View Full Version : NFL Free Agency Minnesota - Seattle war

03-25-2006, 01:13 PM
I love watching the offseason free agency period in the NFL and this year has been especially interesting. First you had Minnesota with it's enormus amount of cap room raid one of the best guards in football and give him an insane contract for a guard and put a "poison pill" in the contract, which Seattle would have to match the terms of for them to retain Hutchinson, by gauranteeing all $49 million of the contract if Hutchinson wasn';t the highest paid offensive lineman on the team which was guaranteed to happen because Seattle has one of the highest paid left tackles in the league Walter Jones whose salary would have to be REDUCED to keep Hutchinson. So, what does Seattle do in return? Goes after Minnesota wide receiver Nate Burleson and puts two of it's own "poison pill" clauses in the contratc where all $49 million of the contract for Burleson would be gauranteed if he paid five games in the state of Minnesota in any year of the contract or if he made a higher annual salary than all of the RB's on the Viking roster combined which he would easily do at this point and likely still would even if they drafted a running back in the draft in April.

Fun stuff to watch!! :)

03-25-2006, 08:23 PM
You know, I don't usually follow off-season stuff, mainly because of some of the drastic moves that Shanny makes in the off-season, which are not logical at the time...I don't like to comment until I see the players in the pre-season game, and see how well they're gelling together.

However, after I read this, I was checking the rss feeds on the football forums that I help run (www.afcwestforums.com) and read through the article that came up about it. That is a pretty interesting move...It will be interesting to see how it plays out...

03-25-2006, 11:31 PM
Nice to see a woman who is iunterested in football!! I can't wait for the season to get here so I can watch my beloved Packers at Lambeau Field again!! :okthumb:

03-26-2006, 05:15 AM
Yeh, I'm one of those abnormal chicks that is more into football and hockey than most of the guys I know...Infact, at my old job, my boss would actually defer most sports related questions to me, even though he had more spare time to actually worry about the little details of the sport.

I also can't wait until football season starts up again...That's one thing I miss about my old job -- season tickets were a perk and I had mandatory attendance to all of the home games and atleast one away game! Ah well -- the boss didn't like what I did in my spare time, so he blamed whatever he could on me and got rid of me. :rolleyes:

03-26-2006, 12:32 PM
Bummer.. Do you still try and go to games when you can? I';m lucky in that our family has season tickets so I usually get to 2-3 games with our season tickets and then 1 or 2 more bought from others.

03-26-2006, 01:15 PM
Oh yeh...I still go to any and all games that I can. This past season I only made it to one regular season game though, due to family problems and health problems (and lack of job for a little while problems) and fear of facing the ex-fiance's family problems...But I made it to one (Denver vs. SD, when we came back from behind at halftime to win by 4! :)) and then both of the post-season games. It was pretty awesome, though I didn't like the outcome (nor the opposing team's fans -- some of the most disrespectful that I've ever dealt with) of the AFCC game. It was horrible -- things like cigarette butts getting flicked at me (in a non-smoking section of the stadium nonetheless!), words that one should NEVER have to hear in a "family environment", things being thrown...I've been to Raiders games where the fans had more respect for the home crowd/team.

03-27-2006, 12:36 AM
Can I buy a quarterback and a right tackle?

As for Football games being a family environment sorry to say I am not sure about that. Lot of drinking and a very physical game which many have strong opinions about

Not sure about this but if some steelworker or warehouse guy plunked down his $50-$60 for a seat does he have the right to say a player fucking sucks loudly in a drunken voice? Kind of what you can expect at a football game. Not what I do but .......

That's why if I take my son we sit in Club Seats where it is family friendly and a more polite gathering of people

03-27-2006, 03:39 AM
It was worse stuff than that...I can deal with "that player fucking sucks" and shit like that, but when the attacks get personal to the fans --- let's just say lines were crossed that shouldn't have been.

I'm a fairly non violent person, and I was ready to start throwing punches for some of the stuff that I heard/dealt with, but then my b/f said that if I did and he had to get involved to back me up, that he'd be cutting me off for a while, so I just clinched my teeth and dealt with the fuckers.

Sure there is a lot of drinking that goes on, and yes it's a physical game -- but there is a difference between a stadium and a bar...If I wanted my children (which I don't have any, though I have nephews) to have to deal with some of the comments and insults that I was having to hear, I would have taken them to a raunchy strip club.

Yes, people have a right to their own opinions about players, the game, rules, whatever, but when you're not being disrespected, there's absolutly no fucking reason to just fly off and disrespect other people.

And I don't think I'd ever purposely sell my soul to sit amongst the whine and cheese crowd in our club level...Granted, I'm not with children or anything like that, so I'm not requiring that everything be "polite" and "family friendly" -- but even former steelers players were admitting that they were asshamed to be a part of the association because of how horrible the fans were behaving, so I know it wasn't just localized to my section. The Bettises, on the other hand, were commenting on how nice and respectful the rest of the home fans were, even when we were losing.

03-27-2006, 11:27 PM
Well seeing that I don't have a soul and if you can prove you have one I'd really enjoy seeing the proof (Seriously!) no one is selling any such thing for quality seating

It's not exactly "whine and cheese" as much as it is cultured, respectful and family friendly. Maybe ours is a little different here in Baltimore (but I do admit your ass is kissed from the second you walk in to the time you leave)

As a father of a 4.5 year young son I take serious offense to profanity in front of my son in a public setting, so I can't/won't deal with fucks or sucks in front of my son.
(it appalls me when parents regularly say Shit or Fuck in front of their children and amuses me when they wonder why their children misbehave)

If Joe Lunchpail (or whoever) plops down his $ to see the game and doesn't know how to act, where do we draw the line on tossing him (or her) out? At the first fuck, when they throw something, when they accidentally spill beer, when they annoy or get in the way of another enjoyment of the game? How about as soon as other fans find them obnoxious and disrespectful? Judgment call

All that being said can I buy a Quarterback and a Right Tackle? How about a real Nose Guard? Or 2 370 lbs Defensive Tackles?

03-28-2006, 12:15 AM
p.s. I think those who have to resort to using fuck and suck and so on regularly lack imagination and intelligence

Example, if someone is a cunt I'd rather refer to them as a seeping gash

One of the best New Years resolutions I ever heard was a girl who's resolution was to only use Fuck as a verb

03-28-2006, 02:08 AM
Accidentally spilling beer vs. buying a beer with the sole purpose of dumping it over the head of someone else is different.

Throwing lit cigarette butts (when the stadium is supposed to be smoke free) at a person because she is cheering for the home team, even if they're losing...is crossing the line.

Our club level seats here in Denver are pretty a) costly and b) quiet. The friends that I have that sit in them get told to "sit down" or "be quiet" -- when they're not the "fuck and suck" type of crowd (usually with their children!). I'm sorry, but regardless of where you are, you don't "sit down and shut up" when your team is on defense...that's one of the things that is so missed about the old mile high.

Anyway, I'm trying to write up a blog entry about my new toys, and I keep getting distracted with things that turn me on even more (football...fire...I'm horrible) so I should get back to talking about the dildos and vibrators that I got tonight... hehe