View Full Version : a graphical representation of bush approval ratings vs time

03-16-2006, 02:20 AM

from the WSJ.

if bush doesn't capture hussein right before the election, and he continues in the downward trend, he wouldn't have won, at least i dont think so. the hussein capture gave him a 10 point bump in approval ratings instantaneously. the best thing that happened to him was 9/11, thats sad.

worst. president. ever.

03-16-2006, 02:55 AM
Someone needs to build another sub-level on that graph to accomodate the future. :hehehe9:

03-16-2006, 09:47 AM
I said a couple years ago, right here, tha the wil go down as the worst president ever once history judges him for what he has done to the USA.

( MikeAI thought I was a left wing liberal lunatic then , oh wait he still thinks I am a left wing lunatic now LOL)

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 10:36 AM
Guys, I am with you. Bush's numbers should be down. He has not cut back gov't spending, he refuses to address the illegal immigration issue, he keeps playing "grab ass" with Iran rather then pounding them into submission.

I could go on and on....

Hopefully in 2008 we will get a REAL Conservative running for President, and not a liberal in Republican suit like Bush.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 10:37 AM
Biggy, Joe how do you think the US economy has done recently?

03-16-2006, 11:29 AM

It possible you are getting your wish in Iran Mike

03-16-2006, 11:44 AM
Guys, I am with you. Bush's numbers should be down. He has not cut back gov't spending, he refuses to address the illegal immigration issue, he keeps playing "grab ass" with Iran rather then pounding them into submission.

I could go on and on....

Hopefully in 2008 we will get a REAL Conservative running for President, and not a liberal in Republican suit like Bush.

The problem is that there is a SLIGHT possibility the GOP may panic and go for electibility rather than their traditional conservatisim again should they take a pounding in 06. I personally don't think Giuliani or McCain, (though he's kissing Bush ass now heavily) can win a GOP primary, but some think that the base might go with people they would traditionally shun depending on who they think the dem nominee is.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 11:46 AM

It possible you are getting your wish in Iran Mike

Yeah I have been watching. I think we still have another 6-12 months to try other options besides attacking Iran. There are other ways of putting pressure on then at this time, including economic sactions, embargos, etc...

One thing I do appreciate about Bush is he does not care about polls, he does what he thinks is in the best interest of the Country. ( he may be wrong, or execute poorl - this is up to debate - but he is not afriad to make unpopular decisions)

I am also happy to see that we are getting agressive with Iraq terrorists with the latest assault.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 11:53 AM
The problem is that there is a SLIGHT possibility the GOP may panic and go for electibility rather than their traditional conservatisim again should they take a pounding in 06. I personally don't think Giuliani or McCain, (though he's kissing Bush ass now heavily) can win a GOP primary, but some think that the base might go with people they would traditionally shun depending on who they think the dem nominee is.

McCain and Giuliani are nice guys, and I would certainly support them over almost any dem, but I am pulling for Sen George Allen - at this at this moment.

The real question is what democrat can win a National Election?

Kerry? Gore? Clinton? Dean? Gehpart? Edwards? Sharpton?

03-16-2006, 11:58 AM
Yeah I have been watching. I think we still have another 6-12 months to try other options besides attacking Iran. There are other ways of putting pressure on then at this time, including economic sactions, embargos, etc...

One thing I do appreciate about Bush is he does not care about polls, he does what he thinks is in the best interest of the Country. ( he may be wrong, or execute poorl - this is up to debate - but he is not afriad to make unpopular decisions)

I am also happy to see that we are getting agressive with Iraq terrorists with the latest assault.

That is a double edged sword though, when something is obviously not working, you need to at least make some turns. As for Iran, I would just keep blowing it up every time they tried to build it.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 12:02 PM
That is a double edged sword though, when something is obviously not working, you need to at least make some turns. As for Iran, I would just keep blowing it up every time they tried to build it.

Jeff, I feel we are getting a connection. Sometime's Bush hardheadedness is frustrating and hurt him and his causes. A prime example is nominating Harriet Miers.

