View Full Version : Porn company willing to pay $3m for Colin Farrell sex tape?

Mike AI
03-15-2006, 03:34 PM

03-15-2006, 03:55 PM
Hmmm.. I'm not sure a male celebrity is worth paying huge bucks over. Female celebs of some note I have no doubt.. not sure about a male celeb. I know I could give a flying fuck about seeing him in a sex tape.

03-15-2006, 03:57 PM
For 3mil, he better show up at my house for 6 months, naked. And ready to paint ;)

03-15-2006, 06:14 PM
they havent paid a dime, and they are already getting publicity.

03-15-2006, 06:22 PM
they havent paid a dime, and they are already getting publicity.


Mike AI
03-15-2006, 07:36 PM
they havent paid a dime, and they are already getting publicity.

KB must be involved.

This publicity does not lead to $$$. If this video gets out, publicity will not be the problem.

03-15-2006, 08:31 PM
Celeb videos make money for a long, long, time..


03-15-2006, 10:23 PM
For 3mil, he better show up at my house for 6 months, naked. And ready to paint ;)

He could hold the paint brush with it ... it really is quite ... *ahem* ... large!

03-15-2006, 11:35 PM
someone here should fuck with KB and put out press releases that they are offering 6 million and say KB is not serious and just looking for PR.

03-15-2006, 11:52 PM
send this out to the publicists please.


Contact: Anyone that is not a middle aged jewish guy trying to convince everyone he is actually a pimp.

Oprano adult webmaster forum has officially upped the ante on the now famous and long awaited Colin Farrel sex tape and officially offered 6 million Dollars today. "Kevin Blatt has claimed to have offered 3 million for the tape but the truth is that this guy is nothing but a tubby, middle aged, jewish wigger from Orange County who can't hold a job and is not even employable as a as a jiz mopper. Lucky for him, his brother and fellow wigger wanna-be "D$" babysits him and follows him around sticking up for him which is the only reason he is not blowing johns on Hollywood BLVD for free sandwiches and a place to sleep", said long time Oprano forum member JR. Kevin goes by the unfortuneate message board nickname "KBizzle" is well known in the industry, not only for his nomadic and term limited employment history, but for continual hoaxes and fake announcements seeking only to draw attention to himself.

We here at oprano.com are as confident in our offer being the highest, legitimate bid as we are that KB is full of shit.

For information visit: http://www.oprano.com or
Contact: sales@oprano.com

Mike AI
03-16-2006, 12:51 AM
send this out to the publicists please.


Contact: Anyone that is not a middle aged jewish guy trying to convince everyone he is actually a pimp.

Oprano adult webmaster forum has officially upped the ante on the now famous and long awaited Colin Farrel sex tape and officially offered 6 million Dollars today. "Kevin Blatt has claimed to have offered 3 million for the tape but the truth is that this guy is nothing but a tubby, middle aged, jewish wigger from Orange County who can't hold a job and is not even employable as a as a jiz mopper. Lucky for him, his brother and fellow wigger wanna-be "D$" babysits him and follows him around sticking up for him which is the only reason he is not blowing johns on Hollywood BLVD for free sandwiches and a place to sleep", said long time Oprano forum member JR. Kevin goes by the unfortuneate message board nickname "KBizzle" is well known in the industry, not only for his nomadic and term limited employment history, but for continual hoaxes and fake announcements seeking only to draw attention to himself.

We here at oprano.com are as confident in our offer being the highest, legitimate bid as we are that KB is full of shit.

For information visit: http://www.oprano.com (http://www.oprano.com/) or
Contact: sales@oprano.com

JR thanks for bringing a little bit of joyto my life!!


03-16-2006, 01:38 AM


03-16-2006, 02:50 AM
JR is a wittle grumpums today. :worthy01:

03-16-2006, 09:37 AM
KB is one of the few people who's been in the business longer than me and has less money than I have.