View Full Version : Lily Rose- a few more suggestions

03-24-2006, 12:41 PM
A few suggestions for you:

1) I suggest you make sure you change you signature at every webmaster board you go to and post at to incorprate your webmaster program. Webmasters may not bother to look at your site if they don't think you have a program and even if they do look might miss the link. Have it right where they can see it. Webamsters can be NOTORIOUSLY lazy. Make sure they can't help but notice you have a program (within sig rules)

2) Look around and get on any and all resource sites you can. Especially if they have to do with solo girl stuff. It all adds up. Start with http://www.allofem.com and go from there. There are a bunch of messageboard and resource sites out there that have resource areas you can put a button on. Have buttons and banners made specifically for your program for these recips.

3) Add a referral program to your webmater program for webmasters that refer others to your program. Good word of mouth helps a ton and if people can make money off of sending you their friends to your program, they will.

4) Get free hosted galleries for your webmasters to use and make sure every place that you can add them has them. Many people, especially in the solo girl market, will pick up all the free hosted galleries they can to add to their portfolio to send traffic to.

5) Now, this is something that can be a double edged sword depending on your members area but you'll get traffic from it regardless. Try and get on any and all review sites that you can. Hopefully your members section has plenty of good and unique stuff. Make sure you interact with your members and keep them happy because reviewers will take note of these types of things. a good review can get you soem very nice exposure.

6) Try and make other solo girl friends, especially if they are in your area and you can do shoots together, and exchange traffic. You can make money and traffic off one another and if you get along particuallrly well can do an ocasional shoot together as a special bonus to your members or something.