a moron, there is clip after clip of him fumbling words in public where you can tell he has no clue about what he's being asked. hes a moron to the fullest extent, and he has a past history of bankrupting companies and fucking shit up. did you really expect the results to be different this time around?

03-26-2006, 11:08 PM
Identify the following quotation.

"We are winning this war. Historicly speaking this is an extremely successful military campaign, politically we are loosing our nerve."

A. King George, 1780

B. General Jean Marie de Lattre de Tassigny, 1951

C. General William Westmoreland, 1965 (1966, 1967, 1968 ...)

D, General Boris Gromov, 1987

E. Mike AI, 2006

Mike AI
03-26-2006, 11:20 PM
Too bad none of those cases come close to Iraq. Washington lost more men at Valley Forge then we have lost in this entire war. I suggest you read 1776 and understand what our first Army had to go through before Victory was complete.

Biggy, you have some points I can agree with. I beleive there were fatal flaws in communication between Iraq and the US - that if there had been honest communication Saddam would still be in power and we would be focusing on Iran. I think we should be clearing out the whole region, starting with Saudi Arabia. However, with the realities of the world, we have to play the cards we are dealt - Saddam popped up, played his cards poorly and thus became the poster child of "Regime Change". So we have to suck it up, and finish what we started in Iraq. Iraq is merely a proxy battleground, just like Spain before the begining of WWII. There will be many more campaigns in this war.

Unless PD, Joe, and the rest of the liberals stop waiving their white flags we may surrender... Until the next attack.... Liberals want to smear Bush so badly they are willing to sacrifice our war effort by undermining public opinion.

Joe, PD I will be in France in about a month, I will do so research on the art of surrendering and give ya'll a full report!

03-27-2006, 01:07 AM
you are so right , Mike this guy that served and fought the special forces for so many different administrations, he must just have an agenda to topple Bush and ruin Americas war efforts .

that damn Liberal!

Mike AI
03-27-2006, 08:59 AM
Joe, beleive it or not there are liberals in the military. Todd and PD are 2 fine examples. While I appreciate their service, it does not make them right.

03-27-2006, 01:55 PM
Joe, beleive it or not there are liberals in the military. Todd and PD are 2 fine examples. While I appreciate their service, it does not make them right.


We were lied to - plain and simple...

Must we go on, sure.. We need to get there army stable - protecting there borders, security,. etc and get the fuck out... When the will of the american people (voters) is not behind the war anymore - it's time to leave.

We of course support our soldiers - we don't have to support the war.

On Iran, they are by far more dangerous then Iraq ever was....

03-27-2006, 02:27 PM
Joe, beleive it or not there are liberals in the military. Todd and PD are 2 fine examples. While I appreciate their service, it does not make them right.

It does not make them wrong either :okthumb:

Mike AI
03-27-2006, 04:12 PM

We were lied to - plain and simple...

Must we go on, sure.. We need to get there army stable - protecting there borders, security,. etc and get the fuck out... When the will of the american people (voters) is not behind the war anymore - it's time to leave.

We of course support our soldiers - we don't have to support the war.

On Iran, they are by far more dangerous then Iraq ever was....

Todd, I am happy you support the future campaign against Iran!

Lying? It is what all politicians do - since George Washington. I do not see it as lying, just telling the American people only part of the truth.

I would imagine if the President ever told the American people the truth, we would freak out. This has probably be the case since the start of the Nation.

Ironic how Naive you hippies still are.... find me a President ( professional politician) who does NOT lie!

03-27-2006, 06:10 PM
Todd, I am happy you support the future campaign against Iran!

Lying? It is what all politicians do - since George Washington. I do not see it as lying, just telling the American people only part of the truth.

I would imagine if the President ever told the American people the truth, we would freak out. This has probably be the case since the start of the Nation.

Ironic how Naive you hippies still are.... find me a President ( professional politician) who does NOT lie!

the problem is, like everything else he tries to do, lying is no exception to the fact that he's terrible at it - bush is a terrible liar and makes it so obvious. i also agree iran is the problem, but the iraq war he picked will put the iranian situation on delay for a while. we will have to wait for them to try some stupid shit on israel. us can't be pre-emptive, we must be reactive, and we must get un approva;. or else to the world we will look like the bad guy.

on a side note, always check out the pics of bush in the press. it always shows him with some stupid dumbfounded face, its actually quite humorous. hes got a 34% approval rating right now i believe, and getting worst every day. cheney's approval rating is actually lower than that, LOL. the best news the cheney camp heard was that people were sick of hearing about his shooting accident.

i still can't get over jon stewart's take on the shooting:

"its a private hunting ranch where a hunter drives up to the pen raised birds, thh hunter then gets out of his car, aims his 28 gauge shotgun at slow moving birds 3 feet away,

and then the hunt is on."

Mike AI
03-27-2006, 06:26 PM
So if Bush was more like Clinton, with his ability to lie smoothly he would be ok?


03-27-2006, 07:15 PM
So if Bush was more like Clinton, with his ability to lie smoothly he would be ok?

yes, that is correct. do you disagree? when clinton told it, people didn't have a reason to suspect he was lying, if he was - he sure fooled me and a lot of other people, monica incident included.

reading george w is like reading a 5 year old.

being a president means selling your agenda, and not just selling it to the country, but selling it to the world. just like in his past businesses, he has failed miserably. im not against the iraq war, im against doing it against the world's approval. and our allies do not constitute the world. the un makes the decision.

Mike AI
03-27-2006, 08:39 PM
Biggy, you crack me up.