View Full Version : Ever heard a cat talk?

03-17-2006, 07:43 PM
Tabitha and I were in tears watching this....


03-18-2006, 11:22 AM
hahaha.. that was amusing.. we have two outside cats.. neither of which talks unfortunately.. one chases its tail and screams when it catchs it and the other thinks it is great fun to try and trip me everytime I walk outside. I keep telling my wife the one that trys to trip me has got to go. So far I'm not winning that fight.

03-18-2006, 04:54 PM
hahaha.. that was amusing.. we have two outside cats.. neither of which talks unfortunately.. one chases its tail and screams when it catchs it and the other thinks it is great fun to try and trip me everytime I walk outside. I keep telling my wife the one that trys to trip me has got to go. So far I'm not winning that fight.

haha, my black cat does that to me...I think she is just confused, but after about the 20th time weaving in and out of my walk, i think there is more to it :)

03-19-2006, 03:37 AM
My first cat when I was little said "Mom". He got it off of me. I swear, true.

People used to call on the phone or come over and ask did we have a baby in the house. "Why? Do you hear someone calling Mom?" They nodded. "It's our cat." They would then give us that "what's the number to the local nuthouse" look, and we'd bring the cat in and eventually he would do it, and they'd nearly fall off their chairs. :)

03-22-2006, 05:49 PM
wow, never saw before talking cats :)