03-16-2006, 12:08 PM
McCain and Giuliani are nice guys, and I would certainly support them over almost any dem, but I am pulling for Sen George Allen - at this at this moment.

The real question is what democrat can win a National Election?

Kerry? Gore? Clinton? Dean? Gehpart? Edwards? Sharpton?

From that list I think Edwards could. Had it been a traditional primary and not the shortened one they had in 04 he would have beaten Kerry. There is also people like Evan Bayh, Mark Warner, Bill Richardson, and a dark horse might be Barack Obama though I see him more as a potential VP candidate than anything else because of where he is in his career.

A Warner-Bayh or Bayh-Warner ticket would be EXTREMELY hard to beat for the GOP as it would pick off redstates like Indiana and Virgiana and have great appeal elsewhere like Ohio and Florida.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 12:40 PM
From that list I think Edwards could. Had it been a traditional primary and not the shortened one they had in 04 he would have beaten Kerry. There is also people like Evan Bayh, Mark Warner, Bill Richardson, and a dark horse might be Barack Obama though I see him more as a potential VP candidate than anything else because of where he is in his career.

A Warner-Bayh or Bayh-Warner ticket would be EXTREMELY hard to beat for the GOP as it would pick off redstates like Indiana and Virgiana and have great appeal elsewhere like Ohio and Florida.

Too bad Warner and Bayh would not be able to make it past the primaries for same reason McCain and Guiliani won't for Republicans.

03-16-2006, 01:07 PM
you guys describe Bush as being "hard-headed." I just think he's an idiot.

looking back on this chart... does anyone find it ironic that bush created a war which in essence helped him win the election? without a war, would bush have won?

as far as the economy - i would describe it as pretty good as of late, but fragile right now. the economy has been pretty decent lately, but the next 6-12 months should be interesting with the way gov't spending and interest rates are going.

03-16-2006, 01:11 PM
Rudy doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

It will be interesting to watch McCain. Will he further sell out his principles (i.e., start pandering to the Republcangelicals) in order to grab the ring?

Congress in 06 is one hell of a lot more important atm than Pennsylvania Avenue in 08.

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 01:25 PM
you guys describe Bush as being "hard-headed." I just think he's an idiot.

looking back on this chart... does anyone find it ironic that bush created a war which in essence helped him win the election? without a war, would bush have won?

as far as the economy - i would describe it as pretty good as of late, but fragile right now. the economy has been pretty decent lately, but the next 6-12 months should be interesting with the way gov't spending and interest rates are going.

Do you really think Bush went into Iraq to bolster his election chances? If so maybe you should apply the idiot tag to yourself. Most Presidents would have waited for the second term before invading. Do you remember how the press savaged Bush prior to the election about Iraq, Abu Girad prison scandel, etc... etc...

Bush WON because Kerry is the idiot, and the American people understood that. Even with the mainstream media in Kerry's corner, Kerry still had his ass handed to him. Bush was blessed with having Kerry and an oponent.

As far as the economy, you agree that is is doing well, yet polls say Bush has only 36% approval on economy. So who is wrong? YOU or the Polls?

03-16-2006, 02:13 PM
Too bad Warner and Bayh would not be able to make it past the primaries for same reason McCain and Guiliani won't for Republicans.

Yeah, they might have a hard time though it is possible just like McCain and Giuliani are. Possible though certainly not probable.

03-16-2006, 02:39 PM
Do you really think Bush went into Iraq to bolster his election chances?

part of me does Mike, part of me does. look at his senior, he went into iraq, finished it up early, had the highest approval ratings of the time while the war was ongoing, and then in a 2 year span after the war, the economy went to shit, his approval ratings went down and he lost.

at the time of the re-election for junior, the war was the biggest story, and although there was negative press about the prison scandal, that was probably not foreseeable with bush at the time he orginially declared. Most importantly, how many people chose bush over kerry because bush was a better "War" president - remember the whole "flip flop" issue protracted over the Iraq background. That had a MUCH larger impact than the prison scandal, the reality is most americans could give a fuck how we treat foreign prisoners.

