View Full Version : Some changes at paycom?

03-11-2006, 12:19 PM
sounds to me like these guys are making some good moves, nd I am excited to see what comes from it .


congratulations to all involved. :okthumb:

Rand can you give us any indication on what manufacturing will have to do with the new direction of the company ?

03-11-2006, 01:30 PM
Kimmy Kim says Chris Mallick was fired.

Hell Puppy
03-11-2006, 04:07 PM
Always makes me edgy when here's a major change at the big 2....

There aren't enough good processing options out there, and without a way to ring the cash register, we're all out of business.

IMO, Joel and Clay are the ones that made it work. Back in the day it was pretty common to deal with them directly, clay in particular, when you had unusual needs especially. Great guys.

From the outside looking in, I think they are the ones who kept the company from tanking in the late 90's when they went thru all of the merchant account problems. When that has happened to other companies, they folded up and died or ended up on life support. Epoch became much stronger for it. I respect that.

However, they're a larger company now and lots of highly capable people in place doing the day to day work for years now. So hopefully all will be fine.

Still makes me nervous.

03-13-2006, 12:56 PM
Hey guys,

I can understand why people get nervous given the history of processing companies over the past few years. Being a billing company is a lot more complex than most people realize. But, we've been doing this for nearly a decade now, we've been through the growing pains and learning curves, we've weathered many storms, we've grown, we've survived, and we have flourished.

A lot of people depend on their billing company working the way it supposed to. That means a lot more than just 24/7/365 uptime. Granted it takes several people to do the work that Clay once did, but Clay is a man of many interests and he's delegated his duties at Paycom to very capable hands who've already been doing these tasks (with Clay's oversight) for the past couple of years. Clay now has the freedom to pursue other ventures and dedicate his time to other interests. I miss seeing him every day, but he's still very much involved in Epoch's strategy and direction. He's still an owner in the company. And he's still a very good friend.

Oh... and his new manufacturing company has nothing to do with processing or the adult biz. ;-)


03-13-2006, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the reply rand. I'm sure the folks here at oprano appreciate it. :)

03-13-2006, 02:44 PM
Back in the day I know Clay worked with several of us one on one. I wish him luck in whatever he is persuing in the future.

Maybe he can do some consulting with Ibill to show them how to make things right with their clients. They arent very good at this.

03-14-2006, 06:12 AM
anyone got the scoop on the new direction they will take the adult industry bit?

03-14-2006, 10:36 AM
since by their own admission, visa's last set of rules were created to drive IPSP's out of existence, i would not be too optimistic that they are going to lead the biz anywhere.


03-14-2006, 12:22 PM
since by their own admission, visa's last set of rules were created to drive IPSP's out of existence, i would not be too optimistic that they are going to lead the biz anywhere.


Do you have a place where I could see this statement? I'd be interested in reading how Visa said that and their plans for accomplishing it.

03-14-2006, 08:59 PM
Do you have a place where I could see this statement? I'd be interested in reading how Visa said that and their plans for accomplishing it.

he said exactly that when visa announced their new rules.. then ccbill, ibill, epoch etc all posted their interpretations of the rules. in fact, i believe Rand was the only one to characterize it that way... i.e. saying that visa did not want them around. it stuck with me because it struck me as an extremely odd way to say "hey guys, everything is ok". i believe he said it here, so you can search for that announcement.

(now hoping to God my memory is not failing me)