View Full Version : On the cusp of March Madness!!!

03-14-2006, 03:57 PM
I'm ready to become one with the couch and watch enough hours of bball to numb my mind.

Anyone have a favorite for taking the whole thing? I'm a Krzyzewski fan, so a Duke win wouldn't upset me. I was hoping to see Knight and Texas Tech in it, but alas, they sucked this year.

03-14-2006, 04:35 PM
A woman who like March Madness? Do you enjoy football and baseball too? If so will you marry me? ;)

03-14-2006, 07:20 PM
A woman who like March Madness? Do you enjoy football and baseball too? If so will you marry me? ;)

In the height of my glory...when I had a real job, and actually did not work on Sundays...counting pre and post game shows, I would watch about 13 hours of football each Sunday.

Loved the Braves until they traded my 2nd baseman some years back. But I'm not into fence jumping, so I still call them my team.

Marriage, no, but living in unbridled sin might be doable. ;)