Under a microscope the prison scandal was bad, but from a macro perspective, the war helped him win the election. He created a situation where the country needed him to stay in power because we were in the middle of something - and thats exactly how the republican party played it off. The real question is, do I think bush & co. are that deceiving and self-centered as to declare a war in order to benefit themselves. The answer is.. not fully, but I'm sure it factored in somewhat :) i would say my logic of this situation is right in line with his decision to allow arab ownership of our ports.

03-17-2006, 03:37 AM
As far as the economy, you agree that is is doing well, yet polls say Bush has only 36% approval on economy. So who is wrong? YOU or the Polls?

no one is wrong. theres a difference between asking the question "how is the economy doing lately" and "do you approve of bush's fiscal policy?" with bush's spending, the economy SHOULD be doing well. that doesn't mean its going to bite us in the ass down the road. and for the record, i dont think is fiscal policy his anything out of the ordinary (but we cannot continue to spend as we have done, an adjustment needs to be made), my major beefs have to do with his foreign policies, and a good portion of his domestic policies. i dont hate everything bush, unlike some people i know when it comes to "democrats" aka people who are anti-bush. i still think he is one of the worst presidents ever.

03-17-2006, 06:53 AM
the sad part is that I really don't think we are going to have many solid presidents anymore. This country is becoming the joke of the world, and so are the people trying to run it

Mike AI
03-17-2006, 08:42 AM
the sad part is that I really don't think we are going to have many solid presidents anymore. This country is becoming the joke of the world, and so are the people trying to run it

But yet we still continue to lead the world in every major category. Who is this country a joke to? The French? Australians? Nigerians? Russians? Chinese? Indians? Canadians?

I agree, our country has many problems, but lets face it - our competiton is pretty damn lame.... Many times I think the US is superior by default because everyone else sucks MORE.

03-17-2006, 09:33 AM
But yet we still continue to lead the world in every major category. I don't think thats true, As the Chinese rule in tecnology. Giving this country alot of all of it products for a proper price, as they sit quietly & watch. "Yup, The mink shall inheret the earth".Who is this country a joke to? The French? Australians? Nigerians? Russians? Chinese? Indians? Canadians? Abolutely! being a person that as traveled alot in this world, I've gotten to see the point of views 'From an outside point of view". YES, other Countries considere us a joke.

I agree, our country has many problems, but lets face it - our competiton is pretty damn lame.... Many times I think the US is superior by default because everyone else sucks MORE. Our competition is lame because if another country begins to grow in any shape, way or form, The U.S.A either takes them over, or cuts a ridiculious offer with them. If they don't agree, then 'CRUNCH" they're pushed back down.

Why do you think the Chinese fill our homes with color T.V.s, Computers, and other top of the line techology, & are buying up major real estate in this country, while they sit "very hush,hush' & just watch.
Hmmmm, So who's the superior one again..?????

Americans are pretty much blinded by whats acually happening around them in "they're so called world", because they are to busy with the hussle & bussle of dealing with they're everyday problems & issues. And keeped blinded by the bought out presses.

So just remember that when your children or grankids are doing this::wnw:
To the New World Power, that sits very quietly for now.

03-17-2006, 04:29 PM
But yet we still continue to lead the world in every major category. Who is this country a joke to? The French? Australians? Nigerians? Russians? Chinese? Indians? Canadians?

I agree, our country has many problems, but lets face it - our competiton is pretty damn lame.... Many times I think the US is superior by default because everyone else sucks MORE.

well, to me it depends on what you are trying to lead the world in....if you are talking money, power, guns etc...then yes, we are ahead. But if you are talking about humanity and intelligent decisions, I don't think we are very far above anything.

All in all though, you are right, we live in a damn good country and I am glad that I do live here. I look around and I see other countries who have men raping babies, females aren't treated like humans, etc....hell, in some countries me just sitting here on my computer working with pornographic images is a crime punishable by death

so yes, I am glad I live here in America....I just wish we could get our ass in gear

at the end of the day, it isn't about money or power for me, it is about the love for your fellow human and how you showed that love...and our present administration has not showed they have love for our fellow human